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Offline Cornys
Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:54 pm Post 
Realistic NASCAR's World TBO Championship Series[/color]
Cars: RB4 (0% Restriction), XRT (1% Restriction), & FXO (5% restriction)
Server Location: Realistic NASCAR 500

All teams and drivers who meet the requirments are invited to participate.

All races begin with a 25 min. qualifying session at 15:30 GMT. Races will begin promptly at 16:05, but at least 1 timed lap must be submitted by the driver who will race each entry in that entry during qualifying.

Round 1 – Sept. 11th 2011 – Japanese 250 - KY3R - 34 Laps
Round 2 – Sept. 25th 2011 – Aston 150 - AS7 - 29 Laps
Round 3 – Oct. 9th 2011 – Blackwood GP - BL1 - 63 Laps
Round 4 – Oct. 23rd 2011 – Fern Bay 300 - FE3 - 57 Laps
Round 5 – Nov. 6th 2011 – Westhill GP - WE1 - 44 Laps
Round 6 – Nov. 20th 2011 – Kyoto 225 - KY2 - 44 Laps

Event Password
Event password will be PM'ed out to all approved entries's LFSforum account. If you would like to be contacted in a different way you will need to PM Cornys on or e-mail requesting the way in which you would like the password given to you. This must be a private method of communication however. ONLY signed up and approved drivers will be permitted to participate and be on the server during all sessions. Sign-ups must be submitted more than 24 hours prior to qualifying for a session in order to participate. All approved entrys will be PM'ed at sign-up.

All participants are given 2 provisionals. They must be applied for on the provisional thread located here on the Realistic NASCAR Website. When taking a provisional participants are given the option of taking 5 points, or have a team mate race the event in their place.

Back-up Drivers must:
-Be listed as a member of the same team as the regular driver on LFSworld.
-Drive the same car number and model as the person they are replacing.
-Have a LFS experience rating of over 250
-Not be a regular driver in the series.
Note: Once a back-up driver is used once, they may not drive back-up for any other entry.

Points will be awarded for the following:
1st place: 25 pts
2nd place: 22 pts
3rd place: 20 pts
4th place: 18 pts
5th place: 16 pts
6th place: 14 pts
7th place: 12 pts
8th place: 10 pts
9th place: 8 pts
10th place: 7 pts
11th place: 6 pts
12th place: 5 pts
13th place: 4 pts
14th place: 3 pts
15th place: 2 pts
Finishing on lead lap 16th or worse: 1 pt
Pole: 2 pts
Fastest race lap: 2 pts

Team Points
Teams will be credited with their top 2 points earners in each event. (Not highest finishing position)

Qualifying will take place promptly at 15:30 GMT. Drivers will be given a 25 min. session. Drafting, bump drafting, crashing, holding up other qualifiers, and sitting on track outside of the garage area will result in penalties assessed in the race. Penalties left over from qualifying will carry directly over to the race if not served in the 1 hour qualifying session. If you are given a DT penalty for speeding you may either return to the track and then serve the pass through before jump pitting, or you may jump pit immedeitly after the penalty is given.

Driver’s Name
Driver name's will have to be changed to have your real name and your number like this for all sessions: 0 J.Doe (All in white)

Attempting to Finish Under Green Flag
A red flag may be thrown in an attempt to allow the race to finish under green if it comes out late race. For a red flag all cars must stop in order behind the leader. The pace car will take place at the front of this order (if not already) and a yellow will be thrown to end this period. The restart will occur at the next passing of the restart area and the pits will be closed until this restart.

Yellow Flag Information
Full course cautions will be thrown only when there is deemed to be a hazard to competition such as a car sideways on track or disabled for example. When yellow flag is thrown you are asked to slow down to at or below 100 MPH or (160 KPH) until you are able to catch the pace car, but please do not hit your brakes unless to avoid collision. The leader will wrap around and take place behind the pace car which will travel at around 80 MPH (about 130 KPH) in the straight away. You are asked to follow the person in front of you 2 seconds behind, and to follow beside them rather than directly in their tracks under yellow flag until the restart is imminent. Restarts will occur as quickly as possible while still allowing cars a passing of pit road in which they can make a yellow flag stop. If the white flag has dropped before a yellow flag does, the running order will be frozen as of the time of the yellow. Only cars which were unable to maintain a speed of more than 80 MPH (130 KPH) on the straights may lose their position. If cars are involved in a crash they will be given the position in which they return to yellow flag speed until they fail to maintain that velocity once more. Overly aggressive driving will result in penalties assessed post race.

Lap Down Cars Under Yellow
Prior to restarts, cars that are 1 or more laps down will be moved to the rear of the field (behind the lead lap cars). The first car one lap down at the time of the yellow will be allowed to take the wave around and rejoin at the tail end of the field for the restart. Lap down cars remaining in front of the leader will be allowed to pass the pace car and return to the tail of the pack behind the free pass car. The wave around car will be permitted to pit under this yellow flag period without penalty, but free pass cars will not until the green flag has dropped. If there are lead lap cars pitting under yellow flag, lap down cars are asked to yield a pit stall to the lead lap cars and wait their turn. If a lad lap car is unable to get into a pit stall under yellow, and there are lap cars in stalls these lap down cars will be given a tail end of the longest line penalty on the restart. Those who stopped and gave lead lap cars positions to pit on the crowded pit road will be allowed to start in their previous positions.

Restarts are to occur between the restart lines about 20 meters and 40 meters behind the Start/Finish. All flags will be called by race control. If green flag is not called by race control then the restart will not occur. If the line-up has issues yellow flag will be called before the green flag was supposed to be. If a driver is involved in a crash they will not be given their previous position back, but rather they will be given the spot that they had when they returned to the running order. If you pit under yellow you will be placed in exiting order behind those who did not pit under that caution period. All starts will be single file. The Pace Car’s lights will be turned off when the crossing the finish line for the final time under that yellow flag period.

In Game Chat
Chatting will be disallowed during all sessions unless prompted to do so. Permission to speak must be asked for and granted during all sessions at all times during on-track action when the chat is announced to be closed. This rule will be enforced strictly by the administration team.

Pitting Instructions
On entry to pit road there will be a “Commitment Cone” in which in order to pit you must cross entirely to the pit road side of. If you strike the commitment cone you will be given a pass through penalty under green, and you will be required to start at the tail end of the line if you strike it under yellow. The same applies to the merge line cone on exit.

Skin Requirments
All participants must have a visible number on each side of their car. Skins may not contain graphic content (nudity, gore, ect.) Failure to have a proper skin will result in a drive through penalty in each session that the improper skin is used.

Failure to Comply
Failure to follow these rules will result in in-race penalties which will be determined by the benefit that the rules infraction has given you. Failure to serve a penalty within 3 laps of it being issued will result in a worsened penalty, and failure to serve a 2nd penalty will result in disqualification. Should the race finish and there is an existing penalty, the driver with the penalty will be credited with finishing the last car on the lap in which he finished on (or, if ignoring the penalty is judged to give a greater benefit than this, they may be given a harsher penalty)

Driver Requirements
In order to be eligible to participate in Realistic NASCAR's TBO World Championship Series a driver must have an LFS experience rating of 250 or greater, and have submitted a valid registration to this thread.

All race finishes will be reviewed fully by the administration team, and official results will be posted the Wednesday following each round. If you have any questions about these race procedures please feel free to P.M. any race official or e-mail us at

How to Enter
In order to sign-up for Realistic NASCAR's TBO World Championship Series simply post the following information here:

Primary driver's LFSWorld Name:
Desired Number (1-99):
Full Team Name**:
In-Game Racer Name:
Full Racer Name:
Back-up Driver #1 LFSworld Name***:
Back-up Driver #2 LFSworld Name:

* using official code located at
** If you do not have a team please make one up for yourself to be a member of. Please place team tag at the end of the full team name as well.
*** Note that if you are listed as a back-up driver for another entry you will not be allowed to drive full time in the Series. List as many or few back-up drivers as desired only with their permission, and only if they are on your team

Primary driver's LFSWorld Name: Cornys
Desired Number (1-99): 100
Country*: USA
Full Team Name**: Realistic NASCAR [RN]
In-Game Racer Name: [RN] Cornys #5
Full Racer Name: Cameron Corns
Back-up Driver #1 LFSworld Name***:
Back-up Driver #2 LFSworld Name:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:19 am Post 
User avatar
Cornys wrote:
Cars: RB4 (0% Restriction), XRT (1% Restriction), & FXO (5% restriction)

That will be a lot of RB4's then.

Offline mtrein
Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:05 am Post 
User avatar
You reckon? Check out the tracks...

:huh: on second thoughts, I think I agree

Will you be taking part?

Offline Cornys
Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:13 am Post 
Myself, no. We're not above changing restrictions if things prove to be unfair. We are activly talking about changing the FXO restriction to 4%. We will let everybody know what we decide for sure on the sign-up thread.

Offline mtrein
Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:18 am Post 
User avatar
I think FXO should be 4% instead. The other two seem to be ok.

I registered a few minutes ago ^^

By the way, what happens if there is an accident? Should we shift-S or stay in the car regardless?

Offline Cornys
Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:34 pm Post 
I've posted the tentitive restrictons on the sign-up thread. They now look like this, but are subject to change:

Round 1 - Sept. 11th 2011 - Japanese 250 - KY3R - 34 Laps - FXO 4% - RB4 0% - XRT 1%
Round 2 - Sept. 25th 2011 - Aston 150 - AS7 - 29 Laps - FXO 2% - RB4 0% - XRT 0%
Round 3 - Oct. 9th 2011 - Blackwood GP - BL1 - 63 Laps - FXO 2% - RB4 0% - XRT 0%
Round 4 - Oct. 23rd 2011 - Fern Bay 300 - FE3 - 57 Laps - FXO 2% - RB4 0% - XRT 0%
Round 5 - Nov. 6th 2011 - Westhill GP - WE1 - 44 Laps - FXO 3% - RB4 0% - XRT 0%
Round 6 - Nov. 20th 2011 - Kyoto 225 - KY2 - 44 Laps - FXO 4% - RB4 0% - XRT 1%

If you crash remain on track unless told to spectate by Admin.

Offline Speedy J
Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:32 pm Post 
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Is this also what you need admins / SC for?

Offline mtrein
Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:24 pm Post 
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Speedy - Have you enrolled? :)

Offline Cornys
Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:00 pm Post 
Speedy J "Is this also what you need admins / SC for?"

I could use a SC driver yeah. The 500 lacked interest. :oops:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:09 am Post 
User avatar
Speedy has a fetish for being safety car. Might buy an orange emergency light for his next birthday.

(Going to take a while :nah: )

We might expect an extended version of this video shortly;


Offline Tooth
Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:59 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
Might buy an orange emergency light for his next birthday.

(Going to take a while)

I'll send one from Estonia, they'r easy to come by here (Selled in all local carstores XD)

Offline Litro
Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:25 am Post 
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Haha, nice video!

Offline Speedy J
Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:59 am Post 
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@Cornys: lack of drivers or helping hands?

Offline Cornys
Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:44 am Post 
Drivers for the 500. TBO World Series already has the drivers.. there's an open spot for a pacecar driver :D

Just don't mess it up like they do in that video of Dave's :P

Offline Nicce
Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:25 pm Post 
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Cornys wrote:
Drivers for the 500.

what combo is that ?? :)

Offline Speedy J
Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:17 pm Post 
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Offline mtrein
Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:09 pm Post 
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So Speedy, will you race or pace? (f)

Offline Tooth
Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:27 pm Post 
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mtrein wrote:
So Speedy, will you race or pace?

On race pace he will pace the race :)

Offline Cornys
Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:34 pm Post 
^ I don't know if you mean that he's slow or that he is fast enough to win :)

Offline Tooth
Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:23 pm Post 
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He will drive teh pace car as good/better than all the drivers there ;)
Tooth wrote:
On race pace he will pace the race

Offline mtrein
Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:34 pm Post 
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It was a nice first event race - thank you all who drove, and also Speedy for admining :)

Offline Speedy J
Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:56 pm Post 
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I have to say mtrein, although you did not end on podium, I was impressed by your driving. Driving almost two hours with mouse, no heating tyres, very consistent laps, really good :thumb: :thumb:

Offline mtrein
Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:03 am Post 
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Thanks Speedy, but it would take a lot more for me to reach the top dogs (Nikifor, Chong, among others). I'm always in for the fun, though :)

If anyone is interested, here is a link to mediafire, from where my replay from the race can be downloaded:

Offline mtrein
Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:21 pm Post 
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Got a disconnect on lap 22 or 23 for the second round :[

Offline Speedy J
Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:49 pm Post 
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Yeah I notice and that was a pity because you were doing well. I presumed you could have ended on a nice position because some people needed a pitstop, where you did solid laps with nice tyres....

oo bad you timed out mate... :cry:

Offline mtrein
Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:57 pm Post 
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Yup, that was what I was aiming for... My tyres were green, not even orange. Pity :(

By the way, after I got disconnected I did a 61 lap "trial" in BL1, my left front tyre popped on lap 58. It's going to be a gamble, but I was never one to take risks so I will probably run a pitstop halfway through. I'm happy with my endurance set for BL1, though :)

Offline Cornys
Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:37 am Post 
I honestly don't think that tires will last in a race for 61 laps at BL1, but.. I've been proved wrong before (round 1 I thought the same thing).

Good luck this sunday on our new server :thumb:

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