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Offline BMW-gek
Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:56 am Post 
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Accountname: xaxax123

Banned for ramming slower traffic out of his way on the oval and then suddenly left.

Previeus topic about him a month ago

A nice ban worth a 3 numbercombination if you ask me :yes:


Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:20 pm Post 
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Server regular... Dropped safety to 67% ...

May try one more time before the real ban hammer kicks in.

Offline Speedy J
Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:24 pm Post 
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Before you did that, BMW-gek and I talked about it and made the ban for 28 weeks. Put that one down to the original 2 days?

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:33 pm Post 
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Hmm communication on multiple levels makes it not really easy. If someone decides to create a forum topic then this should be handled on the forum from then on.

But you two have to decide what is best. All I know is that 28 weeks is the equivalent of more then a half year and that's pretty impressive for one bad day. (You sure you are not talking about days here?).

Offline BMW-gek
Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:06 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
Hmm communication on multiple levels makes it not really easy. If someone decides to create a forum topic then this should be handled on the forum from then on.

Got already two cases on the forum. One of them is never been extended and the other one after I told you that.

The maximum 2 days ban is to low then, is there any way you can make the system that we self issue a ban for maximum 30 days. Any difficult case you and Speedy sort that out?

Offline Speedy J
Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:24 am Post 
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Not 28 weeks... 28 days :oops: :)

Offline BMW-gek
Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:54 am Post 
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Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:32 pm Post 
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BMW-gek wrote:
self issue a ban for maximum 30 days. Any difficult case you and Speedy sort that out?

30 days is already a difficult case. 30 days is a full month and that's quite a lot for a daily racer. It's not a lot for people who race once a week. Thats why the 'verdicts' differ so much from each other.

I would like to review these cases by myself or by Speedy, just to know whats going on. I sadly don't see an overall increase in racing on LFS so it's not necessary yet to extend admin powers. Extending it makes it more difficult to get the overall picture.

You are active on a cruise server as well, I know that... That's a lot easier (I think) due to the hugh load of players. We have to constantly find out who doesn't fit at all, who just needs a warning or a talk or need a short vacation. It's complex and more people being able to decide that for themselves makes it even more complex.

Offline BMW-gek
Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:54 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
30 days is already a difficult case. 30 days is a full month and that's quite a lot for a daily racer. It's not a lot for people who race once a week. Thats why the 'verdicts' differ so much from each other.

Thats why the server is so popular. We know everybody and the newbies n00bs gets allot of opportunities to get familiar with the server rules and racing rules. wrote:
I would like to review these cases by myself or by Speedy, just to know whats going on. I sadly don't see an overall increase in racing on LFS so it's not necessary yet to extend admin powers. Extending it makes it more difficult to get the overall picture.

I remember the agreement, if you ban somebody you make a report on the forum. This agreement works for me and don't mind being double checked. It wouldn't effect the way how we work now with reports.
I think it would be easier for you to take reports with difficult cases and some admins got the possibility to deal with minor issues in the report section and following a guideline in it . (And get some experience to deal with it) wrote:
You are active on a cruise server as well, I know that...

Never been a secret :wink: wrote:
That's a lot easier (I think) due to the hugh load of players. We have to constantly find out who doesn't fit at all, who just needs a warning or a talk or need a short vacation. It's complex and more people being able to decide that for themselves makes it even more complex.

Thats why I like TC, simple rules for behaviour and you have allot of work on it to get a ban. Its like our system only they got a insim with URS. Every serious offence from each racer is stored in that and when you entry the server a admin gets a warning and can view your URS.

I'm aware that they have a bigger website community, admis have the power to make bans. If a user gets banned he just makes a unban request. If you're ban is denied you can go higher up and ask leaders to review the ban. They make a final decision.

The main thing that I want to see being changed is the possibility to give a longer ban if thats necessary. It fit in the old agreement and hold up the philosophy of the Cargame servers.

Offline kiyoshi
Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:38 pm Post 
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This guy is banned? On server today, being annoying thinking he shouldn't have to drive around me. I thought the name sounded familiar.
Part way through lap1.

Offline BMW-gek
Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:27 pm Post 
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:fp: I rest my case......

Offline gandlers
Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:56 am Post 
You're luck that he didnt spin and crash you out, well held Kiyo.
He also made contact with Innouva in the same way towards the end of the lap.
Contact with an RAC on turn 1 at race start, spinning him out
No apology for any incident, incredibly rude & inconsiderate driving :thumb_d:

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