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Offline Jenk
Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:38 pm Post 
Obmit wrote:
I can kind of understand your frustration, but it looks to me as if you just type the first thing that comes into your head, and that tends to be a stream of expletives and profanities. You don't portray a good image of yourself when that's your reaction.
I mean, if I had typed everything, every thought my brain had conjured up (And I can tell you, some of my insults cut to the bone), I wouldn't be allowed on any of the CG servers ever again. But I don't type it out, I don't let it get to me,,, it isn't worth it, all your really doing is stressing yourself out, over what,,, LFS, a racing simulator (I wont call it a game, that would be a little insulting).
And take it from me stress, is not a good thing, it does all sorts of bad shit to your body.
What I'm trying to say is, please, just think, take a deep breath and then,,, forget about it,,, shit happens. Or if you feel strongly enough about it file a report.
Rather than just immediately banging away furiously on your keyboard, venting your anger.


It's even easier for Inouva to type the first thing that comes to her mind when she has "WHY THE **** IS IT ALWAYS ME?????" as a bind.

For my 2p:

Inouva you are incredibly rude. You never apologise for your mistakes in game, you are outraged when others don't apologise and start swearing all over the server, and even when others do apologise you reply with stuff like "you will be, moron." Yet you drive the LX4, an unstable car at the best of times, with <20fps.


Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:48 pm Post 
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Jenk wrote:
It's even easier for Inouva to type the first thing that comes to her mind when she has "WHY THE **** IS IT ALWAYS ME?????" as a bind.

For my 2p:

Inouva you are incredibly rude. You never apologise for your mistakes in game, you are outraged when others don't apologise and start swearing all over the server, and even when others do apologise you reply with stuff like "you will be, moron." Yet you drive the LX4, an unstable car at the best of times, with <20fps.


Do a colage of all my mistakes on track plz

You are no one to talk when you drive the fxr you ALLAWAYS push other oot and i'm not the only one who complain about this, they are some report about you for your actitude on the track

And i play lfs with what i have, not everyone have the money to have super computer that run lfs at 9999999 fps like you

and to add more, i drive a lx4 because i can, i really odd that i loose control over the car, if you that can barely can control a fxr that have slick and downforce you cant complain about my driving skills when you barely have some

And rude on the track?, are you serius?, i allways give room, i allway give space, i respect the flag, i respect other on the track, i know how to race door to door, i'm aware of my surrounding, i take the simulator to serius and i enjoy lfs in that way

Is not fun when you are racing and some amateur do this

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:52 pm Post 
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Inouva wrote:
And i play lfs with what i have, not everyone have the money to have super computer that run lfs at 9999999 fps like you

Again .. It's the configuration, not the hardware.

Offline Inouva
Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:03 am Post 
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As i told you before that is a sume of bunch of stuff that i got low fps, i allways race in that way on cargame and never did what happen in this report

if the server took off many of the object i whould't have such low fps at that moment and i'm sure i'm not the only one who suffer of low fps at that moment

As i told before too, when ppl start to hit object the cpu requirement is stronger for the physics calculation ( Tyres, Straw brigs, cones etc etc ) that a big reason that i got such low fps at the incident moment

Anyway, my head hurt and really dont wanna talk about this anymore, as i'be posted before i take responsability for the incidentn and the problem with the german guy who start to "swear me" first, i promised no to swear anymore and i accept the ban ( I think that left 24hs more =( ), so dave plz close this thread

Thanks, Sorry and regards

Offline Jenk
Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:30 am Post 
Inouva... Jenck != Jenk.

Offline Obmit
Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:22 am Post 
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Can we all just chill down a bit before this gets out of hand.

Offline Dave
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Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:28 am Post 
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What? I am at my third beer.

Three ways, third beer pint.. I see some comparisons. Too bad that flight tickets are that expensive.

Offline Nick7
Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:00 am Post 
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Inouva wrote:
if the server took off many of the object i whould't have such low fps at that moment and i'm sure i'm not the only one who suffer of low fps at that moment

I do agree with this.
My PC is 'decent', but does get lower FPS in some parts, due to really huge number of objects added (hint: farm boy) :)
You should really consider to reduce amount of those objects where it's really not needed.

But, fact remains you *are* rude - not in driving way (you drive well), but everything that comes out of your mouth.

Offline Dave
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Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:17 am Post 
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Nick7 wrote:
due to really huge number of objects added (hint: farm boy)

The patch got optimized in such a way that you could use all objects without any noticeable frame drop. Some people tested that with putting ALL 800 objects on one place. Issues with objects and frame drops was something in the early stages of the patch. Hay bales have very low texturing to begin with anyway.

Frame rates starting to drop when the grid increases / are moving cars in the neighborhood. Generating the car shadows costs the most power.

But it's like talking to a wall here. Thats fine but I'm not going to repeat myself over and over again. I already noticed a couple of times before that there is very low knowledge @LFS on how to correctly configure graphical settings.

Last thing; LFS only uses <10% of CPU power here and then it also is using just one of the four cores @1.6 Ghz scoring only a Passmark of 800.

Offline sermilan
Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:46 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
Thanks for not listening to this suggestion and the other suggestions.
Inouva wrote:
Sorry for have a crap pc..

Mine is even worse than yours, but still... with good configuration you can get more out if it. Dave is right, please listen to his advices to get better LFS performance from your PC.

Here are my settings (and I've got Athlon 2600(2.2 Ghz), GF6600 :x ):
I get pretty good quality with this, 30-45 fps on open configurations, 20-25 on start, normal configs go up to 80.
I use game booster to switch off unnecessary processes and set LFS.exe a high priority in Windows Task Manager (ctrl+Alt+Delete). Of course, switch off any browser as they consume large amount of RAM, and all other unnecessary programs and you'll have much better "picture" while racing and much better enjoyment :wink: .

And yes... when you make a report on somebody it doesn't mean that he/she will be penalized...........but....... it does draw attention of admins, so next time they do something stupid, instead of getting just a warning, incidents accumulate and they get much harsher penalty, so keep reporting bad drivers, pls :wink:

Offline fadeaway
Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:44 am Post 
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Also, it could help if you have separate windows XP installation without any programs that demands system resources - only for lfs. :wink:

Offline Skagen
Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:26 pm Post 
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Turning off trees and flags also helps alot on many tracks, they are only cosmetics in the periphery anyways.

Offline Inouva
Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:01 pm Post 
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I have the game well "optimized" to squize most of the fps posible, but still when ppl start to hit the tires or bales or cones anyone who have a same pc as mine gona loose a masive fps, still at the end of the year gona have a better pc

Offline Nicce
Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:39 am Post 
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not that i have a awsome gaming pc that can handle up to 200+ fps BUT: 2,3g/hz 64b dual, 512ddr3 Ati 4850 GTX, 2048mb ram. and i running lfs on max settings> 100fps -80 fps if its fernbay open track.
and the post about i had 10fps in the same turn u got 4guys oob (main reason of this thread) was because i had firefox+ someone was nudging me in msn.

so i think U Inouva (<<i spelled ur name right now;)) should have more than i have because u have 3+g/hz IF now lfs is cpu demanding so mutch people say it is.

on other hand: i had 60-120fps max with a shitty gfxcard and when i swappd to the one i have now i can push it to 140-200fps with the same settings i have now but i have locked it to 100fps because its more stable.

clean ur pc out from dust,(most likley a heat problem that ur fps drops so mutch and not ur cpu-gfx) update ur gfx drivers and close all stuffs u dont need while u play.
btw. u play fallout & that racing game u got from someone in here ? whats ur fps there ?
whats ur OS ??

or just post a picture of ur lfs grafic settings and we work from there.

Offline Nick7
Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:14 am Post 
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You cannot compared CPU speed by GHz alone.
P4 @3.2GHz is *slower* than Core 2 Duo at 1.8GHz, let alone newest CPU's.

Offline Inouva
Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:32 am Post 
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MY pc is fully optimized, so there is no heat problem nor software problem
is a matter of hardward problem

Already say it on lfs forum test patch that the actual system requirements for lfs are much more that the one on the main webpage

I can run crysis 2 on my pc just perfect with all at medium settings, fallout new vegas almost all at max and never drop no less that 25 fps even in ultra heavy conmbat or in a sand storm or a rainy radiation sand storm

I have the optimun drivers for my VC, Both heatsink are perfeclty clean ( i clean it 1 time at month and also apply "oil" to both fan's ), so there is no temp problem since i allways control all that, my system is perfectly clean so you can discard that too, i'm a Geeky girl of pc ;) so yeah i know how to keep a pc running smooth and perfect

The main problem on lfs ( As dev stated several times ) Is the system requirements at the moment of hit objects on the track, that why "old" pcs have that masive drop of fps

Anyway since my ban is lifted i wont respond anymore in this thread, cya on the track

Offline Jenk
Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:58 am Post 
Yet you still won't turn off trees, flags, and shadows. Happy racing with 12fps.

Offline Inouva
Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:20 pm Post 
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Jenk wrote:
Yet you still won't turn off trees, flags, and shadows. Happy racing with 12fps.

Jeez, dont you understand why i have that low fps or you just read within lines?

Offline Dave
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Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:59 pm Post 
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P4 + HD2600 doesn't perform that bad. Your tuning is basically below expectations.

To say it nicely O:) :lol:

Offline Inouva
Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:42 pm Post 
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For lfs is a "Good" mid-end combo, in single player i got solid more that 100fps, then i hit a bale on the middle of the track and loose like 12fps and the fps keeps going down while i hit more and more objects :yes:

Offline Dave
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Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:02 pm Post 
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There where no objects flying during this disaster or just before.

Inouva wrote:
in single player i got solid more that 100fps,

True, there are no other cars so no car shadows.

Offline Inouva
Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:46 pm Post 
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and cars counts as a objects too

In all tracks i have no less that 30 fps and on oc i have no less that 25 till someon jackass ram other and start a chain reaction with others and them pum fps loss and not to mention when they hit a bale or other stuff, even lfs spawm de msg saying " Too many objects physics"...

Offline boothy
Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:19 pm Post 
Run LFS in high priority mode, you'll get some more fps. Plus get rid of some shit on your HDD, and defrag it just for good measure. And give us a screenshot of your graphics options when you're on a track if you don't mind.

Offline Inouva
Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:39 am Post 
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Offline gandlers
Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:33 am Post 
If stubbornness was an Olympic sport you'd take the gold medal! :lol:

Offline sermilan
Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:04 am Post 
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Women... sometimes we just want to shoot you! :P :lol:
But love you for capitalizing for Jenk! :thumb:

Offline Nick7
Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:35 am Post 
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boothy wrote:
Run LFS in high priority mode, you'll get some more fps. Plus get rid of some shit on your HDD, and defrag it just for good measure. And give us a screenshot of your graphics options when you're on a track if you don't mind.

Common misconception.
Defrag can help with loading times (altho it's often way to exaggerated on many forums). It will not - especially in LFS - help at all with FPS.
Running LFS as 'high priority' process only makes sense if you are running something else on your PC that might consume CPU time.
If PC is properly configured, you will get about 0.01% boost by that. If that.

Offline sermilan
Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:19 am Post 
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Nick7 wrote:
Running LFS as 'high priority' process only makes sense if you are running something else on your PC that might consume CPU time.

I've got about 50 processes running any time and most of them are labeled as "System" processes. I never run any application while LFS-ing. Putting high priority for LFS.exe noticeable does the trick for me.

Offline Jenk
Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:40 pm Post 
@sermilan - still bitter?

@Inouva - you've still got shadows on. That is the one thing that Dave and others have been telling you is causing the FPS drop.

Offline Nick7
Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:29 pm Post 
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sermilan wrote:
I've got about 50 processes running any time and most of them are labeled as "System" processes. I never run any application while LFS-ing. Putting high priority for LFS.exe noticeable does the trick for me.

Well, that can only help a little in situation when you have ancient single-core CPU :)

Offline Inouva
Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:22 pm Post 
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Jenk wrote:
you've still got shadows on. That is the one thing that Dave and others have been telling you is causing the FPS drop.


Offline Dave
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Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:44 pm Post 
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If you are not motivated to do anything about this then I demand zero complains in the future about any situation where you got into some kind of accident.

Got it? Good.

Had it with you.

Offline Jenk
Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:00 pm Post 
"NOPE" to what? That you don't have shadows on? There are shadows in your screen shot.

Offline sermilan
Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:07 pm Post 
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Jenk wrote:
@sermilan - still bitter?

Nick7 wrote:
Well, that can only help a little in situation when you have ancient single-core CPU :)
That's the one :)

Inouva wrote:

Offline boothy
Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:24 pm Post 
Well it makes a difference for me, on a 2Ghz C2D and dedicated 512mb NVIDIA G105M locked at 45 FPS - when in high priority mode I never really get below that amount unless with lots of cars/on an open config - though doesn't go down by much - LFSCART with a full grid at SO4R (on low graphics settings) it only went down by a few FPS.

Without high priority, it drops below 45fps much more often. Also noticed iRacing by default sticks itself in high priority, and I run that at 50FPS no problem.

Anyway, to sum up this thread: if you're playing with <20fps then you deserve all you get.

Offline Saro
Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:10 pm Post 
I'll just leave this here.. :/
Lap 1 Turn 2

Offline Litro
Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:52 pm Post 
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What is that again? Late braking...OMG, what are you doing, Inouva???

Offline Inouva
Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:49 pm Post 
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Oh that was today, i got distrated looking the mirror and the red lx4 at my side, was really late when i saw the ufr, but in the end i got flying oot... :fp:

Hey, sorry sora (f), i was gona say sorry on track, but didnt saw again the ufr that i hit =( , just saw it on the replay

I'm gona be banned again =/ ?


I'm on the track right now and i'be apoligy to hin about what happen on blackwood, i think we are cool now :lief:

Offline Saro
Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:14 pm Post 
Issue resolved :thumb:

Offline fadeaway
Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:33 pm Post 
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Nick7 wrote:
Well, that can only help a little in situation when you have ancient single-core CPU

Ancient cpu still kicks your ass on track :lol:
Sry for off O:)

Offline sermilan
Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:31 pm Post 
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Saro wrote:
Issue resolved :thumb:
Ohhh.... you gave in too easy Image

Offline mtrein
Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:47 pm Post 
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Jesus Christ, Inouva is a mess :fp:

Offline mike259
Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:02 am Post 
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mtrein wrote:
Jesus Christ, Inouva is a mess

Amin to that.

Offline gandlers
Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:59 am Post 
Idi Amin? :roflol:
can I get an AMEN! :lol:

Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:18 pm Post 
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dont wanna mingle.. just adding i didnt know the shadow thing either.. but i read what you wrote dave, so am sure gonna try it. and if i want quality.. i switche back in replays :lol:

Offline Jenk
Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:50 pm Post 
Inouva's constant complaining is getting very tiresome now.

Here's another race where, yet again, we see so much fickle complaining and insulting from Inouva and others.

On a side note; it's nice to see my prediction that she wouldn't even acknowledge that she mistakenly accused me (thinking I am Jenck) of wrecking, let alone apologise.

Offline Inouva
Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:09 pm Post 
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Jenk wrote:
Inouva's constant complaining is getting very tiresome now.

Here's another race where, yet again, we see so much fickle complaining and insulting from Inouva and others.

On a side note; it's nice to see my prediction that she wouldn't even acknowledge that she mistakenly accused me (thinking I am Jenck) of wrecking, let alone apologise.

Ohh, look the same video i'be posten in the other Thread, as a matter of fact in any monent didn't swear or anything, and my argue was totaly valid

I keep my promise to not swear anymore as you can see at the replay

And dont lie plz saying i was "insulting" becuase you are liying

And my rage explode becuase of a3rox saying that i was the one causing accident when he in the previus race ramme me from behind to overtake me, and to add he in the next race ( In the replay ) he hit a fxr causing a "Masive" accident and blaming me

The fact that they say that he have "PRIORITY" on the track for being faster is totaly stupid







@edit more pics

The moment of "MY" contact
As you can see i was turning

After the 3 lx4 togheter
i was still turning in the correct direction

As you can see the moment he "Push" the fxr ( Aerox ) was at full trottle

Offline mtrein
Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:01 pm Post 
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Inouva, it is just not worth it, imo

Offline Inouva
Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:12 pm Post 
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I dont wanna ban or kick on hin ( Well maybe kick )

I just doing what dave and litro, gek, joske told me to do, report that user and we gona trow a eye on hin

That wat i did :wink:

Offline Jenk
Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:54 pm Post 
Jenk wrote:
On a side note; it's nice to see my prediction that she wouldn't even acknowledge that she mistakenly accused me (thinking I am Jenck) of wrecking, let alone apologise.


btw.. nice of you to apologise for hitting someone else.

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