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Offline kiyoshi
Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:23 pm Post 
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It all happens in the first laps. 7 or 8 collisions, rejoining track into other cars. 0 apologies.
Is driving like this allowed on the server?

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:10 pm Post 
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Unprofessional behavior. Arrogance, ignorant.

Safety drop 89.95 => 71.65%

Offline gandlers
Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:14 pm Post 
That is a biblical level of disregard and contempt towards other drivers, doesn't deserve the privilege of racing on CG with atrocious behaviour like that.
Not surprised you disconnected is disgust.
Hopefully he will have learned his lesson

Offline mike259
Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:21 pm Post 
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I am a bit surprised bcz morx is a good racer as he was the 2'nd half of the race and being the exact opposite in the beginning but the incident with u was his misjudge of your actions after-all u ware braking in a place where usually u accelerate and u ware accelerating when he hit which I don't know why but and this is a BIG BUT for you gandlers, why do you keep making mountains out of every single mole hill, like a women or green pace, if we ware to ban bad racers like u and league drivers how many racers do u think will be left, I know, not many !

Offline kiyoshi
Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:22 pm Post 
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As I said to Speedy a little later, I don't want anyone to be 'punished', I just want people to race cleanly & with respect. He's capable of doing that, as the later laps show, so why do this?
I'm happy to hear his point of view & discuss it calmly, but I can't see any reason to be this inconsiderate. :(

Offline Dave
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Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:22 pm Post 
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Thats why the admin action isn't that heavy (yet) in this case.

Offline MorX
Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:11 pm Post 
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Didnt even remember to ask for excuse at the end of the race, to the guy i hit.
Not because i want to avoid any penalties, but just for being kind with any mistake i do.

I'm using a laptop, that sometimes doesnt sense the press of buttons, it's not a hardware issue but a software i guess... happens on most games i play.

When im constantly pressing E for throttle and try to decellerate by instantly pressing W it sometimes doesnt sense the key-press. Same happens for the opposite situation, just randomly.

During many race starts, i've wrecked my car full speed off track, just right at 1st turn because of that, this time i was giving my best to keep my position and didnt react sending the car off track.

My punishment is okay, though it's time to check my fckin keyboard drivers to finally solve after a year this issue :)

Lot's of e-love, Morx.

<3 Boobies ! :lief:

Offline Speedy J
Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:25 pm Post 
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:D You should get a 30% safety rate boost for this reply, best I have seen from a reported and penalized racer ever. You just made my day.

Hmm well okay, for this time only: :hug:

Offline MorX
Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:38 pm Post 
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Do i have to switch at multiplayer screen to S1 to see the Cargame S1 ??
I can drive MRT there with 30% safety or not?

Offline mike259
Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:54 pm Post 
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what multiplayer screen ?

Offline Speedy J
Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:54 pm Post 
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Yeah you will have to disconnect from S2 and join S1.

I don't know what the safety rate demand is for MRT but I guess yours is high enough now.

Offline MorX
Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:41 pm Post 
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72 safety rating is like smoking while refueling the car :o

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:41 pm Post 
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MorX wrote:
When im constantly pressing E for throttle and try to decellerate by instantly pressing W it sometimes doesnt sense the key-press. Same happens for the opposite situation, just randomly.

Ehh wait... You still race with mouse/keyboard?

MorX wrote:
to check my fckin keyboard drivers to finally solve after

What about a wheel, you don't have to look at keyboard drivers then :x

(if it's fixable anyway, might be a hardware limitation).

Offline DuHeC
Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:48 pm Post 
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Finally u banned him :thumb:

Offline kiyoshi
Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:56 pm Post 
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So, I see you're concerned about which cars you can drive now, and have a novel excuse, but are you sorry for all the people you hit? Didn't actually hear you say that yet.
Bit disappointed really. Do we have to assume that you are just going to wreck us from time to time?

Actually, wait, you're telling us that your keyboard made you drive back onto the track into other cars several times?
Did you actually watch this replay at all???

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:04 pm Post 
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DuHeC wrote:
Finally u banned him :thumb:

I didn't. But why this 'relief' ?

Offline MorX
Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:59 pm Post 
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First of all, yes, i do race with mouse / keyboard. I dont feel comfortable using a wheel, both practically on my desk and getting used to it.

kiyoshi, asking "Oh sorry" does not make any sense to me, even if im being crashed, i prefer to hear NOTHING rather than a fake cold shitty "sorry! my bad" ...!
If you feel like being treated better seeing a "sorry" after crashing onto you, then alright, i can make a postcard with some sweet apologies :P :lief:

In conclusion im sorry for noone! I've being crashed ignoring people, im being crashed from people who say sorry and let me pass through again to re-claim my position, im being crashed by people who right on disconnect... etc etc.

I'm only thinking of people who i crashed by mistake and there's no need to say sorry to them, i guess they have enough brain to judge by themselves and understand. :wink:

Again, if you feel so bad for wrecking you, you can always report me and i'll be here to accept my mistakes and punishment for them! :honger:

kiyoshi wrote:
So, I see you're concerned about which cars you can drive now

I'm just playing this game to relax, whatever car i drive... im just slower but at least i can try being the faster in class. Yes im concerned about what car i should drive, aren't you ??? :yes:

Offline DuHeC
Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:15 am Post 
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I didn't. But why this 'relief' ?

What are you waiting for? He is crasher, flooder "epic fail binds" ect... I don't care. Do what you want. It's your server. :thumb:

Offline MorX
Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:22 am Post 
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DuHeC wrote:
What are you waiting for? He is crasher, flooder "epic fail binds" ect... I don't care. Do what you want. It's your server. :thumb:

And who the hell you are to judge me?

Am I crasher? -> report me!
Am i flooder? -> use block messages and then report me too!
Do i use epic fail binds? -> Show off yours or ignore me.

ffs... you made 2 posts on my related topics and both were full of anger about me.

Go watch some Rebecca Black videos to relax..... :\

Offline DuHeC
Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:36 am Post 
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Model I am completely calm. And as I said I'm not interested :thumb:

Offline kiyoshi
Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:37 am Post 
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ok, so you aren't sorry then. I thought you might come here with a bit of humility, but obviously you don't give a shit about anyones fun other than your own.

MorX wrote:
I'm only thinking of people who i crashed by mistake and there's no need to say sorry to them, i guess they have enough brain to judge by themselves and understand. :wink:

So, you bump into someone in a bar & accidentally spill their drink on them. You don't apologise, but you tell them if they have a brain, they should realise that you don't need to?
Try this, please, & let us know how it turns out.

Offline MorX
Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:02 am Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:

So, you bump into someone in a bar & accidentally spill their drink on them. You don't apologise, but you tell them if they have a brain, they should realise that you don't need to?
Try this, please, & let us know how it turns out.

You messed real life with a grid of pixels buddy.

Offline Rolly
Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:55 pm Post 
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just watched replay.... total disregard to other drivers........ think you got off lightly this time.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:25 pm Post 
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MorX wrote:
You messed real life with a grid of pixels buddy.

Ehhh it's exactly the same.

It's even more complicated because the voice and body expressions are missing so you have to do more effort to express your real personality.

I stick with my first conclusion; wrote:
Unprofessional behavior. Arrogance, ignorant.

The next time you think that you are on your own (that is how you behave on the server) the consequences will be different.

In general I think you are a good person but you clearly have difficulties fitting in an online community.

Offline MorX
Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:59 pm Post 
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I like the fact that you try to understand my personality, means a lot.

If you're a woman i'd like to meet you :lol:

(in serious words, yes sometimes i act strange, i'll try to make my driving style more safe for all)

Offline BMW-gek
Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:59 pm Post 
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MorX wrote:
asking "Oh sorry" does not make any sense to me, even if im being crashed, i prefer to hear NOTHING rather than a fake cold shitty "sorry! my bad" ...!
If you feel like being treated better seeing a "sorry" after crashing onto you, then alright, i can make a postcard with some sweet apologies

Even its a programmed bind its shows that you noticed he bumped off the track by your mistake. Pretty normal if you ask me.....

Offline kiyoshi
Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:07 pm Post 
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Morx - I didn't mix this up with reality. Every car in the race is someone in their chillout time - trying to have fun & a good race on the server. They don't want some random person to be driving like in the replay at the top, ruining their fun. (They probably also don't want some random guy telling them to suck his d%€k, but that's a different matter). Why would you behave in the server with real people any different than if you met them in real life? They are just the same people.
All anyone wants is for you, and everyone else, to behave reasonably. We know you can do it. And if you mess up, just man up & say sorry & don't give some BS excuse.

We are all here to have fun - that means all of us & not just you.

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