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Offline mike259
Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:04 pm Post 
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As some of you know on the 13 of October I did a very bad thing on the S2 server, something that is against the most important rules on cargame and even worst unethically for an admin that being to crash on purpose, there is no excuse but at least I can say the reason which was that on that day I had big emotional hit (which I want to keep private) and because I was loosing, Nicce being the one I was losing to, that night I didn't separate the feelings to the game and I lashed out them. It rarely happens to me but now it happened at the wrong time so with this I sincerely apologize to Doc and Nicce your great racers and to the entire cargame team, I'm sorry mates. I wold like to ad something to Dave because for what he did for us LFS racers, he really did not deserve this.

All the best

Offline Nicce
Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:44 pm Post 
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mike259 wrote:
and because I was loosing, Nicce being the one I was losing to,

quick reply Mikey (will reply little more if neeed later during the evning)

but i wanna say that divebomb i did "with hard braking so i could take the corner." i already knew and trusted DOC n u Mikey that it could be clean even it was a nasty try.. yes i missed the apex inturn pretty mutch and ended up infront of u -blocking u totaly so u had to slam the brakes- was watching the mirror and saw u got slidey exit..

i know when i do wrong and when im correct.. this case is a both way infact.. i had the chance for the corner so i took it but i would think little better than just do a shitty divebomb bcause this is not how i drive "u know and i guess most all regulars on CG knows this since way back."

but: i wanted to wait for smth comming first from ur side.. bcause what u did etc.

annyway Mikey.. i dont have annything against u before and nothing against u now either.

ps: i know personal hits can take the brain for a walk outside of the track.. no hard feelings mate. :hug:

/regards SAVAGE N.Dahl aka Nicce

Offline xzu
Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:22 am Post 
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Feel it guys, feel it. :hug: :lief:


Respect! You don't deserve it, you earn it!

Offline mtrein
Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:43 pm Post 
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Have to leave a rose here (f)

Offline DOC
Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:02 pm Post 
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Hi Mickey

no bad feelings here about that.

Sometimes when things in real life went wrong we have to freak out...

So i hope all privat things will come to an good end for you and i see you back on track for more hard and fair races!


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