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Offline Tooth
Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:08 pm Post 
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Hey world :dag:

Today, (4.09), Me, Joske, Joep and BMW thought, we could put together our own endurance racing team into events such as : IGTC, GT2 Endu etc..

Will that idea work? And who will be driving, who will be organiser and who will rally together all the drivers?

Leave a reply, if it should work than why, and who you suggest as drivers :)

T.Lomp :respect:

Offline Dave
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Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:53 am Post 
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GT2 maybe... But IGTC is way too high to begin with I'm afraid.

I also heard a recommendation to start with ATC league

If you want to be involved in league racing.

Offline BMW-gek
Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:21 am Post 
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Offline Tooth
Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:38 am Post 
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GT2 maybe... But IGTC is way too high to begin with I'm afraid.

That's what i said / thought.

But Dave, you dont want to join in? We should ask all our team members, who whould like to join in that massive adventure. Why not?!


Offline Speedy J
Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:51 am Post 
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Tooth wrote:
Why not?!

Uhm perhaps because my skills are not very well yet. Maybe next year I might -just might - stand a chance (f)

Offline -Joske-
Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:20 am Post 
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Offline Tooth
Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:03 pm Post 
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Joske, count me in at FZR AND FXR. Dont really know how to drive FXR but i think it will be a doddle..

And to you, Joep - I think i speak in behalf of most of us - we race for fun. We like to test our ability's as a driver, discover our bounderies. Not about winning. I dont care about it, ASLONG we have fun and great experience along the way. As i've said before: "Practice makes perfect"

And the racing team idea is good, good. Do have 1 little complaint, what i tryed to make yesterday. Lets start off little, than join the big game? (A)

T.Lomp :respect:

Offline Speedy J
Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:32 pm Post 
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Tooth wrote:
discover our bounderies

Oh yes I am very good in finding my bounderies, especiallly crossing them :lol:

ICGT would really be to far away for me, some other endurance thats not that big of an event would be nice :yes:

Offline -Joske-
Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:41 pm Post 
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6 drivers because not everbody has time to race.. Work, birthday party etc... I think from the 6 drivers are there just 2 of 3 the have time to race for a few hours.. But maby we can make a CG Trainings server. And than we can practise there and make a choice how is drive that race.

Offline Dave
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Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:29 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
Uhm perhaps because my skills are not very well yet.

Not only your skills but your laptop is not capable for racing. FPS of 25 and lower is very bad... You can't race / react properly with that garbage (sorry, it really is :oops: )

And why I'm not joining? Well, maybe I am, need to investigate where my personal life is going after the few more stormy weeks to come :wink:

Need to free up time for more serious race practicing. I'm improving on some tracks already though :thumb: :woop:

Offline Tooth
Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:39 pm Post 
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Need to free up time for more serious race practicing. I'm improving on some tracks already though

Well, that's good news. Everybody should try to improve with every single car. I've seen, alot of you drive FXR only - Try XRR or FZR. Try normal cars - XRT etc..
Try to get as much experience as you can.
Try drifting ( Improves control, when powersliding - hot tires, flat tire etc..)


Offline Sandeman
Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:22 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
Oh yes I am very good in finding my bounderies, especiallly crossing them :lol:

:lol: :yes:

Offline -Joske-
Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:25 pm Post 
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Hmmm nobody Endurance? Except T.Lomp and me. :\

Offline Sandeman
Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:48 pm Post 
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I'm glad if I can finish one whole (normal size) race..
Maybe in a couple of weeks months years decades when the kids are a bit less time consuming :[

Offline Dave
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Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:54 pm Post 
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-Joske- wrote:
Hmmm nobody Endurance? Except T.Lomp and me. :\

You didn't listen do you? :[

You must be -really good- to take part in league racing. :roll: :x

Especially endurance racing. You never did more then 30 laps I think?

I mean this friendly, but it's just very hard and you must be very trained.

Offline Speedy J
Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:08 pm Post 
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Sandeman wrote:
Maybe in a couple of weeks months years decades

:lol: :aai:

Offline Dave
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Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:11 pm Post 
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He does something wrong anyway. Just two children? I feel a weakness in the force :roll:

Offline Sandeman
Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:15 pm Post 
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Yeah, yeah :D
Let's say they are "demanding".. Somehow they got life draining temperament :lol:
It will get better... some day ;)

I hope :D

Offline Litro
Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:23 pm Post 
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How long endurance ? :huh:

Offline Dave
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Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:30 pm Post 
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Well.. IGTC is four hours (last race eight) ...

Offline ikinks
Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:26 am Post 
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Dang... I can't even sleep 8 hours at a time, let alone race.

So, to keep things in perspective, what's the start/finish ratio during normal and 'special days, double laps' races?

Offline BMW-gek
Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:14 am Post 
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Tooth wrote:
Well, that's good news. Everybody should try to improve with every single car. I've seen, alot of you drive FXR only - Try XRR or FZR. Try normal cars - XRT etc..
Try to get as much experience as you can.
Try drifting ( Improves control, when powersliding - hot tires, flat tire etc..)

Well, I'm racing the Xr2 now for a couple of weeks and getting the hang of it. Loving your setup and with some practice I can be better. The main cause off the crashes is the error from my head to my feet..... :P

-Joske- wrote:
Hmmm nobody Endurance? Except T.Lomp and me.

I would like, only I want some smaller endurance races. I don't have to patience to sit on my ass for 4 hours. And besides that, I don't have enough "sitting meat". :wink:

Offline Dave
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Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:52 pm Post 
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On-board IGTC .. ( DFGT wheel :thumb: )

Offline -Joske-
Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:04 pm Post 
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BMW-gek wrote:
I would like, only I want some smaller endurance races. I don't have to patience to sit on my ass for 4 hours.

You can drive 1 hour.. or 2 hours.. but not longer.. Is not good for the concentration. :)

Offline Litro
Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:32 pm Post 
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Yes, use take over and your car will drive another driver. :thumb:
When You are spectating press T of driver what You want to take over. Then that driver goes to pitstop and when pitstop finished press T of driver who wants to take over.

Offline BMW-gek
Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:18 am Post 
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-Joske- wrote:
You can drive 1 hour.. or 2 hours.. but not longer.. Is not good for the concentration.

Well, some practice for 1 � hours isn't the problem. We shall see what is possible.

And @ Litro :thumb:

Offline Tooth
Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:06 pm Post 
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Well, we could just make endurance days.. Like every other weekend.. That whould improve us as drivers and out endurance ablity. I'm not saying that everybody is perfect. We all must try to improve ourselves and in the immortal words of Joep
Oh yes I am very good in finding my bounderies, especiallly crossing them
we should find them and try to get to the limit, but not cross it. It takes time and dedication, but in all of us theres a little racedriver :devil: No need to rush, everybody, take your time. I'm not trying to say, you must race 24/7 - That whould be impossible and i'd looks such a dork - but if you mess up.. Just reset/go pits and start again. Or just rejoin the track :roll:

I hope to see you all more often in GTR server, and maybe, if everybody agree, make some endurance races (1 hour, 25 laps + pit etc..)

And, if you all scrap the GTR/GT2 idea, we can join ever smaller leagues - GT class and XFG,XRG, etc.

Offline Skagen
Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:16 pm Post 
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I'm game for GT2 and GT3, though, as I'm using mouse I only race FX2/FX3. In these leagues, is it possible to switch sets when switching drivers? Or is it the same set for the whole race?

Offline Dave
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Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:39 pm Post 
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When you pit you can adjust tire type, camber, pressure and wing angle but you can't switch from setup completely.

Wouldn't be realistic anyway, would it? ;)

Offline boothy
Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:37 pm Post 
Just to let you know, that IGTC finished last weekend. :wink:

However, the best league for you guys would be GTAL (a GT2 Amateur League) run by NDR, which should start October/November. It is for drivers who haven't done much, if any, IGTC/MoE races. The races are 3 hours long, with 2x 6 hour and a 12 hour finale. Also has Safety Cars, broadcasts, and full grids :thumb:

Don't be afraid to come on some of the practice servers for all these endurance events, ok we can't always share setups but we can give help and driving tips etc. Endurance racing however is a lot different to some sprint races on cargame, you need to be able to drive the car for an hour stint, and make the tyres last that long. :yes:

You use the same setup for the entire race, you normally don't adjust stuff in the F12 menu as if you have damage it repairs that as well. You can however change the stuff in F11 - need to change the arbs when you go from say 70% fuel to low fuel by the end of the stint.

But yes, it would be good to see more new people doing leagues :woop:

Offline -Joske-
Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:14 am Post 
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Amateur League? :devil: :wink:

Yeah the IGTC is finished, but there is a waiting list. Maby than we can drive in 2012 the IGTC.

But the GTAL is a good idea for the CG team to start endurance.. But first we most find drivers for the team. :wink:

Offline Dave
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Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:22 am Post 
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I received a suggestion to take a look at TDRT too. They are going to organize a league by themselves too.

Offline Joey
Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:33 am Post 
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Ow I would be interested in this :D

First lets see if I can still get the cars around the tracks!!!!

Offline Tooth
Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:27 pm Post 
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Well, we have an opportunity to race in GTAL.
I'd be in.. I'd like to get that 2-3 hour stints..
It will be good benchmark for us. We ( I ) will go race for fun, pleasure. Not for win. Winning is part of succeeding ;)
But let me know, who will be my companion, and can enyone find a link to the registration forum ;) :honger:


Offline Joey
Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:13 pm Post 
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From what I read it's not open for signups yet.

They are testing some new resctrictions.

Looks pretty good league, and there is about 30 teams driving. Sounds like good fun :D

Offline Speedy J
Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:52 pm Post 
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I am in. Well uhm if i may, and only fxr for now (f)

Offline marcromboy
Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:42 am Post 
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i'd like to drive for CG too :)

Offline Dave
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Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:17 am Post 
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Sounds good, sounds good.. But I never seen you on TeamSpeak? (
It is sort of a basic requirement :x

Offline marcromboy
Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:59 am Post 
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my mic isnt working :(

Offline Tooth
Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:19 pm Post 
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So, we can race. We got racers. We got the cars...
All we need is a challenge ;)
Post LFSForum threads here of potential cups, that we should (Or i should say "Dare") to enter ;)

Thanks lots,

T.Lomp :respect:

Offline Joey
Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:54 pm Post 
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Just found this

Its not enduro but its a begin maybe.

They have a test session tomorrow night doing WE1 in GT2.

I will go and check it out. Anyone wanna join me ?

See you there.

PS. Read the forum to figure out how to get there........

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