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Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:24 pm Post 
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regname: jaguar2k4
lap : 5
mpr :

desciption : revenge wrecked me for a hit i had in lap 2, because i thought he would hold his line, but as it looked to me during race, he kept pushing me into the wall,causing me to steer counter. and thats why i hit him. in lap 5 it is obvious that he steers to hit me, actually, you can see the wheels on his lx turning twice to be absolutely sure to hit me.although hes on another line to pass me at first..

i know hes AMG member, but .. then he should know better.. seriously..

i admit i hit him. but i actually thought he was gonna hold more left than he did.and with the low lx in front its hard to see his rear wheel from inside my cockpit (my views are on forums other place).

i consider this a revenge hit (the lap 5 one), and leave it to CG admins to decide.


Offline eXeYn
Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:53 pm Post 
LOL. Lap 2 you took a line which is by no means appropriate for 2 cars. Crash. You don't lift! Why don't you lift. Instead you steer into him so he crashes into the wall on the left. Okay now there would be the time for a "Sorry". But nothing on your side.

Lap 5 was revenge wreck. But you ain't better.

Offline gandlers
Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:06 pm Post 
exeyn beat me to it...
why did you have to be that close when you attempt to pass him?
you hit him causing his car to veer right as he tried to stop the spin as you pit manoeuvre him. the result of YOU hitting him is that his car (now out of control) pushes you right into the barrier.
Where was your apology? you crashed him and say nothing, if you didn't want to say anything you could have relinquished the position you took from him through crashing him.

Undoubtedly he deliberately crashed you, and yes he should know better.

It's funny that you want to talk after the race and call him a crasher, but you crashed him first. Two wrongs don't make a right, but come on, the first incident and the catalyst for what follows was completely your fault.

Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:18 pm Post 
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lap : 5
in lap 5 it is obvious that he steers to hit me, actually, you can see the wheels on his lx turning twice to be absolutely sure to hit me.although hes on another line to pass me at first

what this is about..

rest is post 1

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:12 am Post 
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I should be very ashamed of myself when I ram someone into the wall on that place, saying sorry and give the position back.

The last thing on my mind would be saying nothing, ignorantly continue racing and when he does a minor 'adjustment' in the situation I surely would not start to type 'crasher' (so your keyboard does work?)... Obviously you are the crasher here in the first place. Especially because you also take out Jenck/FXO after that too.

Why do I have to watch this horrible racing? Is this always like this?

Offline BMW-gek
Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:58 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
Is this always like this?

Just watch the server at saturday and sunday afternoon :[

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