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Offline gandlers
Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:23 am Post 
Capacity: 160.000

So thats what it looks like when you gather 160,000 retards in one place :lol:

NASCAR; i just dont get it. driving round in a circle is entertaining to americans?

The richest most powerful nation on earth, god help us!

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:46 pm Post 
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gandlers wrote:
The richest most powerful nation on earth, god help us!


Richest? Have you seen the amount of money being lend and the -gigantic- budget deficit?

This country is heading for bankruptcy. Not many people seem to realize that. There is a sky and there is a limit, it took some time but it will fall. :x :/

Almost one out of four Americans (25%) is unemployed. Stock markets again back at levels of 15 years ago. Thats not really a good sign is it.

The richest countries are China, Eastern Europe and Russia because they didn't 'capitalize' and lend/created enormous amounts of money out of dust due to the strict Communism principles. Remember that for the near future :) .

Offline gandlers
Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:06 pm Post 
ok, not a factually correct statement. More a generalisation, they have both extremes of the scale in the US; from disgusting levels of wealth to appalling poverty, but that can be said of most "developed nations".
You are obviously a lot more aware of the world markets than me. Economics and politics have never been my strong subjects, so rather than derail this topic further, I shall stand corrected :x

Offline sermilan
Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:17 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
The richest countries are China, Eastern Europe and Russia...

Not Easter Europe, most of ex YU countries, at least, are in more debt now than the whole Yugoslavia has been before it broke apart.

Offline Dave
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Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:47 am Post 
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OK lets get this discussion done with one map of the world, too bad its from 2009 (it's going VERY fast)

When you are lending you are not rich, you are just pretending to everybody else that you are rich but actually you are not. It's like saying you are 'buying' a house while you are actually not buying it but asking the bank to buy it for you. In case of the USA, it's China which has lend enormous amounts, took all factory production, exporting everything -to- the US. The US basically fooled themselves and are now going to pay an price of epic proportions.

Same for 'us'... Some idiots have to crazy idea to help the lying and cheating Greece. :fp:

Offline sermilan
Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:57 am Post 
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We are going into off topic, but...
This are public debts comparing to what (percentages confuse me)?

(maybe open a new topic and move these posts there, as I have the feeling we will be discussing this some more :roll:? )

Offline Dave
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Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:25 am Post 
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Public debt against GrossDomesticProduct. It's a nice word for the complete economic production of a country.

See it as a salary... So you have salary and you have debt. If the total debt is higher then your yearly income, you can never pay of your debt. The only thing you do is paying interest over the debt until you reach a point where this isn't also possible anymore.

Still a long way to go.. Japan is the worst country in the entire world with a 220% percentage but the Yen has become pretty worthless as a result. It's getting a little troubling when the same happens to the dollar. (Which is going to be the case in my opinion). Devaluation will increase debt even more and well.. Chain reaction of global problems basically because oil for example is traded in dollars... Maybe the Maya's are right about 2012 in the end :D :x

How do you know money is devaluating? You have to look at the price of gold for that. Keep in mind that it's over 1900$ right now when you look at this graph.

In the early eighties we had a total collapse of the financial system, a global collapse of economics, an oil crisis and major problems on the housing market. It basically was a very dark time. It seems we did not learned from history. It will affect the capitalized countries more because the higher you are, the higher you fall. Because I've seen this coming for a long time already, I took some timed precautions, sit tight and hold that sucker out :x

sermilan wrote:
(maybe open a new topic and move these posts there, as I have the feeling we will be discussing this some more :roll:? )

agreed, but I cannot split postings :roll:

Offline Nick7
Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:20 am Post 
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Whole monetary system is crap basically.

Since economics revolve around fictional numbers - shares for example.
For example.. you have company that buys some other company, but share prices drop - how is it possible that company that now has extra assets is suddenly less valued?
Same goes how those prices change. It's all just a gimmick. It does not show true value of anything.

Than go much, much lower.
In my company we have around 1000 employees.
It's interesting how often you hear words like 'CAPEX is good', 'OPEX is bad'.
In the end it turns out as - paying one more person to work is BAD, as that goes under OPEX.
But, paying some hardware that is useless priceless amount, or if you're lucky pay some consultants also crazy amount is GOOD if it can fall under CAPEX.
And similar crap...

Lastly, the monetary system is done in a way that banks control the world. And they actually do.
The way it works, every country has to be in debt.

Offline sermilan
Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:12 pm Post 
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It's so strange to learn that most of the "Western" countries are the ones which are the most in debts :S. Not so long ago they were considered economically superior.
But, as Nick7 said, figures are strange. How can you measure the quality of life of citizens of a country? Basically, the map shows that Serbia, for example, is less threatened with economic collapse and would be a more desirable place to live than Holland, for example. But common sense says different.

Offline Dave
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Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:41 pm Post 
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sermilan wrote:
How can you measure the quality of life of citizens of a country?

Well.. This debt2GDP is not a bad indicator.

A baby in Holland is being born here immediately with 20.000 Euro debt.. Didn't do anything yet, just checking out the world.

For a long long long time this debt pyramid worked out (about 40 years when economic powers decided to let go the Gold Standard)... People making huge lending deals on their houses, now there is a problem because that pyramid is going to collapse. Housing has become so expensive that people start to realize that the asking price for a house isn't real anymore. There is money being made out of thin air, money that does not actually exist. There is money being spend which wasn't there in the first place.

This is a nice explanation;


Offline sermilan
Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:07 pm Post 
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Nice, simple explanation :)
I still remember 1993 when we had inflation exceeding a 100% a day (meaning: you get paid 10 dinars in the morning which was worth 10 EUR, for example, but if you were not able to rush immediately out of work to exchange it for solid currency or buy some goods, you'd loose half of it by the end of working hours and be able to buy only 5 EUR or goods worth that much). Printing money was the reason and my parents have lost most of their nerves in that period due to such a stressful circumstances.

As a souvenir, I still have a few of these:
It was worth about 10 Deutche Mark in the morning and less than 5 DM in the evening. In a week, you couldn't buy even a chewing gum with it.

Hope we didn't start a global trend? :huh:

What are your predictions, if you have any, how will it be?

Offline Dave
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Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:29 pm Post 
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Well I'm not done yet... The following video is a better example of what a lot of people did in these so called rich countries (also mine) ;


Worst of all.. You could re-adjust your mortgage to higher standards and use the extra money to buy a car for example. So you buy stuff with money which actually does not exist.

I have a very simple example what a lot of young kids are doing right now. They go to a mobile phone provider like Vodafone. They sign a contract for a 'free phone'. They sell the phone on Ebay and use that money to buy... Well.. Other crap... I think thats the best small example of whats going on here.

The problem is, that there was no 'free phone' in the first place. The phone actually is calculated in the monthly subscription bill so you actually just borrow money.

sermilan wrote:
What are your predictions, if you have any, how will it be?

I have really no clue... Nobody has... The current situation is not thinking about the future, just go on and lets see where it ends...

USA raising debt ceilings
Greece asking for enormous amounts of new debt money
Italia which is next, finally after all those years want to do something about it => riots / protest
Spain / Portugal in big trouble
Ireland :lock:

Basically one big mess in the countries which used to had so called 'great economic prosperities'.

All eyes to Russia and Eastern Europe I think.

Offline mike259
Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:37 pm Post 
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Yeah same thing happened here, neighbour :D , but on a bit bigger scale. Predictions... if the current situation doesn't get fixed capitalism will die, but to be a bit cynical if more crap happens how wood me know the difference.

Offline gandlers
Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:50 pm Post 
We're all doomed...

god I'm depressed now ;(

Offline mike259
Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:43 pm Post 
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I know how to make u happy again, I'll show u an average wager around here and you'll be smiling more than G. Brown.

Offline sermilan
Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:55 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
All eyes to Russia and Eastern Europe I think.

Well... don't know about Russia, but I wouldn't count much on Eastern European countries. All of those countries gravitate towards EU (which is led by countries already in deep debts), some of them already in, others looking forward to be in. Also, GDP of those countries is not high even though they have better ratio to debts. Their economies are still not developed enough to represent any significant potential.

I look on this through my country, as well. We borrow more and more money (went searching on our debts data when read your debt-2-GDP ratio post) and we are getting more into debts too + corruption is still a very big obstacle and that's not only in my country, but at least in other Balkan countries (ex YU, Bulgaria, Romania...) too. I just don't see the potential.


So, the whole mess started when average, decent Joe got fuc*ed? And greedy busta*ds wanted more and more? And they've finally killed the goose that was bringing a golden egg each day?
The key to resolving this problem would be bringing back respect for the Joe and passing laws that would protect him from such skims in the future. But will they do it? The thing is that power is in the hands of those who betrayed him in the first place, at the moment. But if they don't do it, the whole thing will eventually explode to pieces. I don't know... :fp: , there isn't a simple solution.

@mike259 - where are you from?

Offline xzu
Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:07 pm Post 
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The world sucks! Let's Race! :D :honger:

(As soon as my Ligament damage heals :/ )

Offline sermilan
Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:12 pm Post 
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xzu wrote:
The world sucks! Let's Race! :D :honger:

That's what we all do, every night :wink: . Or at least pretend, as not many of us are RL racers such as yourself (f)

Offline mike259
Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:16 pm Post 
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@sermilan I'm from Romania and I do know what u talk about, it's true, unfortunately. And if u brought Russian in to the topic I have a message for them, give me my gold back ! and I will stop there bcz if I get USA in it will get messy.

mike259 aka CG mikey

Offline xzu
Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:10 pm Post 
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sermilan wrote:
That's what we all do, every night :wink: . Or at least pretend, as not many of us are RL racers such as yourself (f)

No real racing for me for the next few weeks - need to rest my knee so only 'pretend' racing... :D - after a music festival this weekend! :honger:

Offline Cornys
Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:01 pm Post 
Just for the record.. I was at Bristol (you know the place where 160,000 retards gather) and that was just about the time of my life. Racing, is racing, is racing, and even if you're not smart enough to see that that's all road course racing is as well... then I feel sorry for you.

I enjoy all kinds of motorsports by the way :) I'll defend just about every single one of them.

Also, just for the record, America is full of dumb people, but I myself sat beside an Aussi and a Canadian at the Bristol night race. Take it as you wish, but until you've been somewhere to watch an oval race, don't knock it. There might be more there than what you'd ever think there to be. In the end, it's still racing :)

Offline mtrein
Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:34 pm Post 
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I was once an "oval disbeliever", then I sat down and watched a race. Even though it is a different kind of racing, it felt just like a road race: close encounters, skilled drafting, competitive overtaking... It's all there. And believe me, just about as fun as it gets.

Offline Obmit
Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:31 am Post 
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Hippy mode on;

"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money." - Cree saying.

Hippy mode off;

Offline Jenk
Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:24 pm Post 
Meh tbh. The worst/best thing about the current system is that whenever something gets in the way, the system just circumnavigates the problem entirely, or in fact changes to a degree that the problem becomes acceptable and in many cases, even profitable.

My prediction: USA will just invent a way to make their currency more valuable. No body will argue, because it's the USA and everyone has far too much invested in the USD/USA to argue.

China will continue to grow, Russia will laugh, and finally everywhere will continue to have individuals that accumulate wealth, whilst making those around them even more poor.

The pendulum will continue to swing.

Offline gandlers
Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:32 pm Post 
yes, the rich will get richer and poor will get poorer.
The fat cat bankers who essentially steal from the workers will continue to embezzle their way through life above any repercussions of the laws they are breaking or lives they are destroying.
That is essentially the capitalist world we are living in ;( :fp:

Offline Speedy J
Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:43 pm Post 
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Let the Prophet speak:

This materialistic world we know, we live in, we were taught that is great, is changing. Around the world you can see nature speeding up destroying what mankind has built over the last thousands of years and what is now destroyed by mankind itself.

We will have to depend even more on what this planet has to offer us and we will learn that we need to be carefull with resources, our fellow human beings and ourselves. We will learn that life in itself is worth much more when we finally see that empathy is the keyword and not currency.

End of times next year people. NOT the end of the world, as most ignorant scientists and others claim to have understood from our ancestors (Maya's) but the end of the time we live in. Time to build a new one, based on respect and understanding. To ourselves, others around us, this planet.

Are you ready for it? I am :honger: :honger: :honger:

Offline Obmit
Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:43 pm Post 
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Speedy(Praise be upon Him) my friend, very eloquently put :thumb:

Bring it on, I've been ready for longer than I care to mention.

No great empire/civilization lasts for ever, they never have and they never will.
We are currently in the Empire of The Banker, run by corrupt individuals who have enormous levels of greed, bordering on worship for money. It will consume itself. The current system cannot be sustained.
All systems collapse, nothing is stable, entropy.

So yeah, bring it on, things need to change.

I think research should be started to identify and isolate the "greed gene", so that some form of treatment can be found to eradicate it from the gene pool once and for all. O:)

I believe the world would be a much nicer place to be.

Offline sermilan
Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:57 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
Time to build a new one, based on respect and understanding. To ourselves, others around us, this planet.

Are you ready for it? I am

Ooops... I thought I was the only Utopian here :P ... but it seams others started popping out. Welcome to the club! :lol:

Offline Speedy J
Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:14 pm Post 
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What can I say guys, great minds think alike 8) :lol:

Offline Dave
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Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:03 am Post 
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LFS seems to play a big part in this new world thing so we can continue I guess... 8)

(Did the Maya's already knew about the S3 patch and Christmas 2012? Impressive!)

Offline Speedy J
Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:35 am Post 
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Christmas 2012 is about the "turning point" in time and the way we live yeah. So will it be a turning point in LFS-reacing? Who knows :wink:

About LFS: think about what makes racing in LFS nice. Is it purely the winning part or is it also about nice, respectfull, considerate racing and communication between racers? And if we win, do we really win something or is it just about fun?

Offline Jenk
Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:24 am Post 
That's very much wishful thinking Speedy J (I'm not referring to LFS here :p) We're never going to see a global community like that in our lifetimes, not unless someone invents a cure to human greed.

Offline Speedy J
Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:34 am Post 
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Well I would be too optimistic if I said that we would reach that in our lifetime but I really think the new(-er) generations are going to act in that direction. If anything is leaned at the moment, it is that greed brings nothing than trouble. But yeah, I am wishful here, I know :)

Offline mtrein
Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:50 pm Post 
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Wow, speedy, you sound like a true Mayan prophet there :lief:

Offline gandlers
Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:35 pm Post 
god damn hippies :lol:

only kidding, if only everyone shared your views and wasn't motivated by "whats in it for me?"
Sadly greed is what makes this world go round ;(
If only everyone was a little more considerate to each other :hug:

Speedy J wrote:
About LFS: think about what makes racing in LFS nice. Is it purely the winning part or is it also about nice, respectfull, considerate racing and communication between racers? And if we win, do we really win something or is it just about fun?

For me I would rather loose a race to more skilled racer who has passed me fairly after a close respectful battle.
There is another victory I like though: when you finish ahead of an ignorant & inconsiderate racer who barge passes his way through the field only to run out of talent later in the race. :lol: That always pleases me :woop:

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