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Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:23 pm Post 
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raulin for multi ramming my girlfriends car several times. and replied with "fuck man" when i said hes gonna get this report.

its my gf first time on cargame. and i wont let ppl speak to her like that.

nor ramming her like that.

i think we are looking at a ban here as the conversation pogresses towards woman drivers, and we all know on CG woman can be as fast as guys.

this replay is simply a show of guys having bad sportsmanship in lfs.

i seriously want this guy to get a ban for ramming her atleast 4 times on purpose.

this all takes place in DOC´s 3rd lap as smokeythebandida spectates a few times.

my girlfriend is smokeythebandida. (_IRL_) and the guy ramming her is regname:
i dont see bandida did anything towards rules, but i sure do see raulin did break several rules on this occasion.

BAN hammer on this one please!!!

PS: i think the standards on CG has lowered for quite a bit while i was away some time..
as descirbed in another thread, you could report in every race now.. what happened CG. its not really fun driving a slower car (in my case usually xrt) and get rammed by gtr´s all the time just because they think its fair to ram slower cars out of track,for having blue flag.

i think CG should focus more on letting people know the "race rules" of clean racing and also get it up on server chat in EVERY race start maybe. this is getting out of hand soon if it keeps going this way.
i see too often faster cars ram others off because "they think" they have advantage for being in a faster car.
if your hood is in front of any other car, you get to the turn first, the other must brake if nessacery. thats in the rules.. so why is so many doing this???
just my oppinion and question.


Offline Dave
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Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:04 pm Post 
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Link ..
Do not download and re upload.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:04 pm Post 
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i didnt? its from here. didnt download it? did i link wrong? then im sorry

Offline -Joske-
Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:25 am Post 
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its my gf first time on cargame. and i wont let ppl speak to her like that.
That "fuck you men" is for you, and not for your gf.
and we all know on CG woman can be as fast as guys.

So? Looks like your gf has a long way to go. Anyway, she drives exactly on the race line, and not even say sorry. And the second time she also is on the race line. When you just join the track your not driving a fast lap you can give place.
this all takes place in DOC�s 3rd lap as smokeythebandida spectates a few times.

It is lap 4.

PS: i think the standards on CG has lowered for quite a bit while i was away some time..
as descirbed in another thread, you could report in every race now.. what happened CG. its not really fun driving a slower car (in my case usually xrt) and get rammed by gtr�s all the time just because they think its fair to ram slower cars out of track,for having blue flag.

The problem is that you take it way to serious and when something happens you are mad in the chat for about 5 or 10 min... Anyway your weird and probably not 100 % in your head. You see things they are not there. Ow and is it really your gf, or your little brother what can't speak English. And that name.. smokeythebandit is also a bad reputation if you ask it me.

No idea what to do with raulin. He got 6500 + points on the server, so its not really a crasher.

Offline Dave
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Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:29 am Post 
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So I watched the replay just now. Joske isn't diplomatic but straight to the point and he has all rights to do that in this case.

You let yourself or somebody else midjoin a race, with ZERO experience... Let it drive on the raceline and fuck up a perfectly good race between Doc and Raulin... What do you expect?

The rules of clean racing is not to be a moving chicane in the middle of a race. Very irresponsible decision to let someone join on the largest and busiest race server of LFS. Last Sunday I also showed one race to someone new, I drove myself one race and the other hour was offline racing in single player mode because I know how hard it is to be in the learning curve of online racing. It takes at least a few weeks of daily racing to understand whats going on and then at least you have to start on a demo server environment to get the hang of it ...

You don't throw a four year old into a 2m deep indoor swimming paradise full of grown ups too.

On the server you acted like a complete idiot now, asking for respect which shouldn't be there in the first place. You should have respect for an ongoing race because you do not take part of any racing at all, you are basically cruising around.

Almost daily we move people without any experience to the S1 server or to a cruise server to gain experience... Why do you think we do that, because we like it? :-?

Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:43 am Post 
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so the 3 times of ramming is okay. so be it.. and if he sees her again..and ram what then??

think of the ones who do ram in next or other races to come.. ive seen that alot on CG.

and im not having you call my gf a 4 year old.. thats simply out of line..
so is joskes remark on my gf being a kid or something.
shes not writing as she never learned english okay!!!why i do.but im sure she speaks danish alot better than you do..thats below the belt to say stuff like that..
shes just got to love lfs, but after this shes afraid to try out racing... thx for that raulin..
shes only in lfs to have fun, nothing else.

and to joske:

its sad to see you guys having it like this..
but it explains why CG is a talk of the day on other servers i guess..

Offline Dave
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Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:49 am Post 
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The first time it was unavoidable, the second time he wanted to overtake on the inside which again wasn't possible because the XFG was on the ideal line again driving very slowly.

and im not having you call my gf a 4 year old.. thats simply out of line..

If you don't understand what I'm trying to say with a parallel then you better stop the discussion. Or at least I will.

shes only in lfs to have fun, nothing else.

Great, go to a random demo or cruise server.

Offline Dave
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Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:51 am Post 
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its sad to see you guys having it like this..
but it explains why CG is a talk of the day on other servers i guess..

Probably. If it's a discussion then it's about crashers fucking up the place. Like you, or your gf.. Or whatever.

Do you have a drivers license and a car? You let her drive in your car without a license on the highway? You expect all other people to understand that? The police?

Are you fully into this world?

shes not writing as she never learned english okay!!!why i do.but im sure she speaks danish alot better than you do..thats below the belt to say stuff like that..
shes just got to love lfs, but after this shes afraid to try out racing... thx for that raulin..

Good... Because Raulin is a very experienced racer which doesn't know English as well.. And if I have to choose then it would be Raulin because he knows what he is doing on a race server; actually taking part of a race in a competitive way. :fp:

Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:58 am Post 
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okay dave and joske.. whats the real problem here..??

yes i have done mistakes on CG, who hasnt?

is this about me or the issue?

let it out man.

because i DO drive with a fairness on CG. so what is the real issue to you guys??

i also usually apologise if im involved in accidents/incidents on CG if i think im the problem in these.

if its because of the thing some time back where i was hacked, let me know ok.
i already explained that to the parts involved in that, and its long gone...

EDIT: apparently not to everyone..

EDIT2: i dont compete??? is about having females on CG? because it seemed like that in the replay and the following races, or is it just to get me off CG servers ?

be honest. i can go else where.

Offline Dave
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Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:07 am Post 
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is this about me or the issue?

The issue ànd you. You take everything way to personal.

If you are spoiling somebody elses race and also do not understand you just wasted some good racing by asking for apologies while you should be the one to make apologies for letting an inexperienced driver midjoining a racetrack.. And you do not understand that... Well... What can I say.

Can throw in some other parallels to real life but I'm now on a point that I think it isn't helping anymore. If you really think we like to see newbies join the track, don't know whats going on around them... Then no... CG isn't the place for you, certainly -not- the S2 server. Can't serve everybody.

be honest. i can go else where.

Then go. I don't have the illusion that we can make everybody happy. Otherwise I should have started a cruise server also.

I'm ending this discussion, if you want more then you have to join Teamspeak. This is costing way too much time.

Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:17 am Post 
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there : now we are talking.

i know what you mean, and yes i let her midjoin.
i dont really take it personal, even tho it might seem like that to you.
and yes i do like going to CG to do some racing as we all know almost any other server is C... .
but there is others, of which i also goto.
maybe i made a mistake on letting her join. yes shes a bit nervous when cars aproach fast. but theres so many other ways you could have incountered this issue too dave.
i have countless replays of which i didnt report of ppl ruining mine or other races. but i dont ram them after ..

thats my point in this.

thats why i call it bad sportmanship, and that part of it you gotta agree..dont you?

i know CG cant make everyone happy. you know i know that. ill try to get her on a demo or something instead till i think its safe. that we can agree on.
but still theres no point in attacking me such way.and name call or being rude.

Offline Dave
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Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:34 am Post 
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yes shes a bit nervous when cars aproach fast.

She has all rights to be.. It isn't very easy... When I showed LFS this weekend I was sweating myself (yuck) after the race and I have more then 1.000.000 km of real driving experience and even some getaway experience from police (it's another story :fp: ).

For most experienced people, multi class racing is and stays very difficult. Especially multi class because of the high speed differences :yes:

but still theres no point in attacking me such way.and name call or being rude.

I'm not attacking you in any way.. Or at least not trying to...

But some bits of Joske's reply are a bit out of line yes. I have to agree on that.


Okay (f)

Have to leave for an appointment now. Relax!

Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:56 am Post 
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thx for reply (f)

Offline -Joske-
Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:42 am Post 
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i dont really take it personal, even tho it might seem like that to you.

shes just got to love lfs, but after this shes afraid to try out racing... thx for that raulin..
I know you better than you think... And yeah that is also because that hacking issue and the way how you communicate to other people in the forums and in cargame s2.. Its always that you take it way to personal!! Believe me. But anyway, I know who you are and that you see things different from everyone on the planet. Don't take my replay to personal. After that hacking issue its a little bit better with you, but far away from normal.
maybe i made a mistake on letting her join. yes shes a bit nervous when cars aproach fast.

Why are you not telling your gf than to stop the car in the grass to wait till the cars passed? The only thing that you do is always the same, and that is make crap in the chat.

Offline kiyoshi
Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:49 am Post 
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CG servers have turned into a complete joke for racing. Joskes reply is just outrageous.
smokeythebandida did nothing wrong whatsoever, but once again, it seems the 'GT2 club' close ranks & expect all other cars to jump out of the way.
If you don't want people to join & be on track midrace, then disallow it. Othwerwise, faster cars have to drive around them.
As for
-Joske- wrote:
No idea what to do with raulin. He got 6500 + points on the server, so its not really a crasher.

Not much to say for that, but if you can't see what happens in this replay Joske, then maybe you shouldn't be driving here. He clearly IS a crasher.
Still no answer to that from any admin here...

It is clear that some people are allowed to drive however they please on CG servers, wrecking, swearing, whatever. Ignoring rules, but are still welcome.
I won't be driving here again. It's pointless trying to get a clean race.

This is a real shame, because Speedy does a LOT of work to try & make the server a good place to be, but your bizarre attitude, Dave, along with the ignorant & arrogant attitude of many regulars in their 'crash-proof' cars, makes it a no-fun-at-all place to race.

Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:01 am Post 
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and dave wrote :
But some bits of Joske's reply are a bit out of line yes. I have to agree on that.

so im not taking this further..

thx to kiyoshi.
and i agree speedy j is doing alot for CG. dave is alright i think. but in my case this is over with .
clearly it seems joske wants it to keep going. so im the mature in this case and letting this go.

Offline -Joske-
Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:03 am Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
smokeythebandida did nothing wrong whatsoever

In your view the slow cars are always not wrong. Its always the gt2 cars... Can you believe your self? How is it possible that gt2 cars never hit me when I,am driving a slower car? I think its more the way that you look the race from your point of view, and everything ells is wrong. You are not open for a discussion, because the gt2 is always wrong.
kiyoshi wrote:
It is clear that some people are allowed to drive however they please on CG servers, wrecking, swearing, whatever. Ignoring rules, but are still welcome.
I think its the same with you like smokeythebandit.. You only think in your own world. :dag: You know that we have to think about what to do with raulin.. And also what to do with the gf from smokey. Or do we have to make that choice in 1 hour? Anyway it looks like a 50 / 50 here... So probably for nobody a ban only a warning.

Offline Speedy J
Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:04 am Post 
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Uhm Kyoshi, you might want to consider pulling back some things you write here...

As you well know freedom of speech is very much appreciated here, but insulting people is not.

I want to point out that Dave is doing even (much!!!!) more to get CG servers on a nice level. I am not saying that because he controls the highest buttons, I am saying that because some people do more visible stuff (like me) than others (like Dave). You should join (well: have joined...) TS to hear what we (Dave, Mikey, Rolly, Joske, BMW-gek, me, etc) talk about and discuss. Basically: it is a LOT of work for ALL of us.

With only one goal: Making CG servers a nice place to race or even be (chatting).

As for Raulin, I can read above that he has crashed and he could have prevented that. He was in the heat of a race and although an other decision would have been more friendly, his behavior is understandable (read: not correct, but understandable). I see both Joske and Dave pointing that out.

kiyoshi wrote:
It is clear that some people are allowed to drive however they please on CG servers, wrecking, swearing, whatever. Ignoring rules, but are still welcome.

This is not true. I am surprised that you express this.
kiyoshi wrote:
CG servers have turned into a complete joke for racing.

Come on...

kiyoshi wrote:
I won't be driving here again.

That's saddening me. But as Dave said above: we can't please everyone. We can do our best, try consider each situation in it's own perspective. It's racers making or braking a race, not admins...

Anyway I hope you will find a better server to race. Good luck.

Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:26 am Post 
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okay i mingle again. just to point out, nothing had been said yet towards the fact that raulin DO ram bandida 3 times after the hit.. even after shes in the the sand..

thats sorta the reason i wrote here in the first place. no comments on that part?

and yes,i do know you are more visible than dave speedy. you also know i know that.
and i do know dave do the "background work" here.

and what else im pointing towards is the grudge joske have towards me from something several months ago which is LONG FORGOTTEN "in my world"...

so why bring it up joske?? it has no point at all, and nothing to do with the issue adressed here in this thread anyway. you know me from others point of view.. we talked like twice in total. thats believing what others "think" not knowing. okay.
you got your oppinions on me, thats that. no need to adress old stuff here.
thats where i think YOU got wrong joske. and the namecalling is just.. no reason man.

speedy: you seems like the one to adress in the future or maybe dave for me.
if "hopefully not" anything should come up. at least we talk. or at least i think we do.
hope you feel the same.
so joske. we dont have to talk about anything at all. you dont need to reply to my posts or me if you wanna speak about the hacking issue..but as far as im concerned its in the past. so it should be,for you too.

i think the other part is thinking it like that too.
at least me and the other can join a race without any disputes..and race fair.
think about that.

im letting it go. hope you do too.


Offline Speedy J
Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:34 am Post 
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I suggest the business between The Wizard and Joske be handled privately and not in this topic, if it needs more attention from either one of you guys.

This topic is for treating the incident that was reported.

Oh yeah. This is a strong suggestion. Thank you both (f)

Offline -Joske-
Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:41 am Post 
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so why bring it up joske??

Not that much.. But anyway, you started with your hacking thing.. And I only told you that I know you better because that hacking shit.. That is everything. So I don't get the problem about that now.. Maby you can read your post again and make the conclusion that you take it all way to serious again and again and again.
-Joske- wrote:
Why are you not telling your gf than to stop the car in the grass to wait till the cars passed? The only thing that you do is always the same, and that is make crap in the chat.

Can you please give me answer on this. Than you know right!

Offline kiyoshi
Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:46 am Post 
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OK, sorry for sounding harsh Joske. I was just a bit shocked at the tone of your response.
-Joske- wrote:
In your view the slow cars are always not wrong. Its always the gt2 cars... Can you believe your self? How is it possible that gt2 cars never hit me when I,am driving a slower car? I think its more the way that you look the race from your point of view, and everything ells is wrong. You are not open for a discussion, because the gt2 is always wrong.

This is not the case at all. I don't say slower cars are never wrong. I have many replays of slower cars driving badly. The problem is, the slower car usually gets broken or wrecked by the more powerful car, and there are SOME, not all, GT2 drivers who don't care if this happens. I see this happen a lot. Not all the time, just too much. When it happens I comment on it.
Cars bumping in the same class usually doesn't end so badly.
I am completely open to a discussion on the classes & racing should be fair for all. Don't misunderstand my posts about particular events.

I do only see the race around myself, as everybody does, but I don't say I'm always right & everyone else is wrong. I make many mistakes, and if I spoil someone elses race, I ALWAYS say sorry & accept the fault.

It probably is good advice that new drivers go to quiet servers, but the new drivers are the ones who should be encouraged - not insulted. The 'regulars' who also regularily spoil many other peoples races are the ones you should discourage - they are driving clean racing people people away, including me. (None of them are mentioned here!)

Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:10 pm Post 
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@ Joske: i did tell her cars came from behind. but she got nervous..
feel free to pm me if needed.

@kiyoshi: i think youre right about encouragement instead of insults.
thats the other part of the issue i adress.alongside the issue that it clearly is a ramming he does.3 times after the incident.

thats all. not really a big fuzz. just simple fairness.

for now i got other things to do.. so might not reply few hours. i will tho.

Offline mike259
Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:17 pm Post 
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IMO this can never be solved because your stuck between two rights, on the gt2 side Raul was chasing DOC and the wrong place at the wrong time in a corner that has a line that u can go full throttle and unfortunately Bandita was there because of low experience in that kind of situations, I understand Raul's frustration that he continued to crash Bandita, he was having a good time racing with DOC. This is judged as a racing incident bcz both are guilty, nothing can be done to make everybody happy but the discussion of how to do it can be without end.

All the best,
CG mikey :thumb:

Offline -Joske-
Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:05 pm Post 
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@ Joske: i did tell her cars came from behind. but she got nervous..
feel free to pm me if needed.

I,am not going to pm you. You told you gf that the cars where coming.. She got nervous and drives on the race line for the faster cars.. 2 times, so it was her fault and than you go blame Raul with what the hell are you doing man... In place that you told you girl to say sorry and to learn her to give room to faster cars. Its always the same that you flip out in the chat when somebody hit your car, or the car from your gf... That is your altitude and I don't like that at all! And when you talk like this: PS: i think the standards on CG has lowered for quite a bit while i was away some time..
as descirbed in another thread, you could report in every race now.. what happened CG. its not really fun driving a slower car (in my case usually xrt) and get rammed by gtr�s all the time just because they think its fair to ram slower cars out of track,for having blue flag.... You take it to serious, and maby you driving skills are so bad because they always hit you. Its just a small group who is complaining about it.. Always the same people.. So maby this small group takes it all to serious and is not aloud to do on-line racing.

kiyoshi wrote:
The problem is, the slower car usually gets broken or wrecked by the more powerful car, and there are SOME, not all, GT2 drivers who don't care if this happens. I see this happen a lot. Not all the time, just too much. When it happens I comment on it.

There are some GT2 drivers... Yeah true, and when I see a GT2 car that drives like a moron I will take action. With faster and slower cars you will always have problems on the track.. And specially with south city when there are 32 cars on the track. Its to much for a clean race... With Aston for example its almost without crashing.. Only the chicanes are a little bit tricky. So yeah GT2 cars are maby sometimes a little bit rude when they are fight for position, but its also that the slower cars give not enough room to let them pass easy. And that is the problem. We can't take action for every crash what happens on the track.. Only the really bad drivers got a ban on our servers. We try to do our best to keep the track nice and clean.. And when you give some room away, other people respect you and give you also that room back etc etc.. When you know how it works its funny, but when you think everyone has to brake for me and this and that.. Its not fun any more. So its to your self what to do with it. :wink: You like the way how its going, or you don't like it and search something ells to race.

Offline Dave
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Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:53 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
but your bizarre attitude, Dave,

What bizarre attitude? Did you even look at the replay?

kiyoshi wrote:
If you don't want people to join & be on track midrace, then disallow it.

Rules rules rules... You can also think before joining the track. More then 80% of the people who midjoin know what they are doing, so a majority has to suffer? Come on.

Offline kiyoshi
Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:56 pm Post 
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What bizarre attitude

Ok, sorry that maybe sounds aggressive - it isn't that way, but it's just a general comment that you make some very strange decisions sometimes, which imo don't help matters.
For example, someone earned a ban for the way they behaved on the server and you reduced their ban because of something someone else said. That's not logical. What someone else says about an incident doesn't change whether or not someone is safe on a server. Why do things like that?

Speedy J wrote:
Anyway I hope you will find a better server to race. Good luck.

As we all know, I won't because there aren't enough people in LFS to fill more than one race server any more. So, looks like public LFS is over for me.
Believe it or not, I'm quite tolerant of peoples driving ability - newer drivers do make mistakes. It's when the more experienced drivers make a deliberate bad move which I can't stand. I already tried reporting on such a case, but we all saw how that turned out. Clearly too many established drivers think it's ok to ruin other's race, as long as they get ahead. That's not my idea of clean racing. It just isn't fun on there any more, when so many races get spoiled.

Offline Litro
Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:08 pm Post 
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Offline Dave
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Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:25 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
For example,

That wasn't an example.. What you describe I cannot recall quickly. Maybe be a bit more specific?

Offline sermilan
Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:01 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
...once again, it seems the 'GT2 club' close ranks & expect all other cars to jump out of the way.

Yeah... we are also the ones who create black holes in the Universe, which will eventually cause the end of it :wink: That's how big baddasses we all are! 8)

Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:33 am Post 
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OKAY!!! i have to mingle again i think..

all i adress here is a incident from the server..

now we are in hacking and insults and woman drivers vs men, etc etc...

lets try again shall we..

one said here. this is a race incident. both did mistakes..
i think thats the answer to this one..

considered solved!!!!

new race new times new fun..

have a blast..

thats whats its about right???

this is solved now..

please.. close... thread... fast...!


Offline xzu
Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:23 am Post 
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OKAY!!! i have to mingle again i think..

please.. close... thread... fast...!

Excuse my language, but I feel in this case - it is just;

The smartest fucking thing said in this entire thread


I deleted the proceeding paragraphs that stated my disgust at this bizarre thread for fear of offence and/or reprimand.

Dave, Speedy - all of CG :lief: :hug:

Offline Dave
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Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:00 am Post 
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OK case closed. (f) :hug:

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