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Offline Mustangman759
Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:36 pm Post 
mpr: is attached
name: Mega Predrag (Predrag)
lap: 4
description: crashes into me while lapping (blatant ram) I had gotten blue flag about 3 seconds before and was side by side racing

Offline Tooth
Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:04 pm Post 
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reports-f8/how-to-post-a-report-read-this-first-t19.html <---

Will look into that, yes. But next time, try to do it as written, its much easyer for all of us :aai:

Offline fadeaway
Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:57 pm Post 
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haha thats a ridiculous rage report. He lifted off, he braked and still couldn't find a place to pass because you took all track for yourself under the blue flag?! In your opinion what do you think he should do?
This whole anti-gt2 whining stuff is seriously starting to get on my nerves. I agree that gt2s should respect lower class cars but it goes the other way around. Nobody will protect you on the track if you don't protect yourself. If you start being arrogant on track and don't respect stronger cars you will get hit by a bus and then don't complain because you got what you asked for.
Btw guy you called an idiot is a great guy that i know in person and that can be your father you spoiled brat! :x No way he had intention to hit you.

Offline Mustangman759
Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:27 pm Post 
If you watch. I had blue flag for 3 seconds. and 2. I paid for LFS with my own money... (its called a job.) So dont come to me for calling an impatient driver an idiot.... and I have nothing against GT cars just against them in the hands of incompetent people
@tony thanks sorry
gave it mikey came out as sorta racing accident or similiar.

Offline mike259
Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:10 pm Post 
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Well this is a racing incident but after a closer look from many angles I have to agree with fadeaway, yes Predrag crashed in to u BUT with 2 cars side bi side in a corner and on the racing line do u think he would have space to overtake... So Predrag was enough time in the rear view with Blue Flag and u saw a corner was coming without leaving any space for him to pass.

Offline kiyoshi
Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:24 pm Post 
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IMO this was predrag's error. He's not a bad driver, but I would have expected an apology after this. Even though LLM are annoying as hell with their constant spam. :wink:

mike259 wrote:
...yes Predrag crashed in to u BUT with 2 cars side bi side in a corner and on the racing line do u think he would have space to overtake...

So why did he try to overtake - it was clear he could not without a crash? He was pressing the throttle towards that crash. He could have been pressing the brake.
They were already side by side & probably very busy trying not to hit each other.

[/quote] So Predrag was enough time in the rear view with Blue Flag and u saw a corner was coming without leaving any space for him to pass.[/quote]
You seem to be saying that cars with blue flag have to leave room in a corner. I thought we all agreed that this wasn't the case.

From the Rules of Racing:

"L-2: The driver that is overtaking/lapping the slower car must treat the situation as though a normal competitor is being overtaken - and not assume the lapped driver should leap out of the way at all costs."

"L-3: The driver that is being lapped should let the lead driver past and/or not resist to be overtaken. Only move out of the way for the lead driver when you believe it is safe to do so. For example, not on the apex of a corner."

It is the passing car that has all the control & has the responsibility to pass cleanly. The other cars were already side by side when the blue flag appeared - you can't expect one of them to suddenly go behind the other to leave room mid corner - that would not be safe. Predrag misjuged it, but it's one of those bad timing racing incidents between the classes.

On the other hand, I'd also expect an apology from M.Kingsbury for insulting predrag. :)

Offline fadeaway
Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:43 pm Post 
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@mustangman: i will be more constructive in this post: you should have lifted off and moved on outside line behind your teammate when blue flag was shown to you - instead you decided to overtake your teammate disregarding incoming car and went on racing line right in front of gt2 car and normally you got hit.

I paid for LFS with my own money... (its called a job.) So dont come to me for calling an impatient driver an idiot..

We all paid for lfs, what makes you so special so you can insult people based on your poor judgment? I tell you: instead of calling someone an idiot and rushing to report him you should discuss it after the race, watch replay from several angles and from yours and his perspective, look at pedals at the moment of hit (is it full throttle, did he used brakes etc) - that shows a lot of driver intentions. Thats wanted behavior instead of this impatient igothitidiotreport behavior. :wink:

Offline gandlers
Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:42 pm Post 
fadeaway wrote:
you should have lifted off and moved on outside line behind your teammate when blue flag was shown to you

I don't agree with that. From the rules above it doesn't state the lapped car has to move from the line; after all lower class cars are in a race too.
I have never seen an LMP class car at LeMans barge through one of the GT class cars, or a GT car diving out of the way of an LMP car if they are fighting for position. The LMP's tend to hold position and wait for A SAFE PLACE TO PASS, the same behaviour should hold true online.

It's a tough call this one, with 2 cars already side by side there was very little space to make a pass (If any). For me it wouldn't have hurt Predrag to wait until there was more space, as he didn't wait and took a car out he certainly should have apologised.

Offline DuHeC
Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:10 pm Post 
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gandlers wrote:
I don't agree with that. From the rules above it doesn't state the lapped car has to move from the line; after all lower class cars are in a race too.
I have never seen an LMP class car at LeMans barge through one of the GT class cars, or a GT car diving out of the way of an LMP car if they are fighting for position. The LMP's tend to hold position and wait for A SAFE PLACE TO PASS, the same behaviour should hold true online.

It's a tough call this one, with 2 cars already side by side there was very little space to make a pass (If any). For me it wouldn't have hurt Predrag to wait until there was more space, as he didn't wait and took a car out he certainly should have apologised.


Offline Mustangman759
Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:12 pm Post 
@ gandler - exactly my point
@ fadeaway - you called me a spoiled brat so I was merely pointing out you are incorrect and I buy all of my computer (gfx card,sims etc) myself with money I work. I don't feel special I just don't appreciate being called a brat by someone.
@kiyoshi - yea his error, I'll apologize when I see him although still don't understand it.

thanks for opinions.
although imho- why not just move GT2 to the GTR server and make best class NGT cars ;) would be safer for us all and avoid a lot of chaos. But that is my opinion it might not be the correct choice either

Offline Skagen
Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:20 pm Post 
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gandlers wrote:
I don't agree with that. From the rules above it doesn't state the lapped car has to move from the line; after all lower class cars are in a race too.
I have never seen an LMP class car at LeMans barge through one of the GT class cars, or a GT car diving out of the way of an LMP car if they are fighting for position. The LMP's tend to hold position and wait for A SAFE PLACE TO PASS, the same behaviour should hold true online.

Sadly, this kind of clean racing can simply not be expected on a public multiclass server, ever. There will ALWAYS be those who try to profit when leading cars are beeing clean and safe around slower/lower class cars. And seeing how most racers are competitive, you will instead end up with the kind of cowboy-racing we see on the S2 server where it is everyone for the best position at all cost.

If you want more realistic competition among the cars, I think you have to look at organized race events such as GTAL, etc.

Offline sermilan
Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:53 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
"L-3: The driver that is being lapped should let the lead driver past and/or not resist to be overtaken. Only move out of the way for the lead driver when you believe it is safe to do so. For example, not on the apex of a corner."

You've bolded the wrong lines. No car should move out of the way when being lapped. But the problem is that many of the lower class drivers take the "it is responsibility of the lapping car to make the move safely" too literately and they usually just take the racing line without consideration for the lapping car.

Simply, if you race a car of your own class and he goes along side of you, would you turn into him? Just apply the same rules while being lapped. The only difference is the speed of the lapping car, but that has to be taken in consideration.

When you enter a corner on the inside, for example, and there is a car to lap you - stay on the inside until being lapped. Don't change the line to the outside even if the racing line now moves on the outside. Wait until been lapped (which happens fast) and then continue racing. The same happens when you are on the outside. That's all. Really no big philosophy there and both cars would loose just a tiny bit of time.

1. Don't "jump out of the way"
2. Stay on your line until been lapped

In this particular case, Predrag carried a bit too much speed into the corner and mustangman was too tight into it. A bit of throttle release from Predrag and a bit of line change from mustangman and there would've been no accident. But, given that he was racing his team mate, I guess he couldn't concentrate well on both sides. But "idiot" ... :huh:

Offline fadeaway
Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:11 pm Post 
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gandlers wrote:
I don't agree with that.

Look.. I would have done that in his position.. no matter what blue flag rules say. Thats idealistic, and usable in some leagues if you want extra clean racing, but, like i said in my first post here, if you don't keep yourself safe, noone will. Yes he raised some dust here, but he got flipped in that race, and taken lot of our time in this topic, and he will probably get nothing. That wrong time wrong place situations happens a lot on server, this one isn't special in any way, if everyone would complain for that admins would lost their minds and will to do all this.

Offline kiyoshi
Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:33 am Post 
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fadeaway wrote:
If you start being arrogant on track and don't respect stronger cars you will get hit by a bus and then don't complain because you got what you asked for.

This is what you said in your first post. Respect stronger cars? I'll save my respect for skilled driver & not runaway bus thx. ;) Don't complain about 'anti-GT' with this attitude..!

The balance of blame is with Predrag in this case, but I've driven GT cars & it isn't that easy to just stop. I just would have expected an apology. And less throttle. ;)
Noone wants punishment, or admins with lost minds (for those that still have them!), just awareness.

I want extra clean racing on all servers, so why not try to raise the standard to get closer to that?

Offline inuam
Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:30 am Post 
The GT2 car wasn't even racing anyone. Why couldn't he brake a little and pass a few seconds later? He saw well before that there were two cars racing ahead, racing, not hotlapping. Still he decided to plow through in middle of a corner ruining the good race the other two had. That's poor race craft to me.

Offline Speedy J
Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:43 am Post 
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I think we can agree on the fact that braking and staying patient would have been the right thing to do.

Mega Predag is not punished for this action because he races a lot and has never caused trouble by driving idiotic before as far as I know. Of course we will point out this topic to him and tell him this should not be done this way. Saying this I am curious what he himself has to say about this.

Maybe I am the one who's mind is lost now :[ but that's how I see this case.

Furthermore there is nothing wrong with discussing behavior in this topic, as long a people don't insult others who's opinion is different (f)

Offline gandlers
Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:16 am Post 
@speedy: Should he have apologised for hitting the car he was passing?

I say he should as courtesy costs nothing and more upset is caused by ignorance than collisions.

Offline eXeYn
Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:22 am Post 
I wouldn't feel the need apologizing after being called an idiot. But I suppose an apology from both would solve it the way Speedy intends it to.

Offline Speedy J
Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:36 am Post 
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Of course he should have apologized. But like eXeYn says.... if someone calls you an idiot immediately.

Well I would have solved it by spectating (not really racing anyway) and saying "i am sorry for that but pleae don't call me an idiot" or something like that.

It's really often about this:
gandlers wrote:
as courtesy costs nothing

But my god that's so hard for a lot of people...

It would safe us from a lot of work :wink:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:19 pm Post 
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When it gets busier, the amount of reports increase, people leave because of crashing... Gets less busier, amount of reports decrease, more people join...

Vicious circle. :x

Offline fadeaway
Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:54 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
But my god that's so hard for a lot of people...

Yeah, in the heat of the moment.. you have to think with your head, not fall under emotions. Sometimes emotions prevail over courtesy. To be honest, I've embarrassed myself few times, i guess it happens, racing is dirty and cruel sport, even this virtual.. When shit happens, better to cool down for a minute, and don't say anything during that period. O:)

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