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Offline Sandeman
Tue May 25, 2010 1:40 pm Post 
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Yeah, yeah, you can probably find it somewhere on the interweb but I did a quick search and couldn't get to it right away.

And my time is scarce atm so maybe someone can explain or provide a link which explains.

And what would I like explained? :D
How this LFSEI (live for speed experience index) works.

I seem to progress VERY slowly and I want to move faster up the ranks. Now I think it's because of my addiction to GTR, but I'm not entirely sure.

Pls help :D

Thnx in advance :thumb:

Offline Litro
Tue May 25, 2010 3:09 pm Post 
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I think this will help 8)

Offline Sandeman
Tue May 25, 2010 3:23 pm Post 
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I can't find myself :nah:

Username -Sandeman- Nick CG Sandeman !ex somewhere around 420 (if i'm not mistaken)

Offline Litro
Tue May 25, 2010 3:26 pm Post 
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Oh, You have to be online on sever for one time. :wink:

Offline Sandeman
Tue May 25, 2010 3:27 pm Post 
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Oh, hope to find some time tonight..
Now off to cook! :D

Oh and thanks :thumb:

Offline Dave
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Tue May 25, 2010 4:54 pm Post 
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Everyday because EQ empty that data every night.

But I have it too. In my database O:)

Only need to make it publicly accessible :D

Offline Litro
Wed May 26, 2010 6:49 pm Post 
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Dav, I think that even more times per day EQ empty that data. :wink:

Offline Ric Moore
Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:04 am Post 
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I have also a question to this "LFSEI". I don´t know how it works, but I get per day 0,1 - 0,3 %, this by 6 - 10 Races. I have now 349 % and need 600 to the GTR, in this speed I need more then 5 years of Racing, but by playing all days .. :o
Which possibilities are to earn more LFSEI? I saw many Guys they can´t drive FXO, XFR or UFR but I see this guys driving in a short time GTRs ..

Offline -Joske-
Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:26 am Post 
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Ric Moore wrote:
I have also a question to this "LFSEI". I don?t know how it works, but I get per day 0,1 - 0,3 %, this by 6 - 10 Races. I have now 349 % and need 600 to the GTR

No no.. It is or 600 LFSEI or 2400 points on the cargame server. And 2400 points is for a good racer maby 1 or 2 months and for a normal racer i think 4 or 5 months racing.

Offline Skagen
Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:12 am Post 
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The cargame server-points really rocketed once I got to class 2+, and I think I didn't race for more than 4-5 weeks for class 6. My LFSEI is "only" 360 or so. But what earns the most points on the cargame server? Winning your class? Good lap times? I did most of my racing up til class 5 with the UFBR. Few, if any, race UFBR, so I don't think I've got many points by winning my class consisting of only one racer; me. :huh:

Offline Sandeman
Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:31 am Post 
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Skagen wrote:
But what earns the most points on the cargame server?

Winning your class (more cars in your class=more points), fastest lap in your class, good/top/etc laps.

Offline Speedy J
Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:40 am Post 
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I also have a question about this LFSEI. Why is it so important to some people?
Seriously, the percentage that LFSEI shows for a racer doesn't say a lot about driving skills....

Yeah i guess it's nice that the LFS experience index says that you are a legend when you connect, but is it really an issue and worth driving cars or tracks that you don't like?

Just curious here...

Offline Sandeman
Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:47 am Post 
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Well, for me it's just that I'm too competitive. Create a ranking on anything and I'll try to get on top. Indeed, rationally it's not important at all, but it's way bigger than that :D

And driving other cars can be entertaining too, racing in the pack for a change.
Too bad this means more n00bs. You can really notice the difference in the way people (try to :[) overtake in the back (compared to the GTR's).

Offline Speedy J
Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:19 pm Post 
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Sandeman wrote:
Create a ranking on anything and I'll try to get on top.

:) Okay I understand (f)

I guess i am not that competitive, more a recreative racer. Or trying to keep it clean for other racers (also meaning that I am not racing myself :[ )

Offline Dave
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Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:30 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
but is it really an issue and worth driving cars or tracks that you don't like?

I like all tracks and cars... It's really problem. I'm consulting a psych about it. (f)

Offline Litro
Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:37 pm Post 
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The best way to earn points is to go with lx4 on tracks where is no long straight lines :thumb: But on long straight tracks the best choise is FXO.

Offline Ric Moore
Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:04 pm Post 
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@ Joske
No no.. It is or 600 LFSEI or 2400 points

Thanks for this good news, I thought I need both for class 6 .. if not, the points are really not a problem ..
So I can concentrate me more to have a good rating and not a high LFSEI 8)
By the "rate" is the problem that you have a crash but no debt (a spin in front of you or a parking car after a corner ..) you suck also, but this is another story ..

Offline -Joske-
Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:29 pm Post 
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With 1200 points you can also drive a gtr with 20 / 23 procent air intake. FX2 FZ2 XR2 is the name than. :thumb:

Typ !infos on the cargame server, en you can see it.

Offline Skagen
Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:29 am Post 
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In my experience, it takes no more than a week or so of racing FX2 (class 5) before class 6. :)

Offline ikinks
Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:50 am Post 
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Without a real life probably... (f) I'm not playing in Die-Hard mode tot get to class 6 asap. For me, safety rating is the key figure. It tells me lots more about a player if he can keep a (faster) car on track and drive clean laps.

Offline ekspanzi
Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:12 am Post 
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Skagen wrote:
it takes no more than a week or so of racing FX2 (class 5) before class 6.

yes man that was fast for ya, but as ikinks said u have to drive everyday..
first i didnt want to race with fx2 xr2 and that cl 5 shit cuz its restricted and it didnt feel right.. but now, i seem to suck driving any other car that hasnt efficient downforce (i guess its that).. like my previously favorite XFR.. i have to brake long before turns and only on straight :D it takes some time to adjust again....
wtf am i talking about? hmmm i guess i got up too early.. :zzz:

Offline Dave
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Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:49 am Post 
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ikinks wrote:
It tells me lots more about a player if he can keep a (faster) car on track and drive clean laps.

Sadly most people are triggered by the points ranking system, I only do what the market demands.

But, it might change in the upcoming weeks, I'm still designing a new system based on skills (and maybe safety rating).

ekspanzi wrote:
first i didnt want to race with fx2 xr2 and that cl 5 shit cuz its restricted and it didnt feel right.. but now, i seem to suck driving any other car that hasnt efficient downforce

Yesterday I drove a few hours with FJR. I loved it (apart from the known shifting problems)...

When I continued in an unrestricted FO8 I had a hard time controlling the car, it didn't go smooth and I had less fun.

By the way, yesterday again a good filled GOW server but you somehow refuse to drive there :[ :lol:

Offline ekspanzi
Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:00 am Post 
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man.. no way.. i was there when i was online, only me, hafik and one more guy :nono:

Offline Dave
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Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:45 am Post 
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Ppfff unbelievable bad timing then :lol:

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