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Offline ShelleX
Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:47 am Post 
I feel like im mistreated by one of your admins on your server (nldave), getting a 7 day ban for a racing incident. I tried to explain to dave the nature of the incident but since SR and him are friends there was no use, I received a ban without even being able to explain myself.

At mark 6:50 I begin overtaking the slower car ahead (SR Turkey) as he for no reason begins boxing me while Im already up on his side and and puts me on grass after having made contact with my car, I regain control and begin the pursuit, already in the next corner he overshoots the apex after missing his braking point, ends up wide, I make my move and despite clearly seeing me from his rear mirror, instead of staying wide and saving us both from crashing he steers directly on my way, resulting in an unavoidable collision. Immediately after race the said driver begins accusing me for different reasons, mainly for wrecking him, but from where I see it, the incident was avoidable, thus not a crash/wreck.

And though Turkey's driving at 6:50 was very dirty I dont accuse him of anything, since it's racing and if somebody wants to play like that I cant change him :)

I would like dave to address this, since he said on the server after the incident that "shellex has a loooooooooong wrecking history", but I dont agree on that at all, had one ban for a blue flag incident, but a long wrecking history?

Im sure there are people on the server who can tell Im not a wrecker, but rather a quite safe and considerate driver, although aggressive at some points.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:13 am Post 
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Numerous times you hit others of the road. The next track starts (named F11) and the first thing you do is crash into Karl. I waited until you got on the straight but no sorry, nothing, zero. It's like you are 'racing' on your own and everybody needs to give way.

This is no racing, it's hotlapping with moving objects. If you want to hotlap you have to choose another server.

I didn't check any replay, if I do I think I immediately start crying. You have been warned before for revenge wrecking and you just continuously do that again and again. You know that normally is a 90 or 120 day ban or what?


All serious regular fast racers, complaining about YOU. I'm writing a few months back that you are a problem; post57382.html#p57382

And you still think you have a problem with everybody else but you are not the problem? Come on.

I'm not going to turn this into a big discussion actually, it costs me too much time. If you still think you do nothing wrong then thats fine but don't be surprised if you get a longer ban next time.

Offline ShelleX
Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:35 am Post 
I crashed into him because I had no idea the road would just end so I drove it normally just like the rest 9 out of 10 who crashed into the barrier. AND i think if I bother to come over to your forum and make a long thought out post you would at least check the fucking replay but no instead you completely disregard it thiough im clearly being wrecked off the road in it and also completely ignore the actual replays and just listen to what the people online are saying, dude says after I got banned that I "wrecked the other guy multiple times and wrecked turkey 3 times" and then you base your half-assed decision completely on those delusional claims ignoring the real replays where it would show that I hadnt wrecked a single person

I have read a lot of complains about this server on official forums, now I can finally see where they are coming from.

Also very nice of you to dig up a 2 month old post about a blue flag violation trying to back your claims about me revenge wrecking earlier.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:39 am Post 
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Yup, wrong attitude. You talk to your friends this way but not to me. Goodbye.

Ban extended to 120 days.

Offline ShelleX
Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:43 am Post 
Hey, not every man's into little girls' cartoons.

Well, cant please em all.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:57 am Post 
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Hmm and a global IP block. Must be his lucky day. :zzz: :fp:

Never make fun of the Powerpuffs :nono:

Anyway this is the right replay for the record;

One of many with poor driving, crashing on purpose and again poor driving, speeding in the pitlane and poor driving. Did I say poor driving already? Not a big loss to not having him around anymore.

You may drive poorly but only when you don't have an arrogant and selfish attitude.

Offline fadeaway
Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:38 am Post 
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He's not adult person for sure.. :roll:
Few words from me describing he's driving manners: revenge wrecking, divebombing, curving on straights and all in all - big danger on road. :fp: Support for ban

Offline gandlers
Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:54 am Post 
something tells me that he isn't a diplomat or negotiator. :fp:
There are a couple of expressions which spring to mind:

Don't shoot yourself in the foot.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

I think he's done both :nono:

Offline sermilan
Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:58 am Post 
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Yeah... the reason I posted that report a while a go is more his attitude than the accident itself. Unfortunately, nothing changed... support for ban, too.

Offline Speedy J
Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:41 am Post 
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ShelleX wrote:
I have read a lot of complains about this server on official forums

I can't find them, can someone point them out to me?

Offline FW-05
Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:44 am Post 
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Nobody is forced to drive on
In my opinion, its temporarily the most competitive server in LfS...and it's fun, so join it or stay away!

Offline kiyoshi
Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:43 am Post 
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Thanks Dave, this is appreciated. I also was pushed off in that replay. Accidentally probably, but I didn't get an apology.

I hope that the proportion of people who display psychopathic behaviour is lower in real life than in public LFS servers...

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