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Offline Joe [FRA]
Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:45 pm Post 
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Hi there,

I'd like to understand all the things written on my screen... :lol: and I'd need some assistance please.

Indeed, for example some numbers are displayed at the top of screen, (seems to be time gaps, but with who ? WR, my best lap, driver in front of me ?).

On another hand, I don't understand some details in PB for example, there should some "theorical" best laps, some kind of average, well, not that clear to me.

Last point, at the end of races, there's the racing results, with "+53" sometimes : are they points ? I won a race a few days ago (because fast guys were probably at the swimming pool :coke: );, I didn't see any "+", is it because I started in first line ?

What are the different kind of points (experience, based on results...)

Well, I don't want to bother you with those questions, so does anyone know if an Airio userguide exist somewhere (or some documentation that explain how to use Cargame Airio implementation) ?

Thanks in advance,



Offline Joe [FRA]
Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:53 pm Post 
User avatar
Oops, if an admin/moderator could move my thread to the appropriate section (general server question)... :oops:

Sorry about that,

Offline gandlers
Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:20 pm Post 
Hey Joe,

The Airio bar across the top of the screen is described in this Airio FAQ

there is a also an airio user guide

The numbers at the end of the race aren't from airio but a super secret project Dave has been developing.
The + value is how many points you have won that race (if any) and the final number is your position in the ladder for that class.
You win points based on who you beat and how many points they have. It is work in progress and may be subject to change.
Dave is the man to give a definitive answer on the criteria as to what points are awarded and when.

Hope that helps

Offline Joe [FRA]
Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:25 am Post 
User avatar
Hi Glanders,

Sure it helps, many thanks :D


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