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Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue May 25, 2010 2:43 am Post 
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Install Teamspeak3
connect to (port 9987, its the default)
select the correct server channel




Offline Speedy J
Tue May 25, 2010 5:53 am Post 
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:D Cool!

(I think...)

Offline Speedy J
Tue May 25, 2010 6:40 am Post 
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One request for the Teamspeak users:

Please select a "Push to talk"- button!!!!!

It is very distracting to hear all the sounds people make who are connected; I prefer NOT to hear you burping, farting, eating chips, fighting with girlfriends, watching Oprah Winfrey, taking a shower while singing or anything else you do while racing :[ .

Thanks (f)

PS Since one of my kids played astronaut with my headset it is lost somewhere in the house and I will have to buy a new one first.... :nah:

Offline ekspanzi
Tue May 25, 2010 8:18 am Post 
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yeey.. i gotta sing one of my favs..first few hardcore drinks to lose the stage fright and then its rammstein concert or something! :wine: :thumb:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue May 25, 2010 8:49 am Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
Please select a "Push to talk"- button!!!!!

It is very distracting to hear all the sounds people make

Good suggestion.

I think I just enforced to use that option :D

Offline Joey
Tue May 25, 2010 12:10 pm Post 
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I will try it out later. Last time I used TS when playing a game it screwed my mic up while i was in game.

Maybe need to try a reinstall or something.

Offline Sandeman
Tue May 25, 2010 12:59 pm Post 
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Hmm... Would like to yell: "Tief nou eens ohoooooop!!".
But I don't have a headset, so... :(

Offline Joey
Tue May 25, 2010 1:46 pm Post 
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You know that u can buy these funny things in shops ??

And they are not even expensive, you can get some for 10 euro. Ok it's not top

quallity but it will work.

Offline Sandeman
Tue May 25, 2010 1:55 pm Post 
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Really? :o :D

I'll think about it, don't really see the added value of teamspeak, but maybe i'm just oldfashioned ;)

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue May 25, 2010 4:52 pm Post 
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Me neither but people can't say anymore that we don't have TeamSpeak, so...

It's just to give a full gaming solution experience thing blabla. :roll: :lol:

Offline Sandeman
Tue May 25, 2010 5:33 pm Post 
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Maaaaan, you should get into marketing :D

Reminds me of a "quote" by George Carlin (yes, he rules BIG time (euhm.. ruled, passed away recently :())

This is called advertising lullaby. Keeping in mind of course, the whole purpose of advertising is to lull you to sleep.
Quality, value, style, service, selection, convenience, economy, savings, performance, experience, hospitality, low-rates, friendly service, name brands, easy terms, affordable prices, money back guarantee, free installation, free admission, free appraisal, free alterations, free delivery, free estimates, free home trail and free parking.No cash? No problem, no kidding, no fuss, no muss, no risk, no obligation, no red tape, no down payment, no entry fee, no hidden charges, no purchase necessary, no one will call on you, no payments and no interest until September.Limited time only, act now, order today, send no money, offer good while supplies last, two to a customer, each item sold separately, batteries not included, mileage may vary, all sales are final, allow six weeks for delivery, some items not available, some assembly required, and some restrictions may apply.
Come on in for a free demonstration and free consultation with our friendly professional staff. Our experienced and knowledgeable sales representative will help you make a selection that’s just right for you and your budget. And say, don’t forget to pick up your free gift – a classic deluxe, custom-designer, luxury, prestige, high-quality, premium, select, gourmet, pocket pencil sharpener. And, it’s yours for the asking. No purchase necessary. It’s our way of saying thank you. And, if you act now, we’ll include an extra-added brief complimentary bonus gift. A classic, deluxe custom designer luxury, prestige, high quality, premium, select, gourmet, combination key-ring, magnifying glass and garden hose, in a genuine, imitation, leather-style carrying case with authentic vinyl trim. It’s yours for the asking, no purchase necessary. It’s our way of saying thank you.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue May 25, 2010 8:02 pm Post 
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Woohoo! New words :woop: :lol:

Offline Speedy J
Tue May 25, 2010 8:28 pm Post 
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Headset at "Action"-store (Holland), about 2,5 euro's....

Its good between admins to point out certain racers without showing them that they get attention because of a chat message....

Offline BMW-gek
Wed May 26, 2010 2:59 am Post 
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:roll: STFU and drive :woop: :coke:

(This is because I don't get it and don't know how to do it :P :wink: )

Offline Speedy J
Thu May 27, 2010 5:58 am Post 
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Installed teamspeak yesterday and John Hilton helped me out setting a button on my wheel for push-to-talk. He can help you and even I can now :yes:

It's funny really, and besides of that I think I can motivatie you by saying that you do not want to miss the sweet sexy voice of John :lol:

Also Joey got it working, nice :thumb:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Thu May 27, 2010 10:49 am Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
Headset at "Action"-store (Holland), about 2,5 euro's....

Trashcan in five minutes, I've heard. :roll: :lol:

Offline Speedy J
Thu May 27, 2010 1:48 pm Post 
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Nope longer actually... when you dont break it in half like I did today :oops:

So now I bought a new one. A huge one :lol:

Offline Joey
Thu May 27, 2010 3:53 pm Post 
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Yeah I have used TS for about 6 years now and never had any problems.

Untill now........ Tried to fix it with Sexy John but no go. Gues its a complete reinstall of windows tonight......

Offline -Joske-
Fri May 28, 2010 12:49 pm Post 
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Team speak is verry funny.. :woop:

nl2dav, can you maby make a message that people use the race name.

Offline jahilton2002
Fri May 28, 2010 10:59 pm Post 
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Errrm thx for the compliments i guess :lol: (f)

now did you get on joey??? anyluck, might be a new usb headset purchase for you also LOL.

TS rocks, i just need to get used to everybodys voice now.... still not sure who's who.

just like to add (i think most have anyway). if you on a server and are using TS, add "TS" to the end of your name in blue. also try and have your ts user name the same as in lfs.

hope to be racing again soon, still lots of pc to fix still :cry: ..... but then a week off work :devil:

Offline jahilton2002
Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:06 am Post 
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the teamspeak server needs updating :( i can't connect to it after a teamspeak update :(

Offline jahilton2002
Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:46 pm Post 
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update done :)

Offline Dave
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Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:33 pm Post 
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Offline Litro
Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:03 pm Post 
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Can this thread made ''sticky''? I tried "Search", but it didn't helped. Now I found it manualy.

Offline Squelch
Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:57 pm Post 
Litro wrote:
Can this thread made ''sticky''? I tried "Search", but it didn't helped. Now I found it manualy.

Yes please. I knew it existed, but spent ages looking for it to get the details.

btw I found it this way.
google search: teamspeak

This method works well to search forums without their own search engine :thumb:

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