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Offline gandlers
Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:02 am Post 
Name: TRR-Cyclo (cyclo)
Time: 6:10
Description: deliberate (and seemingly unprovoked) PIT manoeuvre against �WarLab�ToriW

Decided to watch this replay to see what all the fuss was about in chat after reading Daves post about his cell phone number talk-of-the-day/my-cell-phone-number-t5278.html

I don't really know what Cyclos problem is but his attitude and the deliberate wreck need addressing (IMHO).
He claims to have saved the replay and if he reports the other 2: subway and toriw then all three of them will be banned for 10 days. So by his own admission he knows he has committed and ban-able offence by revenge wrecking toriw

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:50 am Post 
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Yeah I've read it too but there was no report from them so I don't see any reason to take action. I am not waiting or looking for work or something.

That other thread I created myself was enough as final warning.. I thought :roll: :nah:

It's a hidden warning that even if I am asleep (did 16h race yesterday, like real pro's do) ... I follow whats going on. And my memory is also outstanding on this kind of stuff.

Offline gandlers
Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:58 pm Post 
So his cards are marked....

Just thought you needed the "heads up" as he was shooting his mouth off that he could get others banned despite him being the one who's driving was worthy of the ban.

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