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Offline jjjeeefff
Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:31 pm Post 
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hey guys,

situation: Me with 2 Z30 guys, and 3 other gt2 drivers racing in a tight group on AS3. When we approach the S bend, in the second turn, Z30 oglarun goes a bit wide and i go clearly past him on the inside. Then just in front of me the Z30 Zop guy spins his xrr, so i have to go to left to avoid him. In doing that manouvre i slightly hit the car of Z30 oglarun. He refuses to reduce his throttle to avoid a crash, and just steers to the right in my door and PIT manouvres me. After the crash i go spec and try to explain him the situation. All hes says then is "give me space" and "noob". Well i didnt like that kind of talking. Cause in other words hes saying, i am "shumacher" (or he thinks he is :fp:) so get out of my way, no mather what happens. So therefore my report.

my name: jjjeeefff ( snelle eddy )
his name: nexus23 ( Z30 Oglarun )

crash happens in first lap.

Offline eXeYn
Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:52 pm Post 
He steers right because of the impact.

Next time brake and don't steer into him.

Why should he lift throttle if you could have steered to the right again? Or just have braked when you know he is there?

Offline Tooth
Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:04 pm Post 
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Racing accident. He was weaving due to the hit in front and RWD acceleration. There was not enough time to react correctly, so IMO the impact was unavoidable

Offline inuam
Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:40 am Post 
I too think it was an incident and shouldn't lead to penalty. But he didn't reacted at all. With a little lifting of the throttle, both of them would have continued racing. Instead, he decided to stay on the gas to the end. Maybe he had a brick on the pedal?

Offline Tooth
Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:32 pm Post 
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inuam wrote:
Maybe he had a brick on the pedal?

Or a foot made of led. Yes, he has to be more careful ( Our admins should say it ingame :thumb: ), but I dont see any penalties given here.

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