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Offline sermilan
Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:49 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
Maximum was more like 5 seconds on their best lap and....

Yeah, but still..... :roll: .... a car from your own class faster just 0.5 sec would've get you in the end, wouldn't it?
You're not getting offended by my comments and that's good :thumb:
If I was Yek in that race - I wouldn't bother racing at all (but I would take the left there and overtake you without you loosing a 0.01 sec :wink: ). I would just cruise and practice for the next race.
If I was you in that race - I wouldn't bother blocking a 3 lap down car that is 5 secs per lap faster than me :wink:

So, I really don't see the point of you raising so much attention to this.

kiyoshi wrote:
What most of you seem to be saying is that everyone must move out of the way of higher class cars, otherwise the higher class car has the right to crash them out of the way. Is that correct?

AAAAAANNNNNGGGGGKKKKK!! (trying to "spell" the "wrong" sound :x ) WRONG! - Stereotype detected!
You should've just stayed on the racing line, not move away from it 8)

Offline kiyoshi
Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:43 pm Post 
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I never had a really big issue with this incident other than what I said at first. He could have lifted slightly or something when he realised we would make contact. He didn't & drove straight through me. That really isn't justified under any circumstance, regardless of my intentions.

I'm trying not to raise attention, but some of the posts here seeming to justify his forced pass are a BIG problem. Several people said that, hence my 'stereotype' comment. That kind of thing needs to be discussed. It's no good racing if 1/2 the people think one thing & 1/2 the other.

Anyway, I made that decision of my line in an instant in an intense race, & I gave my reasons for it - it wasn't just blind ignorance is what I'm trying to say. Yes, it would have turned out differently if I had taken a different line, but still, I don't think that justifies what happened. He could see my car, whether I chose that line, or made a mistake there. If there was any sign of him trying to avoid contact & a 'sorry' in the replay, I wouldn't have posted this.

Offline sermilan
Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:04 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
...I made that decision of my line in an instant...

... and in the very next instant you got bumped and spun.

There was no intention from Yek to hit you, he clearly wanted to pass you safely. Even though you broke no rule with your move and he was "responsible as the driver behind" I wouldn't call it his fault as this was a very unusual accident. I wouldn't even call it his carelessness. He did everything to avoid you, but your stopping going more to the left (EDIT: RIGHT :fp: ) wasn't expected as to no one else it would come to mind.

Take it as a racing incident and move on.

Offline fadeaway
Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:57 pm Post 
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sermilan wrote:
Take it as a racing incident and move on.


Offline mike259
Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:42 am Post 
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sermilan wrote:
Take it as a racing incident and move on.


Offline mtrein
Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:26 pm Post 
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Well said, Sermilan, and basically what I was trying to say as well.

sermilan wrote:
Take it as a racing incident and move on.


Offline kiyoshi
Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:47 pm Post 
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OK, another of those 'racing incidents' where the driver of the car with bigger wheels & downforce gets to finish his race without a scratch (or a sorry), while the driver of the smaller car, even though he was ahead, has his race ruined.

If you can't expect a fair race, where everyone has the right to space on the track, then it isn't worth bothering anymore.
Sadly, there just aren't enough fair drivers left in lfs to make public racing worthwhile.
I'm sure I can make better use of my time than driving 10 shit races hoping for 1 good one.

Offline mtrein
Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:18 pm Post 
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I'm sorry you think that way, Kiyoshi, but I believe that if you post all incidents (like this one) we can analyse and discuss each one separately. I don't know what else to do to please everyone. :(

Offline sermilan
Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:33 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
OK, another of those 'racing incidents' where the driver of the car with bigger wheels & downforce gets to finish his race without a scratch (or a sorry), while the driver of the smaller car, even though he was ahead, has his race ruined.

If you want to see it this way, then what ever we tell you just won't make any difference, sadly.

Offline kiyoshi
Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:56 pm Post 
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The evidence of several GT2 drivers posting here says I'm right. Several people have said that they would happily force pass a lower class car if it didn't get out of the way. This is against the rules. If you don't think the rules are right, then change them. Don't just drive to your own rules & stuff everyone else.
And I'm not saying all GT2 class drivers, just too many behave like that to make things fair & these incidents do happen far too often. They will chance a bad pass because contact for them will not be a problem, and it doesn't matter if the other car gets wrecked or spun out - they just have to press 'sorry' bind & carry on with their race.
Too many drivers seem to treat LFS like some sort of combat game, rather than a test of skill. That's the sad part & it just doesn't work for mixed classes.

Offline Nicce
Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:46 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
And I'm not saying all GT2 class drivers, just too many behave like that to make things fair & these incidents do happen far too often

u got that issue in every class on cargames s2. and in the end it will MORE OR LESS allways come to the fact that GT2 class is the worse one of all the cars u can pick on the server.

there is good drivers AND bad drivers in every class. but dont hold a grudge on GT cars only Kiyo. look in Class 4-3-2 and u see that its worse there sometimes than in Class 5.

i know.. do i care ? no.
do i place a report when I know I did the error and not the other ? no.

get used to it HAPPENS. this case was a race incident but u cant let it go.

my 2 cent.

ktnxtcbb see ya in racing.

Offline eXeYn
Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:03 pm Post 
kiyoshi wrote:
The evidence of several GT2 drivers posting here says I'm right. Several people have said that they would happily force pass a lower class car if it didn't get out of the way.

Quote the persons who said that please.

kiyoshi wrote:
And I'm not saying all GT2 class drivers, just too many behave like that to make things fair & these incidents do happen far too often. They will chance a bad pass because contact for them will not be a problem, and it doesn't matter if the other car gets wrecked or spun out - they just have to press 'sorry' bind & carry on with their race.

I agree. Sometimes it happens too often. Sometimes it's the other one making the mistake. Sometimes, sometimes, ... Otherwise read Nicce's post.

kiyoshi wrote:
Too many drivers seem to treat LFS like some sort of combat game, rather than a test of skill. That's the sad part & it just doesn't work for mixed classes.

You count yourself in there? According to your combat move against Yek, you do.

Offline fadeaway
Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:38 pm Post 
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:fp: :zzz:

Offline sermilan
Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:44 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
They will chance a bad pass because contact for them will not be a problem

Now, you are becoming "one of the" people who want to distinct GT2 from other classes, "throwing rocks of guilt" to them along with others, starting some sort of "war" between them. Completely unnecessary...

A few GT2 drivers tried to explain to you very thoroughly that it isn't as you see it, but you just don't want to consider their opinions well enough... sadly :(

Let me get back to the quoted above: Yek didn't chance a bad pass on you there, he would've passed you safely there if you did what every other racer in your position would had done... without you loosing a 0.01 of a sec. He wasn't bullish there, just waited to pass you on a spot where it was the most convenient, but you denied him that.

Why would you race (block) a car that's 5 sec a lap faster then you and is 3 laps down already in a 6 lap race, which is trying to pass you taking care of not hitting you nor disturb your race? What was the idea behind that?

Offline eXeYn
Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:59 pm Post 
Ehm sermilan they were on the same lap. Yek was behind because Nils spun him right after the start.

This thread leads nowhere. Different opinins were given. Some were recognized others not. Suggestions for improvement as well. The rest is for the admins.

Offline Nicce
Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:40 pm Post 
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./LOCK :yes:

Offline sermilan
Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:48 pm Post 
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eXeYn wrote:
Ehm sermilan they were on the same lap

Why the hell did I think he was 3 laps behind!? :fp: omg :oops:
That then changes things a bit, they were racing for positions, so blocking wasn't as silly as I thought... please, disregard the question in my previous post, as it makes no sense.
Kiy had the right to defend his position, but... Yek would've had him at least on the main straight, so was it worth it?

Again, apologies for my misunderstanding of their positions.

Offline eXeYn
Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:07 am Post 
If that is allowed on cargame then I gladly look forward to XFG/XRG blocking all those 200+ cars at the end of a long straight. :roll:

I'm gonna enjoy doing exactly that O:)

Maybe I should make a bind for the start of a race: My comfort zone is a 10m radius. So GTFO!

Offline mtrein
Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:02 am Post 
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WEll, it is allowed, but it doesn't make sense. So drivers generally don't do it. (f)

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