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Offline KimJongIl
Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:59 pm Post 
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Hi guys

I just wanted to say goodbye to all of you and thank you for the awesome races I could enjoy. I obviously also want to thank Dave and the whole Cargame team for the excellent server.

Tomorrow 12:55 I will board the plane to China where I will live for 10 months. I will come back for a few days in December but I have the feeling I will be fairly busy and will probably not have the time to race. The fact that I am only taking my macbook means that I will not be able to play LFS while being in China which.. well quite frankly sucks.

So long and thanks for all the setups :wink:


Offline Speedy J
Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:11 pm Post 
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Have a great time in China mate, I hope it will be an experience you will have benefit from in every way for the rest of your life :thumb:

Guess we will be seeing you in ........ :o ..... June 2012 .... :o :cry:

Take care :dag:

Offline sermilan
Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:04 am Post 
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Good luck mate, really enjoyed racing with you! :)

Make it a successful trip there :thumb: and say hello to the Shanghai circuit for me, will you? :wink:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:02 pm Post 
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Bye leader :/ :D

Have fun and stuff.. (No idea why you want to voluntary go to China for 10 months but OK, your choice ;) )

Offline Rolly
Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:05 pm Post 
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hey bye m8..... had some good races with you... all the best and give my regards to china 8)
Hope to see you back one day...

tata for now

cheers Rolly :dag: :woop: :roflol: :o

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