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Offline gandlers
Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:12 pm Post 
Name: J.Reich (bandaska)
Time: T1
Description: Tags and Pit Manoeuvres me through the first corner complex. Asked him what the story was and asked for an apology, claims I blocked him, like that is an excuse to crash someone. Gave him the whole first lap to apologise to which he replies for me to watch the replay and call me a noob. His driving was awful hitting various other racers, rejoining without looking. Further insults me at the end of the race calling me a looser if I report him.

I did watch the replay, I was well ahead of him (take the overhead view and you can see zero overlap) he hit me and kept planted deliberately spinning me only lifting to make sure he didn't get caught up with my spinning car.

I've seen this guy involved in several incidents whilst driving GT2 class and shows little or no consideration for other drivers. All he had to do was apologise for his "win at all costs" attitude, yet he insults and claims I blocked him (if being in front and taking the racing like is blocking - guilty as charged). I think this guy needs to learn how to play nicely with other kids, and above all courtesy costs nothing

Offline eXeYn
Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:15 pm Post 
What is all that Tag, Pit Manvoeuvre ??????

That touch can happen. Not enough space offered. And please don't argue that you were 10 centimeter in front of him while still being beside him.
But sorry this incident is not worth anything. Not even an S&G penalty.

The crash with Master 21 was really stupid. But I don't like it in the first place driving reverse.

He definitely drives quite aggressive

Offline gandlers
Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:13 pm Post 
From the LFS Rules for clean racing:
CT-5: The behind driver has a responsibility to not run into the back of a ahead driver. The ahead driver does not have to try to avoid you. If all else fails, the behind driver should run their own car off the track to avoid such a collision.


O-6: Ahead drivers have the right to take any line through a corner, unless an opposing car has overlap.

I feel i had left space, i deliberately didn't ride the kerb on the left in case he had "the legs" on me up the inside. The biggest issue i have is the denial that he caused the incident then the insults.

I apologise for contact EVEN IF IT ISN'T MY FAULT, I cant abide ignorant aggressive inconsiderate drivers who blame everyone but their own bad driving e.g J.Reich

Offline eXeYn
Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:46 pm Post 
The moment you crossed his driving line you lost these few centimeters you were ahead. I bet not every driver can react quickly and safely. Or how do you explain that a touch occured the moment the driving lines crossed?

Of course the driver behind has a responsibilty. But the driver ahead as well.

It's nobody's fault. It looked like a bit of lag was involved because you're car was very briefly a bit to the left.

Offline kiyoshi
Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:47 pm Post 
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I agree with Gandlers. If you consider that as a corner then bandaskas didn't have significant overlap at all.
Whatever the case, bandaskas did keep his foot down, driving through Gandlers, and he did make a 'pit move' to finish him off. That was unnecessary.
Looks like it started as a race incident, with both drivers thinking there was room, but ended unfairly.

It certainly wasn't the worst thing that happened in that race though.
Don't know what was going on with that combo today, but people were cutting & dive-bombing all over the place.
Standards are really dropping this week...

Offline eXeYn
Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:29 am Post 
If you consider it as a corner than it is chicane which started with both cars next to each other. Gandlers gained at first and then Bandaska. You can't just turn to the other driver's line in the hope he instantly takes off his foot from the throttle. You can't even do it on a straight as the result would have been the same. Being 0.5 meters in front on the side is just not enough to justify that you are innocent on the touch. That distance is nothing in racing.

Offline kiyoshi
Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:24 am Post 
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I know this isn't that bad an incident, but I don't understand how you can see it the way you do, so will continue, with good intent. :)

Are we looking at the same replay? On the left-hand turn in the chicane, at the turn in point, Gandlers is fully in front of Bandaska. Bandaska has no overlap at all - his car is behind. By the overtaking rules, he has no right to the inside line of that corner. Regardless, Gandlers does leave room on the inside - trying to be safe, and doesn't turn in or squeeze.
Looks like the common case of a driver thinking because he can see a space & is driving towards it, he is already in it & entitled to it.
I'm not saying Bandaska deliberately drove into Gandlers - from his line I'd imagine that was as tight a line as he could manage. However it was in his control to avoid the hit - he really should have lifted off, though there wasn't much time to make that decision. During the crash though, he kept hit foot flat & made no attempt to avoid it. That's the only thing I'd have a problem with.
So, if we had to apportion blame, i'd say 100% Bandaska, and if anyone cares about the whole rules of racing anymore, he should have given that place back.

Offline sermilan
Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:34 pm Post 
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That fast chicane is notorious for tin tops, everyone should pay extra attention while entering it with other racers around. Been out of it for quite a few times. This is just a racing incident, was very close to be avoided, but....
Forget it, arguing about this any further is pointless... take lessons from that, especially bandaska (as Gandlers already did) and leave that behind.

Offline kiyoshi
Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:43 pm Post 
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But its ok to just drive through other car after a race incident? NO! :)

Offline mike259
Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:46 pm Post 
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I think this a unfortunate race incident and the second crash totally not his fault but I have a question for gandlers, why did u lift off the throttle, J.Reich wasn't drafting u so that's why he caght enough to hit u.

One more thing gandlers, can u more clear in your description bcz I know what u mean with "pit manoeuvre" and all that stuff but many don't but u never listen so here is the explanation for one of them


Offline gandlers
Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:24 pm Post 
@ kiyoshi: Thanks, it's good to know someone else understands the problem here

@ mike:I lifted (albeit momentarily) to ensure I could turn in an leave him space on the left, maybe in future I shouldnt be considerate towards other drivers as it seems I am one of a limited few who tries to avoid incidents. Where the majority seem intent on winning "by whatever means". Be that crash braking, or like in this instance deliberately driving though a car which you have tagged and caused to spin.

Had he lifted off after the first touch, I MAY have been able to recover and continue the race. Instead he kept the hammer down to ensure that may race was over.

My biggest issue is not the crash although it does wind me up that a racer supposedly as experience as this guy doesnt even know the basic rules of clean racing or sporting conduct. It's his attitude which offends me the most; I gave him plenty of opportunity to apologise but instead he chooses to insult me.

Offline kiyoshi
Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:31 pm Post 
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^^ thats exactly what happened, except at the point of impact, bandaska didn't turn it - it wasn't deliberate, but he did follow through & finish it off, including the final flick.

mike259 wrote:
J.Reich wasn't drafting u so that's why he caught enough to hit u

This should say 'caught enough to PASS you'. It's ok to hit someone because they are slower? :no:

And the second crash totally not his fault? If you mean with Master 21, it's ok to be typing a message & rejoin track into another car? He apologised for that even, so he knew it was a mistake.
Is there something going on here that I don't know about?

This isn't some serious incident, but surely we should all agree on what or who caused an incident & how it could be avoided?
If the driver who makes the mistake gains, that's wrong & they shouldn't get the place/point/whatever. That just makes people risk crashing more often.

Offline mike259
Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:14 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
This should say 'caught enough to PASS you'. It's ok to hit someone because they are slower?

I did not say it's ok I sed the reason, it is his fault but considering the incident and the rest of his driving a ban is not need-it, yet !

Offline sermilan
Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:24 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
But its ok to just drive through other car after a race incident? NO!

Which car?

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:16 pm Post 
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I wasn't looking for the word "nooobs" as answer to this situation.

91% -> 58% safety rate.

Need to prove himself again by starting to race on the S1 server.

Offline gandlers
Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:20 pm Post 
Thanks Dave :thumb:

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