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Wed May 11, 2011 6:39 pm Post 
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Reg name kyllone
for harrasing me

for not using brakes and push me into others.

when lapped, revenge wrecking me. still harrasing.

i have to answer him and then get kicked by admin.. thanks .. i might find a better server if that is what you got cargame. i was there all damn day causing no trouble untill this guy shows.

im also one of the few ppl getting thru turn 1 without a scratch.. ffs :fp:

sure i shud have shift+s when i wrote.. sorry to all for that part..

and for cargame. i told you about my name would get some ppl dumb ideas about me already. that was the first i did here when i started.

plain stupid this.

attached replay: kyllone

kyllone 2.
the race before. yes i do hit kyllone. but not intentionally. which is obvious too as i actually would let him pass and get before me.. then another car slams into him, and i decide to go on..
it also shows i usually do shift+s . and also that theres alot of lag, and noobishness going on.. as a result to that. my safety went 15-20 points down..

and yes I SAVE ALL REPLAYS. link to rep : kyllone 2 as forums only hold size to 2mb.


@ speedy. thanks for a otherwise fun day. see you m8

Offline Speedy J
Wed May 11, 2011 8:16 pm Post 
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I cant open the rar coz my free zip-program expired :huh: :angry:

I guess nl2dav has kicked you. So I hope he will reply to your report.

Furthermore: today it was a big mess all around on the server. I don;t know why but I didnt even have time to do a proper race.

Mostly cargame server is pretty good Smokey :thumb:

Offline marcromboy
Wed May 11, 2011 8:23 pm Post 
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try 7zip, it never expires :D

Wed May 11, 2011 8:26 pm Post 
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[quote="Speedy J"][/quote]
i know. and the replay inquestion is attached here. the other is the race before. try down load a new winrar at winzip or 7zip should open rar files aswell

the replay attached is for the race where i got harrased. 2 guys tell me to be carefull. which i allways is. you should know that by now on cargame.

also fact that many noobed around today, why my car actually was destroyed in rep 2. why i misjudged my brake length.

i think its totally uncalled for what he do in rep 1. i do however understand the kick as i got annoyed and wrote while on track. so i DO understand the kick.

i want dave to know that part of it too.

but wrecking me for something he actually cause himself.. BAN i would say. because it is INTENTIONAL REVENGE WRECKING what he does.and furthermore, for something I didnt do in the first place?

i dont see replay is downloaded either : Kyllone.rar [1.67 MiB]
Not downloaded yet

Offline TEaaron
Thu May 12, 2011 2:07 am Post 
I think you lied when you said you don't like reporting people.

Offline xzu
Thu May 12, 2011 6:04 am Post 
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TEaaron wrote:
I think you lied when you said you don't like reporting people.


i dont see replay is downloaded either : Kyllone.rar [1.67 MiB]
Not downloaded yet

Can't seem to find anything but

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Thu May 12, 2011 3:41 pm Post 
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i have to answer him and then get kicked by admin.. thanks .. i might find a better server if that is what you got cargame.

You where standing still on the track, causing major problems. It's not a parking zone.

And I really got annoyed by all the people just doing stupid stuff.

Including you. Your car was facing forward so it was quite easy to go out of the way instead of just standing still.

The spectate command was too long due to your account name, thats why I also choose for a kick.

Fri May 13, 2011 2:37 am Post 
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i understand why you kicked dave. so i dont blame you. i probably would have done the same. its not that. i know i also was annoyed by all the crashing going on. think we all were. it was just a bad day. but still he has no right to blame me for something he caused himself. maybe because he thought it was me hitting him hard in rep 2. yes i do hit. but if you look at my laps and see how many times i got hit either by crashed cars or lag, theres a perfectly good explanation to why i misjudged my brake distance.i should think so T1 i alsmost certainly would have hit car infront why i eased the throttel in the turn under bridge. he shud have kept braking distance to me or at least tried to fiddle the brake a bit. in normal traffic,and races you keep distance to cars infront. if you hit them, its kinda self inflicted. in rep 2 he also goes to my right, in my blind spot. didnt see him at all. and i can post a pic of my view if you wish me to do so.

and im really not ALL people. i allways try to drive fair and are carefull. actually because i know ppl either try to hit me due to my name or due to fact i use kb, which is considered taboo in some communities. im really not that stupid. i had lfs since 2004. i shud think i know these things.and because a large part og lfs kb players cant control their cars doenst mean i cant. which i think i prooved alot lately on cargame breaking one pb after another on almost all tracks.dunno why i even bother with this. :fp: if this is a try to get me off cargame, just say so. i will.

Kyllone.rar [1.67 MiB]
Downloaded 3 times

its there in first post

TEaaron wrote:
I think you lied when you said you don't like reporting people

i dont actually. but look at the rep. maybe you see why.and i also consider the other post with m0glie solved. so no need for that. :zzz:

but kyllone,he had no reason to go on in next race. isnt that true?

Tue May 17, 2011 7:24 pm Post 
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hm.. just met kyllone on cruise server. guess hes watching now.. maybe admins here should too. :thumb_d: :yes: :o :fp: :[

Offline Kyll0ne
Tue May 17, 2011 7:40 pm Post 
Yes, Hello, May I say a word?

I know I was bit of a bad mood in that situation but in the first plase Bandit hit me, it wasnt my fault, it was his fault and he could just say "sorry" and the situation would be settled. I'm understanding that this guy is trying to get me a ban for saying him "learn to drive" ?!?! So umm... I'm alpologising Bandit that I said so, I could also say something else. Still, I havent got his apology for the crash.

I'm also pointing that he crashed one RB4 driver on time about 8:58 and also didnt apologise him too.

I've saying my opinion and let admis decide.

Once more, Im sorry for my language on game last week and now for this bad english. :-?

Offline Speedy J
Tue May 17, 2011 8:07 pm Post 
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Kyll0ne wrote:
Yes, Hello, May I say a word?

Sure you can and I am glad you do.

We don't like rude behavior. Racing is racing so it means there can and there will be accidents. We rather see conflicts being solved in the racechat to keep the atmosphere right. Crashing is never the anwer and will lead to problems (or reports :[ )

But talking about it in this forum is also a good solution.

I talked with Kyll0ne in teampeak about this matter and I believe this kind of stuff will not happen again. So I feel a ban is not necesary at his point.

Please guys, remember we are in LFS sharing races for fun. Let's keep it like that.

Thanks Bandit and Kyll0ne for reacting and apologies in this topic. Have good races guys (f)

Thu May 19, 2011 1:22 pm Post 
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Hi . i met kyllone at other server. and he wasnt aware (to my knowledge) of this report. well as you (speedy) and i talked about.. alot of dumb stuff happened that day. so i also consider it solved. and ofc sorry for the hit. but when youre behind someone, it IS your fault if you hit one from behind. that only means YOU didnt brake in time. i wanted to conclude that aswell. and for kyllone to know, im not having grudges. and i also do consider my racing fair. (except in the matter where i should have specced). i think its cool you came forward and wrote here. this solves it far more better. but the revenge wreck part is the reason why i posted it actually. i hope Kyllone will understand that. thank you Speedy J for keeping thread calm and kyllone for the reply.

considered solved from my part.

Wiz :coke:

Offline Speedy J
Thu May 19, 2011 4:05 pm Post 
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Good topic guys, this is the way :hug:

Offline Xone
Fri May 20, 2011 7:10 am Post 
... :hug: ...

Wed May 25, 2011 8:44 am Post 
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