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Offline Skagen
Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:55 pm Post 
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I've been working on a layout for a super long KY3/KY2R-ish track:

I think it is the longest possible layout without having ridiculous narrow roads, or having the route cross itself.
The northern oval parts had to be split in two using the infamous barriers (which in patch Z30 is alot better):

With GT2, the speed into the oval turn is low enough to take the inner pit-road without trouble. I also think it is faster than going onto the outer banked turn.
All though the lanes do get quite narrow for high speed racing, I've added three speed traps to keep the speeds through these parts down. It also makes the otherwise flat-out straights more interesting.

The first trap right before where the chicane is on KY3:

The second and third trap is done so:

I did alot of testing, and found out a bunch of tyres are better than barriers, as they still can be buggy if you hit them at odd angles (i.e straight onto the ends of the barriers). Adding tyres to "mask up" the ends of the barriers didn't work either.
After the second trap, it's onto the good old KY2R which hasn't anything added. KY2R reconnects back to the oval at a 180 degree hairpin:

After the 180, and through the third speed trap, it's yet another hairpin:

And then it's normal KY3 to the start/finishing line.
Not sure if this layout will work on a public server such as the S2 server. The barriers are alot better in Z30, but still not perfect. And the speed traps can be dangerous for racers taking unnecessary chances and not giving their competitors much room, as often seen on the S2 server.
But I absolutely would love to race GT2 with this layout. I really hope it's possible to give it a shot on the Z30 server some time.

There's just some minor things to take care of, and then I'll post the layout file here. :)

Offline Tooth
Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:09 pm Post 
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Post it. Maybe someone from team can make private server, so we can do our own like.. Sprint / endu race on it. Individual. It whould be quite good :)

Offline Dave
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Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:00 pm Post 
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Skagen wrote:
Not sure if this layout will work on a public server such as the S2 server. The barriers are alot better in Z30, but still not perfect. And the speed traps can be dangerous for racers taking unnecessary chances and not giving their competitors much room, as often seen on the S2 server.

I'm not concerned about crashes.

FPS is a problem and I want to take a good look at that before we jump into the open track river. Visited the NDR server this evening to check that out and at a full grid it dropped to 50-60fps. Which, is not bad but I do not have a low end system. Unfortunately there are A LOT of racers which use underpowered graphic chips.

There is no Airio support anyway yet and without a good timing system I think these layouts are a bit pointless to drive.

Offline gandlers
Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:27 pm Post 
Nice work Skagen :thumb:

I have trouble rememebering what comes next on KY2 or KY3 TBH so the chances of me not wrecking my car on lap 1 are pretty slim :-?

Offline sermilan
Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:36 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
There is no Airio support anyway yet ...

We tested an Aston layout last night and were able to connect airio which worked perfectly fine with it.

Also, here is the thread with similar layout, maybe to get some ideas... you can use KY2 pitlane instead of spliting the track (if you aren't already using it).
The traps look too dangerous to me... maybe without those tires that stand alone, those not combined with hey stacks?

But great work, in general, really great idea!! :thumb: :respect:

Hope you don't mind me commenting on it :x ... after all, you put it in the public section :)

Offline marcromboy
Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:43 pm Post 
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do you mind sharing this at least with me, so i can edit out some thoughts of mine :thumb:

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:57 am Post 
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sermilan wrote:
We tested an Aston layout last night and were able to connect airio which worked perfectly fine with it.

No it doesn't ;)

There are no split timings, no off track detection and there is no AIRW WR support. Therefore no good laps to be made and probably some other problems I didn't even think of yet.

Also safety rating does not work because of the absence of yellow flags.

Blue flags? Not there.

You only can drive laps, set a time and it gets recorded in top. No matter what. If you cut half the track than it's also fine. Basically it's useless. Together with this FPS drop I don't even know if this opentrack thing is a good development for the racing community.

Like I said, I watched how things we're going @NDR with a full grid and it was pretty dramatic. Enormous amount of crashes, big frame drops during start and T1 (and I have a middle class GPU). Big collection of racers who call themselves pro who doesn't seem to care at all. And there is no reliable time registration or safety system. Woohoo, what an enjoyment, opentrack :fp:

It's good to see some sleeping racers back though, but I'm afraid it's only temporarily.

Offline sermilan
Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:59 am Post 
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Yeah... the timing worked, but no flags and stuff... it did record splits though. Actually we were not testing any other feature but the track itself and brought airio to measure split and lap times.

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:19 am Post 
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Well.. Measure.. It ain't any good if it cannot detect cutting.

And with this road sharing into both directions I'm afraid thats going to be a though job.

(which brings me to another thing, open track currently has no wrong way driving detection either).

Offline inuam
Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:44 am Post wrote:
Woohoo, what an enjoyment, opentrack :fp:

IMO this is what LFS is all about. Pure racing without silly points systems. Good racing never gets boring.

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:49 am Post 
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Who talked about point systems here?

Offline sermilan
Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:50 am Post 
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As I understood, while making a layout one has to determine the direction by which the time is measured. If passed in the opposite way, no lap nor sector time will be recorded.

As for cutting, I made the layout in such a way that it just couldn't be cut :wink:
Here's the replay, and here is the layout

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:54 am Post 
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I don't have to watch the replay to see an enormous cut @hairpin. Do you think a few hay bales going to prevent people from cutting?

And I think I can find a whole lot of other points, but I don't want to specify that right now. Loss of time :x

Don't want to be negative guys but running a track environment with loads of people is not as easy as it looks ;)

Offline sermilan
Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:04 am Post 
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I don't have to watch the replay to see an enormous cut @hairpin

Which one, the one in 1st sector (the original, not modified one)?
There is a time penalty that "system" itself gives when hitting objects or going off the track, though :wink:

this is the right layout from the replay

Offline Litro
Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:06 am Post 
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Even barriers can't stop some peoples from cutting... :lol:

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:15 am Post 
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This one;

It's all solvable with more barriers but you can also drive on the oval 'pit section' without timing being invalidated for example. Without a "path" it's not usable.

And what is a path? This is a path; ... 1303494298

It's used by Airio to detect if you are on the track or not. ... ost1582550

sermilan wrote:
There is a time penalty that "system" itself gives when hitting objects or going off the track, though :wink:

Ehhrrm oh? Since when?

Offline sermilan
Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:47 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
Ehhrrm oh? Since when?

Notice the red 2 sec penalty up on the right corner of the screen
Here's the replay, watch the end of my 2nd lap when I hit objects and then again middle of the 3rd lap.

same replay on another file host server (the above is "temporarily unavailable")

Offline Dave
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Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:29 am Post 
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sermilan wrote:
Notice the red 2 sec penalty up on the right corner of the screen

Hmm interesting..

Offline Litro
Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:37 am Post 
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Every moveable object = 2 sec penalty. Layout racing.
Edit : I see that something is going on on airio stats
Check track options (A11,A11R,A21,etc.) :o

Offline Skagen
Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:34 pm Post 
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Is it possible to make custom paths? :o

I thought about using the KY2 pit to give more space. But the entrance into the pit is only one car wide with grass to the right. :/

Offline marcromboy
Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:29 pm Post 
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Skagen wrote:
Is it possible to make custom paths? :o

i believe so, yes. because EQWorry already made some of them for Aston

Offline sermilan
Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:57 pm Post 
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Skagen wrote:
I thought about using the KY2 pit to give more space. But the entrance into the pit is only one car wide with grass to the right.

Hmmm... you are right.
Here is how Eclipsed did it in his version of it:

When I tested it, didn't even realized it was that tight. I think it shouldn't pose much of a threat even if two cars go side by side there and one of them steps on grass, because right after that there is enough asphalt on the right to correct the car if necessary. This is just my opinion...

Maybe you put it online to test it? :)

it's not that tight as we thought :) , here's the screenshot of FO8 there:

Offline marcromboy
Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:08 pm Post 
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but if you go there at top speed the space is still very tight, as you cant go side by side there when having close battles. some people out there are not able to handle this tricky situations :D

Offline Litro
Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:17 pm Post 
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marcromboy wrote:
but if you go there at top speed the space is still very tight, as you cant go side by side there when having close battles. some people out there are not able to handle this tricky situations :D

There are a lot of turns where can't drive 2 cars side by side at top speed. :D Someone must use brakes or stop pushing throttle pedal. :wink:

Offline sermilan
Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:18 pm Post 
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marcromboy wrote:
but if you go there at top speed the space is still very tight, as you cant go side by side there when having close battles. some people out there are not able to handle this tricky situations :D

... then they shouldn't go side by side there :wink: . There is about 4 car widths on that spot and instead of the white line, a solid barrier may be introduced. Suggesting this only to see this layout improved and left much more space on oval part to race on.

Offline Ulmo
Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:02 pm Post 
would be a great idea to put a server with that :) - restricted to class4+ driver, without points, just for fun :)

in 2008 there is a server like that, and it was awesome :)

Offline Dave
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Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:28 pm Post 
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Ulmo wrote:
restricted to class4+ driver, without points,

restricted to class4+ without points?

I don't get that part. Points are part of the restriction at this moment?

Or do you mean XFR/UFR/GT2 and no points restriction but with !ex restriction or something?

Offline Jenk
Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:01 am Post 
I think he means no points earned/lost?

Offline Ulmo
Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:41 am Post 
restricted to class4+ without points?
I don't get that part. Points are part of the restriction at this moment?
Or do you mean XFR/UFR/GT2 and no points restriction but with !ex restriction or something?

Sorry that wasnt clear :
- Restricted Access : maybe class 3 or 4 minimum and a good safety (80/85%) , to prevent crashers or bad guys :p
- Same cars from the S2 server + GTR : the lenght of some tracks could permit that with a limited risk.
- Maybe no points earned and no safety lost ?

Offline Dave
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Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:08 am Post 
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Ulmo wrote:
- Same cars from the S2 server + GTR

No, I only have MRT+NGT/GT2 because I don't want Airio polluted that much with a lot of one time car records on so many layouts. At this moment.

Offline Skagen
Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:36 pm Post 
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Sorry for the delay, I have been without internet for a few days. But here are the lyts: - As illustrated in post #1. - Same as the GT layout, only without the speed traps, and no 180 degree hairpin where KY2 joins onto the oval part.

Enjoy, and Im interested in seeing what improvments you are able to make. :)

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