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Offline Tango
Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:00 pm Post

turbo-gait (dutchstyle-brent) piled through everyone at T1 BL1,i saw him from behind,no brake lights at all.then at the end of the straight,after i slowed to type,he just slammed into me taking AAA out also.Aparently he had been very aggressive all night but i hadnt seen him do anything,a few ppl had said they would report him but no-one has until now. deserves max ban as he was bragging afterwards,complete tosser who should never set foot on these servers again.
PS downloaded teamspeak but no-one around.

Offline Tooth
Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:37 pm Post 
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Tango wrote:
PS downloaded teamspeak but no-one around

If noone responds at voice, you can leave message at TS channel. Most of us are a bit busy with RL and other stuff, but we do look at the chat there :)

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:16 am Post 
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Next week my attention gets back on this game. Hang out :D

120 days given...

Btw tango... You are somewhat dedicated S1 racer aren't you? I would like to give you some kick and 48h ban rights... Is that OK?

Yes thats OK. You are currently the only one outside the team with those rights. Use !se/!pit lfsname, !kick lfsname or !ban lfsname. (Or just use the buttons in the !pl list (playerlist)) ... Verify with !lb (listban). Do not resist but do not overdo it either (f) :wink:

Please make a report if a ban needs extension. Or use teamspeak to inform Speedy or me. (I'm usually idle there but I read the chat back from time to time).

Offline Tooth
Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:23 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
Yes thats OK. You are currently the only one outside the team with those rights.

Welcome to the 7'th circle of hell! :[ :[

Nah, kidding :D (f) :thumb:

 [ 4 posts ] 

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