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Offline Cornys
Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:29 pm Post 
We (Speedy J, Mutt107 and I) are currently looking for people to test out an event procedure on Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 at 16:00 GMT on The Server: "Realistic NASCAR 500"

We need about 10 or 11 drivers or more to participate. This will be a very rough test session/race on KY1 in XRR as the admin team is a newly formed one. Those who participate will receive credit for attending a Realistic NASCAR 500 Practice Session (2 will need to be attended in order to take qualifying laps on August 13th).

Speedy J (of, Mutt107 and Myself are the current admin team, but we have a few people lined up who may help. We're aiming to have 4 or more people to be able to run this event seamlessly (Which will be on August 20th).

TeamSpeak will not be in working order by the time that we have our test session, so Teamspeak will not be required at this time.

If anybody is willing to help out with this event please either contact me on here or e-mail us at and we will review your credentials. You will need to be able to speak decently clear english, and have at least a little bit of racing experiance and common racing sence.

For tentitive information on this event sign up to our forums at Realistic NASCAR 500 sign-ups are currently closed, but once we get all of our ducks in a row we will open it up on our fourms (should be in around a week if all goes well. Information will be posted in the event section when the sign-ups are opened) Gear ratios will be mandated during this session, so if you wish to see the perameters for the gear box for this event you may visit and view the locked sign-up thread where they are listed. This is one of the things which will be tested and adjusted during this test session.

Those drivers willing to help us out in this test race may post here. Only information needed will be your LFSworld name so that you can receive credit for a Realistic NASCAR 500 practice session. The race will be fully flaged and will be 25 laps + a pace lap.

Special thanks to Master Race car [MRc] for donation of the server.

Offline Nicce
Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:19 pm Post 
User avatar
Sign me up for help.. =)

lfsw: Nicce

Offline BMW-gek
Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:42 pm Post 
User avatar
Would love to help, only with the test I'm working. For helping out adminning is kinda hard, working in shifts. You're free to ask when you need someone. :thumb:

Offline Cornys
Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:09 pm Post 
Hopefully I won't now, I've got 4 in all. If I do need somebody though I'll be sure to contact you :)

Sign-ups for the real event are open at :thumb:

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