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Offline Racing [Finland]
Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:26 am Post 
lap: 2nd lap last corner
name: j09102000
The reason why reporting: Didn't respect blue flag and crashed me after it.

Offline eXeYn
Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:34 am Post 
Read the rules regarding blue flag.

He lost control over the car. Or on porpuse, I don't know. Definitely no crashing on porpuse.

Offline Racing [Finland]
Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:45 am Post 
How do you explain the blue flag? i was very close to him long time and still he didn't give me any space to pass. :nono:

Offline gandlers
Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:01 pm Post 
the rules for lapping and overtaking are described here:

not that it's relavent here, this guy is a drifter not a racer so has no business being on a race server and probably has no concept of flags.
If he wants to drive like a pansy, shouldn't he be on a server for drifters/cruisers

Offline eXeYn
Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:21 pm Post 

You know what car you were driving right? Shall he wait 10 seconds till you pass or what? At the time you two touched he had the right over the inside, still you tried for it.

Offline gandlers
Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:12 pm Post 
eXeYn wrote:
At the time you two touched he had the right over the inside, still you tried for it.

I'm afraid exeyn is right on this one, even though this guy is drifting on a race server, you cant just take the inside line when a car is already on the inside and force you way through (even if you are in a faster car or lap/laps ahead), this is called a barge-pass.

You would have been better reporting him for drifting and general dangerous driving on a racing server

Offline Nicce
Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:14 pm Post 
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gandlers wrote:
You would have been better reporting him for drifting and general dangerous driving on a racing server

:yes: :yes: :thumb:

Offline kiyoshi
Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:44 am Post 
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I don't know what replay you watched, but this drifter joined mid race & started trying to block & crash people from the start. Clearly deliberate.
So he didn't have the right to any corner.
There was a gap on the inside there & Racing [Finland] went for the gap & didn't drive into the drifter, so I don't think you should give him a hard time.
The drifter did turn into him - how else would he end up on the grass on the inside of the bend?

Also WTH is Vertigo on about? Is this some sort of conspiracy?

Offline eXeYn
Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:33 am Post 
kiyoshi wrote:
I don't know what replay you watched, but this drifter joined mid race & started trying to block & crash people from the start. Clearly deliberate.

As gandlers already said: make a thread about these incidents.

kiyoshi wrote:
So he didn't have the right to any corner.

Just because he's a mid-joiner he has no right?? :fp: ,

We're not giving a hard time. It just isn't a matter of not respecting blue flag. He could still have reported another incident.

The "gap" opened quite late. Overtake at your own risk if the car in front is not having control over his car for whatever reason. Generally speaking.

Don't get me wrong. The driving of this guy is ludicrous. The report itself is not worth any punishment IMHO. But the admins should definitely keep an eye on him especially for 5 seconds after the report with rsg077.

Offline kiyoshi
Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:45 pm Post 
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eXeYn wrote:
Just because he's a mid-joiner he has no right?? :fp: ,

Yes, that's my view.
A car which joins a race after the start (especially some laps after) is not part of that race. They should do everything they can to not impede drivers who are legitimately racing.
Cars joining mid-race isn't something you usually see in real life races. For public LFS servers, it is a concession to allow people to practice/warmup.
I don't expect everyone will agree with that, but please don't facepalm me, I think my view is a fair & reasonable one. ;)
I consider it to be respectful to those who are racing.

I agree that the original poster's report was not strictly accurate about the blue flag, but he was correct in saying that the guy crashed him. This guy was wrecking & shouldn't be driving like that.

Offline mtrein
Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:09 pm Post 
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I agree with you, Kiyoshi. Sadly it is much more a common sense issue than rules, though.

Offline eXeYn
Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:47 pm Post 
kiyoshi wrote:
A car which joins a race after the start (especially some laps after) is not part of that race. They should do everything they can to not impede drivers who are legitimately racing.

Cargame allowed mid-race joining therefore it is legitimate. They are driving a legitimate race like all the others. They can even unlap themself and have great fights. Of course they have to behave like a car which is one or more laps behind. Or even at the same lap. But driving with 10 km/h to let everyone pass creates a more dangerous situation than taking a slightly different line through a corner.

kiyoshi wrote:
Cars joining mid-race isn't something you usually see in real life races.

So you see cars in real life pressing shift-s ?

Offline mtrein
Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:47 pm Post 
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I usually do everything I can not to impede passage under blue flag, but when I am a mid joiner I sometimes leave the track altogether to be sure (except on SO tracks).

I do this because I believe a few seconds more will not change my race which is pretty much decided at the time I am midjoining anyway.

eXeYn wrote:
(..) They can even unlap themself and have great fights. (..)

I don't think any unlapping happens on the same class on a ~6 lap race.

Offline eXeYn
Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:03 pm Post 
I said they can. They probably won't overtake the first but certainly slower cars.

You have to leave the track to let someone else pass? Maybe you should practice more? If you wanna ruin your safety rate that's fine with me but don't assume everyone will do this "move".

But unless some of the admins tell us how they want to treat racers joining after the start we will have different opinions and driving styles. :D

Offline kiyoshi
Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:05 am Post 
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eXeYn wrote:
But driving with 10 km/h to let everyone pass creates a more dangerous situation than taking a slightly different line through a corner.

I agree with you here & everyone should avoid being more dangerous.
But, if I'm racing hard for a full race & someone leaves the pit on last lap & spoils my position, I feel pretty mad. So, likewise, if I join midrace, I always try to leave more room for existing racers. I do see others do the same for me & always appreciate that. It's just my ideal view. I'd like to see the finishing list & points only go to those who were on the start line, which would help with that, but I can't change LFS. :)

I don't know if there are any hard rules for midrace joining on CG servers are there?

eXeYn wrote:
So you see cars in real life pressing shift-s ?

Well, we weren't talking about shift-S. :) If you want my opinion on that, I am totally against it. I think all drivers should be aware of hazzards & be able to cope with them.

Sorry for going a bit OT!

Offline Speedy J
Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:49 am Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
I don't know if there are any hard rules for midrace joining on CG servers are there?

Basic rule is: don't bother racers that are further in race (more than 1 lap) than you are.

So this means:
- make way if necessary (which doesn't mean park on the grass for five minutes)
- don't race racers who are not in same lap (and don't ruin their possible race with others)
- you can pass cars which are further if you are not in their way after you passed (basically cars in higher classes or cars in same class which are faster)
- don't expect slower cars to move for you; they have more rights in this race than you as midjoiner
- when you exit pits, make sure you don't cross the pass of passing or upcoming racers

More or less common sense but it's true, not everyone has that...

Offline sermilan
Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:56 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
- make way if necessary (which doesn't mean park on the grass for five minutes)
- don't race racers who are not in same lap (and don't ruin their possible race with others)
- you can pass cars which are further if you are not in their way after you passed (basically cars in higher classes or cars in same class which are faster)
- don't expect slower cars to move for you; they have more rights in this race than you as midjoiner
- when you exit pits, make sure you don't cross the pass of passing or upcoming racers

I'm glad you finally "made it a rule"! :thumb:
You should make this a sticky or in any other way make racers know these, very important.

Offline mtrein
Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:46 am Post 
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It's not a rule, just common sense.

Offline kiyoshi
Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:02 pm Post 
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As the phrase goes, "common sense isn't all that common" or something. :) So, sadly it isn't something you can rely on.

Offline eXeYn
Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:24 pm Post 
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Common sense is the most evenly distributed quantity in the world.
Everyone thinks he has enough.
-- Descartes, 1637

No phrase but wonderfull quotes :lol:

Offline mtrein
Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:12 pm Post 
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Offline gandlers
Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:33 am Post 
Ok, so this guy is a wrecker, not a drifter
Just saw him this morning on Fernbay. He tried crashing most people near him.
Speedy returned and after asking speedy to keep watching him, he mysteriously behaved before disconnecting. Funny that.

name : SynchroG Kazmi Yui (j09102000)
Time: where to start, lap3 2:45, lap6 5:00, lap6 5:30

as can clearly be seen this guy really has no intention of serious racing, stupid flashing indicators should be the giveaway. turns into or drivers straight at anyone close to him. :fp:

Don't take this the wrong way speedy but I think he needs a ban as he clearly isnt a serious racer. Joins to cause mayhem then leaves, if he cant join he cant spoil others races (the application of pure logic).

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