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Offline troy
Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:00 pm Post 
mine -> ... _wreck.mpr
server ->

name: Dandy Dust
lap: 1
description: At first doesn't brake into T2 shoving some of us out of the way (I even make space because I see him flying towards me in my mirror already) then crashes straight into me in the next corner. Unacceptable behaviour if you ask me, I usually don't get angry but this really was the worst thing I saw since a long time.

Offline Tooth
Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:15 pm Post 
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I guess that block in T3 was for that.

T2 incident was purely a driver error, he was on full brake, even pulled the handbrake to get some stoppingpower. I cant tell, is it right to do anything or no. So i'll just leave it to "the higher power" :)

Hes normally quite fair racer, but as we all, he has a big desire to win (As you can clearly see). I know, that this kind of driving is quite dangerous and hazzard to all of us. I seriously cant take any actions. Speedy or Dave have to take an eye for it :)

T.Lomp :thumb:

Offline troy
Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:46 pm Post 
rofl, block? He wrecks straight into me without any intention to make the corner. Before that he is late on the brakes and completely misses the corner, if he wouldn't hit me he would just go straight into the grass. That is certainly not the normal braking marker he is using there, you can see it on all the other cars he is braking like 30m too late.

Offline Speedy J
Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:30 am Post 
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My two cents:

Dandy Dust knows very well how and when to brake. He is a veteran with quite impressive stats. However, we noticed before that he has a very short fuse and low patience towards other drivers. He was penalized last year for revenge wrecking (for which he still won't speak to me :fp: ) so he knows very well we do not tolerate that :nono: .

About Troy: very much appreciated driver in my eyes. Good skills and (what's more important to me) excellent attitude. I don't believe Troy blocked on purpose. I do believe Dandy Dust was frustrated about it and the result can appearantly be seen in the replay. Plus I don't take Troy is a person who reports for nothing or is dishonest about things. He gets hit a lot in the server and mostly doesn't complain, just rejoins after getting crashed by a noob.

PS I did not see the replays concerned (@work) so there might be a very tiny-piny chance that I am wrong about something. However I don't think I am far from the truth.

PPS I want to leave the consequences of this report to Dave. My suggestion would be a nice safety-drop on Dandy Dust.

PPS @Troy: did you talk about it with Dandy in the racechat?

PPPS Lot of PS-es :[

Offline Tooth
Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:59 am Post 
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troy wrote:
Before that he is late on the brakes and completely misses the corner, if he wouldn't hit me he would just go straight into the grass. That is certainly not the normal braking marker he is using there, you can see it on all the other cars he is braking like 30m too late.

If he whould of caught grass on left side, he whould of plowed through you like a hot knife through butter (Because of weight). And hes not braking 30m too late. Hes braking 5-8m too late, (0.5-0.8 sec) and thats why he could of not decrease speed fast enough. I think, why he blocked you was because you suddenly gave him that bump and thought that you were revengewrecking him ....
Speedy J wrote:
However, we noticed before that he has a very short fuse and low patience towards other drivers.

I got no idea about the action that is going to be taken. Its clearly a racer fault,but i think a ban is bit excessive.. :O


Offline Dave
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Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:01 am Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
I don't believe Troy blocked on purpose.

No, but he did a revenge wreck-like move (which had no real effect).

But because of that another retaliation followed from his side.

Speedy J wrote:
has a very short fuse


Well not sure what to do here. He just forget to brake on time initially. And Fuse was in the path :roll:

These type of crashes occur a lot in this corner on this track.

Offline Speedy J
Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:00 pm Post 
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I should not jump to conclusions before watching replay ever again, sorry.

Inouva should have a ban for severe swearing. My god... :fp:

I agree on the part that Dandy Dust may have braked late but it was not meant to cause a crash.

Troy, you tried to revenge, as Dave says and sweared at Dandy Dust. :no:

Dandy Dust revenge wrecked also (and succeeded).

Wow. What a shamefull race. So disappointing to see this kind of stuff happening. We are talking experienced racers here for crying out loud. wrote:
Well not sure what to do here.

+1. Both were wrong... But on my part, I don't feel like doing anything here, even more because I really don't like stuff like this so I :cry:

Offline troy
Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:50 pm Post 
Just to clear this up, that was in no way an attempt to revenge wreck on my end, yes it was late braking too but I could easily get the car back on the line, then I tell him to learn to brake because there isn't even a sorry or an attempt to give back his unrighteous gained position. Second I swear at him AFTER he wrecks me clearly on purpose without even attempting to brake in T4.

I'm not sure what there is to "think" about this kinds of action, it is a clear wreck in T4 on his end while the stuff before is racing and can happen, with an easy sorry from him or an attempt to give back position the whole thing could've been solved without the need for this now.

edit: I see you mean that first contact in between T2 and T3, if you look closely you will see that I was still on the grass with 2 wheels just trying to come back on the track from the "attempted" late braking on his end in T2, just try yourself it's not easy to get the car straight immediately after you come back on the track again with a front wheel driven car.

Offline Tooth
Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:35 am Post 
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troy wrote:
I see you mean that first contact in between T2 and T3, if you look closely you will see that I was still on the grass with 2 wheels just trying to come back on the track from the "attempted" late braking on his end in T2, just try yourself it's not easy to get the car straight immediately after you come back on the track again with a front wheel driven car.

IMO you caught grass under left front, when got both fronts back on solid, you plowed into the side. And he thought you revenge wrecked him. And it wasnt a small crack eighter, it was a pretty big shunt...
troy wrote:
just try yourself it's not easy to get the car straight immediately after you come back on the track again with a front wheel driven car.

Its hard to brake without locking in a frontwheel driven car. You shift down fast because of slicks but you dont have too much force going through front wheels (Decreasing speed by brakes and differs), so yeah i know what you mean :)

Offline kiyoshi
Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:08 pm Post 
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Can I drive like this then, and nothing be done? Full speed wreck after my own mistake? This is ridiculous.

Offline Dave
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Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:10 pm Post 
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Whats up ki? Why do you reply a month later?

Offline kiyoshi
Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:42 pm Post 
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I wanted to make a report, but looked through some recent ones to see if it would be worthwhile. I was quite disappointed to see this type of driving being excused because 'he has a short fuse'. It's REALLY frustrating having races ruined on the server, & it seems to happen far too much. I don't expect miracles from admins, and I can live with people making mistakes on track (& apopogising for them!) but allowing blatant, deliberate wrecking just doesn't make any sense to me. More people will do this if they think they can get away with it.
I know you like to discuss things reasonably, & that is great, but I don't see Dandy Dust being reasonable & apologising here... I'm not picking on him, it's just one example.

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