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Offline Dave
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Mon May 24, 2010 10:52 pm Post 
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EQ Worry, the maker of the InSim Airio which we use... Updated the InSim to support AIRW. That is an alternative to LFSW and it stores all WR's made while the InSim is running. It's strict so it's not easy to cut to set an AIRW WR. It also detects if you hit a car, or if you've been hit.

So... If you do make a good lap and set an AIRW record, it will be mentioned in chat and if you set a new WR with for example FX2, FZ2 or XR2, that time is the new time to break and it is also used for top lap / good lap calculation.

Because AIRW data / lap times still needs to be realized, a lot of WR's really are not WR's but just slow laps. So it's possible you will see a lot of top and good laps while they actually aren't. It's caused because the AIRW WR time of that restricted car is too slow.

In a matter of days that issue will be fixed because most of you GTR restricted drivers have set sharp enough WR's ...

The AIRW WR data is stored on the website but is not publicly available (yet).

Offline ekspanzi
Tue May 25, 2010 8:23 am Post 
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i never drove any of that restricted cars, class 5 sux.. everyone from nonrestricted run over you, everyone from lower class are drivin XFR.. u stuck in the middle driving by your own.. alone.. in the dark.. :lol:
anyway.. does that count as an different car from class6 in LFS experience?

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue May 25, 2010 8:54 am Post 
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Does what count?

Restricted GTR does not exist in LFS but the InSim recognizes it which is fine cause you get improvement points now also if you improve your PB with a restricted GTR and there is now a 'real' WR to attack and used for top/good lap calculation. It is a much better accepted class now.

Yesterday 5 restricted GTR's were driving, I don't think it's a lonely class anymore.

Besides, I'm going to scrap unrestricted GTR's from S2 sooner or later, I think.

Offline Speedy J
Tue May 25, 2010 8:32 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
Besides, I'm going to scrap unrestricted GTR's from S2 sooner or later, I think.

Yeah its a good concept. But for now... GTR server is not very crowded. If it's more crowded :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

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