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Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:04 am Post 
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headline says it all.. watch the replay. and YES i did drive thru you. and yes the crash DIDNT make you fly..i did..because.. i drove thru you..
no point in arguing with that. lean back / relax. and enjoy your failed connection.. O:)

Link: ... ut+lag.mpr

Offline monokult
Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:09 am Post 
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Please use the server replays to report
u can find here:

Offline monokult
Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:12 am Post 
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Server Replay:


Offline monokult
Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:17 am Post 
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Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:42 pm Post 
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well its not a report. then i would have reported in repoerts section. i wanted him to know , theres no point in arguing for NOT having lag when its obvious theres lag. he even argued about me NOT driving through him..well thats why im ending the discussion by letting him know this way. kinda obvious.

but thank you for information tho ,thats not why i posted in the first place :D

& i do like my trans am lights better :yes:
& yes its a desert out there :o
& no i dont race in that .exe :aai:


Uploaded with

Uploaded with


1. now you see him you dont he takes off arguing about it. :fp:

4. sorry for low resolutions in pics. i used another pc to upload.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:30 pm Post 
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Lithuania ... Could be very possible. :roll:

Offline Nicce
Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:21 pm Post 
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1.matrix mode (off)
2.matrix mode (on)
3.matrix mode (failed)

:roflol: :roflol:

Offline Tooth
Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:14 pm Post 
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Nicce wrote:
1.matrix mode (off)
2.matrix mode (on)
3.matrix mode (failed)

:roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:54 pm Post 
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lol :dag: so we meet again MR.Anderson..drove earlier with "neo" actually.. asked him if his matrix was a clean response tho..guess zion was killed... :o

Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:33 am Post 
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after that in first post he goes and do this in race with blue flag. why im glad you moved this post to reports..hah..
i asked speedy j too watch this replay, dunno if he did tho.
i asked antoska several times to reply to me which he dont.. i then give him 20sec to reply or this will end up being a report..
he also took out a fxr coming from behind. it looks to me as a revenge wreck due to the discussion in first post. and this happens in races after the first post here,why i consider it a revenge wreck of me. no response when asked why he wrecks me with blue 20sec to reply as new race sorrys no replys. thats simply no good sportsmans ship i think.

(still havent found out how to get the cargame replays to work,why i link) sorry about this.

LINK : ... ashin+with

Offline Speedy J
Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:56 am Post 
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That one. Watched it just now, I did not have the time earlier.

I am sending him off for a few weeks. Yes that is mild but I can see he is a skilled driver, he just needs to obey some simple rules (disobeying blue flag and some nasty hits were definately not due to lag...)
Being unable to connect to the servers may just have that effect. Let's hope so and see...

Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:12 am Post 
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yes thank you. i think hes a fast driver too.. well it shows in replay that he gains on my (fast too) but no reply to chat is simply not the solution.

could you move this to report section as i just posted there linking to this as i didnt see you posted reply to this here.

why cant i get that link to work in explorer?? could someone explain this to me step by step?

refer to : reports-f8/about-this-subsection-read-this-first-t19.html

Offline Speedy J
Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:49 am Post 
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Well I can't move it but i guess it is dealt with now. But right now we have three threads on one issue. So I suggest that is enough :wink:
why cant i get that link to work in explorer??

Put mouse on the floppy-symbol, click right mouse button, choose "copy link" or sa=omething like that. Should work.

Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:28 am Post 
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read the refer to link in poost above..cant get it to work??

Offline Speedy J
Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:55 pm Post 
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Just got a PM from Antoska in which he says some good stuff:
Antoska wrote:
hey. I saw that i'm banned from your servers. That's is sad, cause it's good servers, and so on.. Yes i made few mistakes, but all we are humans, i'm keeping my messages blocked thats why i didn't write back. Yes my connection sometimes lagging, but it's not my fault. I just hope that you gonna read this message and make a solution. Sorry for all bad things that i made.

Since this is the first time he needed admin attention I have no problem unbanning him. Hope you feel the same way Wizard.

We will keep an eye on him, also if the lagging is too bad to race.

@Antoska: please reply in forum, not in PM. Thanks. Also watch your safety rate. It was low and was even lowered by the ban (kinda bonus) to 71%.

Offline antoska
Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:07 pm Post 
Thanks for understanding,I just don't want to have problems. Have a nice race evening. :)See u on the tack :)

P.S. sorry for my mistakes.

Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:30 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
Hope you feel the same way Wizard.

yes its okay. how should i know he blocked msgs. well.

you know i dont like bans,so its okay by me.just wanted to adress him about this,maybe antoska can answer to why he crashed me @we too?
i really wanna know if it was a revenge wreck or not due to the laggy replay..thats sorta what im looking for.thats all.

maybe in the future races,he unblocks msgs after race at least?

good racer tho, but need to use brakes a bit more...

Offline antoska
Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:40 pm Post 
hmm... I still can't play :/
i can answer that i first time read smth about me after ban, so don't say that this is revange, no it's not ;) second time then i pushed bandit, someone with the blue flag hit in us, i just check replay and i can say sorry for that guy, but it's just accident, then i just drive, and didn't notice blue flag. Sorry it's really nothing personal. ;)

Offline Speedy J
Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:39 am Post 
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antoska wrote:
hmm... I still can't play :/


Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:45 pm Post 
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:hug: :lief: (f)

still cant play? :\ ditto as speedy..

Edit: i think he means he cant log in?

Edit2: i think this ones solved.. :thumb:

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