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Offline Speedy J
Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:32 pm Post 
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I forgot to spectate after finishing a race and was in a hurry coz had to pick up my daughter from danceclass :oops:

My safety dropped 23% :[ :nah: :x :cry: :roll: :thumb_d: :angry: :fp: :fp: :fp: :fp:

Offline marcromboy
Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:51 pm Post 
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shame on you speedy :lol:

Offline -Joske-
Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:02 pm Post 
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23? :-? Youre automatic spectate after 10 or 15 sec.. That is maby 2 %...

Offline Tooth
Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:29 pm Post 
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:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
How 23% Did absolutely EVERYBODY crashed into you at high speed multiple times?! :[

Offline BMW-gek
Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:53 pm Post 
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Offline Speedy J
Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:39 pm Post 
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-Joske- wrote:
Youre automatic spectate after 10 or 15 sec..

Well I think that admins are not spectated automatically..... Only when race ends and you see the message "xxx did not finish", then spectation is done.... :cry:

Yes, stupid mistake..... :fp:

Offline Litro
Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:47 pm Post 
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Hm, you are super duper limad4. We are only limad2 mostly, we got spectated everytime :D

Offline Speedy J
Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:52 pm Post 
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Yeah just watched replay, wasnt spectated the whole race. Just stood there for more than 10 minutes and nobody cared about me ;(

Well the good news is nobody was crashed due to my absence. And thank you Whysoserious for putting me across finishline :aai:

Offline Dave
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Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:45 pm Post 
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Few rounds on Oval and it's fixed again.

Offline Xcite FireMike
Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:05 pm Post 
I think that safety rating is a bit too strong.
Even if I start out of pits (Midrace-Join), not full throttle, because I let pass the other racers, i'm causing yellow flag. :/

Offline Litro
Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:33 pm Post 
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Thats nothing at all, it causes yellow flags even where drivers are on otherside of the track :lol: For example Westhill - left pits when drivers are on 3rd sector. And on Aston rev too I think - drivers are somewhere near 1st split when you are on other location close = yellow flag again. :lol:

Offline Dave
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Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:51 am Post 
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Yellow flag is generated by LFS, not Airio. Airio only triggers on it.

I only know two or three situations though where the yellow flag situations are falsely reported. Those situations are blacklisted @Airio (gets ignored).

Offline Speedy J
Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:13 am Post 
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I only know two or three situations though where the yellow flag situations are falsely reported.

Well I got a new situation for you. It is called Speedy J. Still pissed off about this :nah: :lol:

Offline Litro
Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:16 am Post 
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Oh, forgot about Fernbay - if you stay under bridge = yellow flag if someone is on the bridge. Coz theoretically it is possible to fly on the bridge 8)

Offline Speedy J
Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:13 pm Post 
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(stupid safety system..... :lol: )

Offline Dave
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Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:29 pm Post 
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Litro wrote:
Coz theoretically it is possible to fly on the bridge 8)

I don't know what this video is trying to prove but I don't see a yellow flag alert :roll:

Offline Litro
Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:52 pm Post 
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OK, not in LFS, but on Airio. :wink: That white - You have caused yellow flag...

Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:40 am Post 
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sorry to bump old thread but,
its true.. insim does react when youre under / over the bridge.. on cruise servers i collected coins from underneath the bridge while being on the bridge. i have also witnessed yellows this way,thinking,wheres the car... its a very narrow place i think. but its there.

(where does your shadow from the car go when on bridge...under it.

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:39 am Post 
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LFS has no knowledge of heights. Its just not there. X,Y but no Z.

This whole yellow flag safety penalty system is going to change anyway because we (EQ and me) made it very clear to Scawen that some car crash detection would be the ultimate tool to penalize the correct crashing car.

This wish is going to be fulfilled in the next patch update and is one of the most important things of the whole patch in my eyes.

If it's working correctly we don't need this trigger on yellow flag at all anymore.

Offline BMW-gek
Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:06 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
This whole yellow flag safety penalty system is going to change anyway because we (EQ and me) made it very clear to Scawen that some car crash detection would be the ultimate tool to penalize the correct crashing car.

Automatically drive thru penalty? :o

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:23 am Post 
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Hmmno .. Same safety rating system but based on detected CarContact (as Scawen called it) and not on the production of yellow flags except when you are standing still. There are acceleration and angles available in the new patch which would it make possible to determine who caused a crash.

I asked also to add pedal information to this data. It makes it possible to detect if somebody brakes too early (on purpose) for example. You cannot always say that someone braked too early on only the deceleration detection because the deceleration can be caused by something else other then braking.

I also want to know if people lift gas during yellow flag situations. At this moment most people just ram through everything when yellow is raised. Which is OK, unless you crash into someone :duh:

For the people who understand this matter and want to read more about it; ... ost1577904

Offline Nick7
Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:52 am Post 
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Sounds interesting... I'm just still worried that wrong car might be penalized.

But, does this mean that going off track/spinning/hitting wall, etc will not be penalized, as long as you do not cause someone else to crash/hit/etc...?

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:08 pm Post 
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Thats the intention yes.

Offline Tooth
Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:51 pm Post 
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Correct me, if im wrong, but that whould make ADMIN work really, really easy. You just have to watch the tape and diagrams to determine who caused the crash, and if system fails - Meh, you get the point :)

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:05 pm Post 
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Unfortunately I don't think it will be that easy, but its a start. There is no live data available now so there is no beginning.

Offline Skagen
Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:36 pm Post 
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I asked also to add pedal information to this data. It makes it possible to detect if somebody brakes too early (on purpose) for example. You cannot always say that someone braked too early on only the deceleration detection because the deceleration can be caused by something else other then braking.

I know this is just an example you stated, but wont it be too simple?
Say, there is an incident up ahead, and you have to do a little hard braking before the normal braking point to avoid beeing part of the incident yourself. However, the moron behind you is only paying attention to what is going on the first 5 meters infront of him, and he therefor is completly suprised by your "unexpected" braking. This off course results in him rearending you, and a penality for a action you took with intentions of safe racing.

Offline boothy
Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:29 pm Post 
You could always just do it like iRacing, and treat collisions as a no-fault thing, and both would get 4x incident points (there's also 0x for slight contact), or maybe add a 2x as well.

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:50 pm Post 
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Skagen wrote:
However, the moron behind you is only paying attention to what is going on the first 5 meters infront of him

Yes, there are a lot of different situations possible where the system does fail but I'm sure that with enough data a lot of this can be fixed. We just need to see what happens during real racing in the future.

boothy wrote:
and both would get

Also possible, I really cannot foresee how things are going to develop at this stage :D

What I do know is that the yellow flag thing was the only tool to detect crashers / bad drivers and now more tools will be available. Which is always good :P

Offline gandlers
Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:45 am Post 
It is so frustrating to loose safety rating because you slow down to avoid the mass pileup occuring in front of you only to be slammed in the rear by some fool who doesn't show the same consideration.
They make the crash worse and drive straight through the carnage on full throttle while inocent victims get yellow flags after being spun out. Anything to improve this situation would be more than welcomed.

Any plans to issue penalties for cutting pit lane and overtaking under yellow flags aswell?
A lot of people either don't know the flag rules or just choose to ignore them. Nothing like and automatic DT penalty or similar to help people learn :thumb:

Offline Skagen
Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:21 am Post 
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One reason why some racers are doing that, is because of the current system, flooring it and praying you get through the pile up in one piece is statistically the best thing you can do for your own safety rating.
If you slow down, you will cause the flag in 100% of the times. If you floor it, you might survive some incidents here and there without slowing down, and thus you cause the yellow flag only in, say, 80% of the times.

Others I'd guess do this because of plain foolishness. :[

Offline Litro
Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:06 pm Post 
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Whata ? Only came out from pits and bam - You have caused a yellow flag. Chapman was behind me in pits, maybe that gives this absurd yellow flag ?

Offline marcromboy
Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:19 pm Post 
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if you leave the pits on We1 it always causes yellow flag because you're slower and directly on the race path.

Offline Litro
Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:21 pm Post 
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But it shouldn't be like that, because he was behind me in pits. Other driver came from last turn, but that is absurd too, because it's far away from me. :lol:

Offline Skagen
Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:47 pm Post 
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I don't think the game takes into consideration the speed of the player behind you, and/or if he just left the pits. Nothing to do about it, really. Hopefully the new patch will also make available more data through InSim, so that Airio can make up its own mind about safety rating rather than relying on the yellow flags ingame. :)

Offline Dave
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Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:03 pm Post 
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Litro wrote:
but that is absurd too,

Eeh blame Scawen, still a lot of people seem to forget that LFS is producing the yellow flags, not an InSim.

gandlers wrote:
to help people learn

Help people learn and fun, it's a thin line which must be carefully balanced out. I don't know yet, you are talking about stricter regulations I'm more of improving the current regulations at this stage.

Offline Litro
Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:39 pm Post 
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Eeh blame Scawen, still a lot of people seem to forget that LFS is producing the yellow flags, not an InSim.

Airio yellow flag is showing up before real Yellow flag, right ? I didn't saw that for them shown any yellow flag.
Edit: Now I drove UFB on AS4R and got yellow flags in strights(3 yellow flags for nothing). That's for every track with UFB, because LFS only recognize UFR on track ? Or maybe that's based on current WR(default 110 % of WR without intake restrictions, if i'm right) lap time/path etc ? Just want to know, how this stuff works.

Offline Dave
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Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:03 pm Post 
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No its because of a track bug which also exists in BL1R. All other tracks don't have this problem (it's affecting GT2 as well). The minimum speed limit is set too low on certain parts of those tracks. Tracks are divided into so called nodes, every node has it's own minimum speed for every car.

And yes, the restriction does not help in this case. And because the UFB has quite an high restriction, it's easily being seen as too slow :/

Litro wrote:
Airio yellow flag is showing up before real Yellow flag, right ?

I don't believe that. Airio is being triggered by a LFS InSim signal. The same yellow flag signal which can be seen on remote.

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