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Offline Joey
Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:16 pm Post 
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After talking with dave this evening we have decided to put together a team to participate in the GTAL series.

GTAL is a league for amateur racers driving GT2 cars.

As most (or all) drivers have not participate in any official racing league this should be ideal for us to
start a team and have fun racing other people online.

The series have 3, 6 and 12 hour races. In the 3 and 6 hour races your allowed a maximum of 6 drivers amd in the 12 hour race its up to 8 drivers maximum.

For now there is no more information. Sign ups for this series will start late this week and we would like to know who is interested in this.

Cargame members will have the advantage above none Cargame members but if needed they will be allowed in the team.

1. Dave
2. Joey
3. BMW
4. Speedy
5. Obmit
7. Marcromboy
8. 777-Morgan

Last edited by Joey on Sat Sep 25, 2010 12:36 pm, edited 7 times in total.

Offline BMW-gek
Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:11 pm Post 
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Offline Aussie Infidel
Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:39 am Post 
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what times are the races? I'm in australia so it could be a little difficult for me

Offline Speedy J
Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:14 am Post 
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Offline BMW-gek
Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:24 am Post 
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Aussie Infidel wrote:
what times are the races? I'm in australia so it could be a little difficult for me

GTAL Topic. I have to read it first to.

Also every Wednesday: AMG motorsports

Offline marcromboy
Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:44 pm Post 
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what about non-CG members, can they be part of the CG team at these events ?

Offline Speedy J
Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:37 am Post 
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Depends Marc, do you have teamspeak and a mic ready?

Offline Joey
Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:12 am Post 
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As said in my first post we will pick members from CG first.

If needed we will pick non CG members to fill up a team.

Offline boothy
Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:01 pm Post :wink: BL1, SO4R, AS6R, KY3B I can say will be in the season so get practicing 8)

Offline Joey
Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:13 pm Post 
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Applications are open....

Anyone who wants to join our team needs to be QUICK !!!

What I need from everyone that is in the team is the following :

Driver Real Name, Driver LFS User Name, Driver Gender, Driver Nationality, and brief summary of Driver's league experience

If you dont want to make these detail public feel free to PM me.

We are also looking for a Manager and a Vice-Manager. Anyone that thinks or wants to do it please step forward.

This role will probably only include getting dates and times for races and/or penalties for races.

Myself and Speedy would be ABLE to do it BUT we welcome others to do it since we are not fulltime available.

I need these details ASAP so I can send the form to the league organisation.

MACROMBOY please sort your stuff and let us know you will be in the team IF you can sort the TS out.

Any other drivers are welcome we are looking for 4 or 5 more.

Offline Speedy J
Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:22 pm Post 
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As discussed, I propose Marc Romboy to be our CG teammember, when he has the availability of TeamSpeak (which is a must for endurance really....)

Some CG-members agree on this proposal as far as I know, I hope the others will find this proposal okay 8) :wink:

Offline BMW-gek
Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:36 pm Post 
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boothy wrote:

:huh: Wich one is this?

Offline boothy
Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:42 pm Post 
Kyoto GP Long with the Boothy Chicane layout (f)

Anyway I've done a race where a team mate didn't have a mic, it's useful but not that much of a disadvantage if you can work something out beforehand - I know some MoE teams have used mobile phones before. If the person without a mic is fast enough, no reason to stop the driving tbh.

Offline Joey
Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:17 am Post 
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I need this data ASAP guys. There are already alot of people that have send their apps in and we cant wait any longer if we want to do this.

Push !!!!!!

Offline Obmit
Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:32 am Post 
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Ok here are my details

Real name :- Tim Robinson

LFS name :- Obmit

Gender :- Male

Nationality :- English

Previous league experience :- Zip, zilch, bugger all, nothing, none at all :D

P.s. Please don't forget that my participation can only be provisional at the moment,,, health reasons still mean I get tired very easily at times :roll:

P.p.s. Prefered car would be FX2, but I am putting in practise with XR2 (cos I know that RWD is faster, but harder, well for me it is anyway :yes: )

Offline Speedy J
Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:10 am Post 
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Real name: Joep Reits
LFS name: Speedy J
Gender: male
Nationality: Dutch
Previous ex.: same astonashing as Obmit :yes:
Car: FX2

PS Joey maybe send the other teammambers a PB?

Offline jahilton2002
Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:14 am Post 
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Real name :- John Hilton

LFS name :- John Hilton

Gender :- Male

Nationality :- English

Previous league experience :- Zip, zilch, bugger all, nothing, none at all :D

P.s. Please don't forget that my participation can only be provisional at the moment, unless i can find the dates for all the races. and at what time they start! :huh: :x

P.p.s. Prefered car would be FX2, RWD is faster tho :thumb:

also can the team have standby drivers if one or two can't make it?
need to know when the races are, as the mrs might have my balls if it every night!

Offline Speedy J
Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:25 am Post 
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Who needs balls when can race in a league John :[ :lol:

Offline jahilton2002
Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:33 am Post 
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Me! :[

Offline BMW-gek
Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:16 am Post 
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Real name: Dave de Man

LFS name : BMW-gek

Gender: Male ----------------------------->>>> :[

Nationality: Dutch

Previeus League experience: None

Prefer car: XR2 or FX2. ( Depending what my teammates want to drive, I like both)


Joey wrote:
We are also looking for a Manager and a Vice-Manager. Anyone that thinks or wants to do it please step forward.

Means this communication with the race management? Don't get the picture what remains to be done.

Offline boothy
Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:16 am Post 
Schedule :wink:

Offline BMW-gek
Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:20 am Post 
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So the dates and times for the races, discuss penalties?

Offline boothy
Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:41 am Post 

Offline Speedy J
Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:46 am Post 
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Nice tracks, I am able to keep the car ontrack on most of them if I try :lol: Gonaa be practising a lot the next weeks though.... especially FE4 is a killertrack for me :-?

About management; Joey and me are willing to be manager and vice-manager but is anybody else feels he would like to be one of those; please say so (f)

Offline jahilton2002
Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:07 pm Post 
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oh oh can i put my name down for makin' the offical team skin for the event? we need to pick a car first :lol:

maybe we could start a poll on the cars we should use?

Offline BMW-gek
Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:18 pm Post 
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I will be the reserve vice manager then. Don't know off it is something for me.

Offline jahilton2002
Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:23 pm Post 
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im up for this now :) although the first race is one of the tracks i hate the most :angry:

Offline BMW-gek
Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:58 pm Post 
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I'm not that good at SO tracks........ Need allot of practice, mostly when the track is on CG I did walk the dogs, doing the dishes or something else. :[

Offline Joey
Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:11 pm Post 
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jahilton2002 wrote:
oh oh can i put my name down for makin' the offical team skin for the event? we need to pick a car first :lol:

maybe we could start a poll on the cars we should use?

Yes you can John. There will be a skinkit out next week with info about the decals they want us to have on the car.

@dave I need your info to mate if you want to drive :D

@all dont forget they the LFS name is your license login in name/username NOT your name that displays on the screen !!!!!!

Offline BMW-gek
Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:33 pm Post 
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Joey wrote:
@dave I need your info to mate if you want to drive


Offline Joey
Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:37 pm Post 
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No the other Dave :D

Offline BMW-gek
Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:38 pm Post 
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:lol: :thumb:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:32 pm Post 
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Real name: Dave de Beer

LFS name :

Gender: Male

Nationality: Dutch

Previeus League experience: None

Prefer car: FX2

Offline jahilton2002
Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:41 pm Post 
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I'm not that good at SO tracks........ Need allot of practice, mostly when the track is on CG I did walk the dogs, doing the dishes or something else.

dont you walk the dog on every track.....

......... oh it makes sense now :lol:

Offline jahilton2002
Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:43 pm Post 
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i want pics of this boothy chicane :lol: :wink: :thumb:

Offline Speedy J
Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:46 pm Post 
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Yeah i downloaded it but it is supposed to show in LFS? :huh: :oops:

Offline jahilton2002
Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:13 pm Post 
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Offline BMW-gek
Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:32 pm Post 
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jahilton2002 wrote:
dont you walk the dog on every track.....

:no: Johnieboy 8)

jahilton2002 wrote:
......... oh it makes sense now

I could do that, got three dogs O:)

Offline marcromboy
Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:36 pm Post 
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yes i do have teamspeak and a mic

Real name: Phil Krueger
LFS name: reason0809
Gender: male
Nationality: German
Previous ex.: None
Car: FX2

Offline Joey
Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:06 pm Post 
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Just got a Mail back from GTAL. They have recieved the applicatoin and we will hear more from them after 8th of October.

Fingers crossed guys :D

Offline Speedy J
Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:13 pm Post 
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marcromboy wrote:
yes i do have teamspeak and a mic

:cheer: :cheer:

Joey wrote:
Just got a Mail back from GTAL

:woop: :woop:

Offline jahilton2002
Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:19 pm Post 
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well even if we dont get in we should still on ahead and practice, we could setup a server to qualify for say 30-60 mins and see who's the faster (qualify allows us to see everybodys laptimes) and then just go into a 1 or two hour race. we had to practice with long laps/setups with pit stops....

we could even have our own weekend mini GP

Offline Obmit
Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:42 pm Post 
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Yes, a practise server would be a good idea I think, maybe if we ask Dave nicely he could set one up for us, maybe have it password protected, so that only the CG nutters are on there,,, did I say nutters, I meant lunatics,,, erm,,, expert racers O:)

Aaaand, we need to find a setup for whichever car we end up racing with (FX2 *cough cough hint hint* :wink: ), one that everybody is happy with, cos in enduro we will all be sharing the same car and no setup change will be possible.

Offline Joey
Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:42 am Post 
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We will drive FX2 and for as far as I Know Dave will set us a private server up so e can test and train our nutter skills :D

You just get your freaking mic sorted Obmit and then well kick some butt :D

Offline jahilton2002
Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:37 am Post 
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does it mean i have to share my super gtr sets? :x :lol:

Offline 777-Morgan
Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:53 am Post 

I'm not sure I can arrange the time needed for this, I've got a few time consuming projects coming up this fall, you see. So it might be a bit too ambitious for me to sign up for this too. I'm not 100% about the situation though, so we'll have to see how things play out.

I can probably attend to practice though.

- Morgan

Offline 777-Morgan
Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:00 am Post 
jahilton2002 wrote:
does it mean i have to share my super gtr sets? :x :lol:

Oh yeah, bring them on!

Or we could just hack in to TDRT's website :D

- Morgan

Offline Speedy J
Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:47 am Post 
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777-Morgan wrote:
Or we could just hack in to TDRT's website

Lolll outstanding idea.

Also if we would have some spare time left after al these ambitious obove written ideas (.... :) ), we could train on AS3 for some time and surprise the hell out of the AMG-crew on one of their wednesdaynight-events :roflol:

Offline Joey
Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:13 am Post 
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777-Morgan wrote:
I'm not sure I can arrange the time needed for this

Morgan I can just add you to the roster and then IF you have time for any of the races you can join.

Just post or PM me the details asked for and I put you in. Even if you dont find time for any of the races it doesnt matter.

Offline 777-Morgan
Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:56 am Post 
Ok, Joey. That sounds good to me. Here are the details.

Real name: *********
LFS name: 777-Morgan
Gender: male
Nationality: Finland
Previous ex.: None
Car: Anything goes.

I'll pm my real name to you, I don't want it to be here for the search engines to find - since I'm the only guy on the planet with that name :-)

This video gives a pretty accurate image about the level of my skillz... on a good day:


- Morgan

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