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Offline eXeYn
Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:02 pm Post

11:40 : ramming sdd-stanley

9:20 : arizzonte lost control. Both got in contact. SD Trucker intentionally rams him afterwards. While using the horn.

Offline gandlers
Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:25 pm Post 
what a nice considerate driver, why do most fast drivers have utter contempt for slower drivers and classes.
Attitude adjustment required, first incedent is bad, but the "revenge wreck" someone who had cleary lost control of his vehicle shows the immaturity of this racer.

Offline Tooth
Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:26 pm Post 
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This guy sure does think alot from himself. Plowing through other racers like that isnt our type of drivingmethods. I recon 2 week - 1 month thinking time.

Offline Speedy J
Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:50 pm Post 
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SD Trucker worked his way up to class 5 rather good and generally in a nice way. A ban seems a little strict. A safetydrop to "remember how it was to be lapped by GT2" seems more appropriate to me.

Offline gandlers
Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:06 pm Post 
if you cant do the time, don't do the crime...

It's the "soft hand" like that with all the "scrotes" here in the UK that led to the recent riots and looting.
IMHO there isn't really much of a deterrent for driving with such an inconsiderate way if they don't even get punished.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to tell you how to admin your own server, but it seems to me the world has gone soft and too many people think they can do as they please with no repercussions. No one fears authority anymore...

Offline Speedy J
Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:16 pm Post 
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gandlers wrote:
I'm not trying to tell you how to admin your own server

Well that is exactly what you are doing right now and you are making a habit of it.

Besides it is not my server but we (admins/owner) have our own vision on things and we are consequent in that from the beginning.
Rule number one: treat every case on it's own.
Rule number two: servers are for racing, not for adminning. Admins are a side-dish.
Rule number three: don't tell admins what to do :wink:

Yeah it would be great to just ban everybody with low experience, bad manors at times or anyone who looses his/her temper sometimes.

Reminds me of a server where I did never want to be and that has gone.

Back to this cae: SD Trucker will not do it again. That is what matters and that is what makes writing this report usefull. (Long) bans are for people we think will never learn or at least not by normal communication.

PS Comparing the way things are done by admins to what is wrong with your country is insane. Got no other word for it, sorry.

Offline HeMi
Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:05 pm Post 
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name: SD"Trucker (S_trucker)
lap: 0:36 - He try to crashe.
0:53 - Trying to overtake but he don't overlap.

name: SD"Trucker (S_trucker)
time: 1:6:30 crash KLENER
1:30 crash my first time. He have all free left side.
1:46 again crash :fp:

In my opinion ban for 99 days. :lock:

Offline Litro
Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:27 pm Post 
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HeMi wrote:
0:53 - Trying to overtake but he don't overlap.

What exactly do You mean here? That was accident IMO, he braked there, + I saw that haybale/tyre/any other object hit you a bit in air and You lost control.
2nd replay. You did quite suspicious move there on stright? But of course that revenge from him should be punished.

Offline gandlers
Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:56 pm Post 
First replay , looks like he swerved deliberately to try and "PIT manoeuvre" hemi as he passes him at the start.

Second replay, deliberate PIT manoeuvre in revenge. Not sure why Hemi went to move right as trucker approaches, maybe to give him the inside line, who knows. Blatant revenge wreck though.

Speedy J wrote:
SD Trucker will not do it again.

O'rly :x

Offline HeMi
Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:09 pm Post 
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i'm litle turn on right becouse i wont to give him left side. I don't now why he try to pass me on right. from the beginning there was no place to pass from rigft.

Offline mike259
Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:29 pm Post 
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Well I wood ban him but not for crashing, which he does, but for him to take a break and learn how to overtake, he is the worst LFS player at overtaking I have seen in a long time.

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