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Offline Inouva
Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:45 pm Post 
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Well, he blame me...
was on the last lap, i have blue flag and and i keep my race line, He keep with my race line and goes to the grass while i was STILL HOLDING my line, I brake to take the chicane he do the same and BAM he send me to the wall..., after that he blamed me for being with blue flag and didn't give "Space" to overtake me when he have sinse the begining of the straign 3/4 of the LEFT side of the track to pass me with peace...


Ban hin or kick hin plz

Offline mike259
Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:49 pm Post 
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Offline jjjeeefff
Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:40 am Post 
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I think a warning is better here. Yesterday he also tried overtake me on the grass... and nearly went wrong. But in this case he misjudged the corner i think. Its not really to take you out inouva. But still, sometimes hes bit of a messmaker.

Offline Inouva
Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:48 pm Post 
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There is one thing i dont undertand, Why a racer like hin drive a gt2 when is clearly not ready for that car/class?

Each time on cargame there are more and more amateurs driving bigger cars when they are not clearly ready, I whould like to help to "Improve" this, but is all at dave hands....

Offline Speedy J
Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:17 pm Post 
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Help by what? Ban drivers who are not good enough in your eyes?

Offline Inouva
Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:06 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
Help by what? Ban drivers who are not good enough in your eyes?

You are right, no matter what rules Cg do or restrictions they wont remobe noobs like hin...

Is like the thread of Plea to gt2 drivers..., this is a never ending story...

So, what was his punishment?

Offline mike259
Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:27 pm Post 
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Inouva wrote:
So, what was his punishment?


if you ware to ban everybody who is not good enough over 90% of the current ppl on s2 should be banned. When will u get there is a BIG difference between a crasher and a "not good enough driver", you are a bad driver some times.

Offline Inouva
Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:41 am Post 
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Some of you say "Make a report"

this is why i dont make reports they are a waste of time

Thanks for nothing

Offline Speedy J
Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:47 am Post 
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What happened in that race is not enough for a punishment Inouva. But because you made a report we know we have to watch him when he is driving GT2 to see if it is okay.

So your report was usefull.

Offline Tango
Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:03 pm Post 
Inouva,i really share your frustration,he got me twice in earlier races whilst he was in XFR,the second time put me out of race BUT i know him from S1 server and he normally drives RB4 quite well.
It looks to me that he fancied a change so stepped up into the slick and downforce cars,and the results speak for themselves.i asked if he was drunk to which he replied no,then he asked why i asked him that question,i replied by saying `because you drive like your drunk !`,i asked him to admit that his racing has been poor,he admitted so as we started the next race.
Its very difficult to ban someone for making a poor decision but he and everyone else in the faster cars, has to learn that its they`re responsibility to make the pass safely,the lapped car, in most cases, should hold they`re line but the slower cars can make it less complicated by reading the situation,TURN ON THE TRACK MAP and look out for the lapping cars approaching,back off the throttle early before approaching a difficult part of the track.
some forward thinking can make it so much easier,fern bay has lots of places to pass but also corners that have one line through,unfortunately they will always be the one who think they can pass anywhere without any consequences.
it sucks to have your race spoilt,it happens to me alot,like everyone else,so in my opinion,a hit in the safety rating would be the logical result.
its a shame that not every regular racer is registered here,we could have a word in there ear when they cock up,but until then,race fair and be happy :)

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