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Offline azasmith
Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:03 pm Post 
Saw him being a bit of a speng in spectate mode.

name: Jenck (Jenck)
lap: 1/8 for him, time code = 3:40 continues for most of the race, comes back as XFR and rams at 6:30 onwards, stops on track at 9:13+
description: doesn't respect blue flag, forces cars in front off the track under blue flag/general faggotry... Braking in front of cars to force them to stop. PITs other racers in front. Ramming etc

Offline gandlers
Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:09 pm Post 
If driving like that doesn't deserve a holiday I don't know what does.
Glad Im absorbed with BF3 when I see idiots like this on LFS

Offline BlueEyedDevil
Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:16 am Post 
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think jenck hat a bad day :P

Offline Rolly
Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:55 am Post 
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same thing happened to me on previous race on the same corner only i didnt pit and change in to a faster car to go on a 1 lap wrecking spree before crashing only to change back to the xfr and go on another wrecking spree. Smashing cars out of the way, full speed corner cutting for max impact into cars, side swiping cars, braking in front of cars, and stopping on the middle of the track to cause even more mayhem.

You have no excuse for what you have done and ruined the whole race.
I dont normally comment on ban times but you deserve a long long ban for what you did.
See you next xmas

Offline Jenk
Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:34 pm Post 
Just to make sure, this report is about Jenck - not me (Jenk), notice the 'c' :)

Offline BMW-gek
Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:28 pm Post 
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Brake checking multiple times , dive bombing, then a revenge wreck that failed and ruining the game play of multiple racers.

Can nl2dav or Speedy initial a ban for him?

Thanks for your report :thumb:

Offline Speedy J
Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:17 pm Post 
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Wonder if this has been the Jenck that normally drives, sounds very bad to me (am at work so can't watch the replay).

Offline sermilan
Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:59 pm Post 
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Yeah... for me too it sounds strange as I know him as an extremely fair driver :huh:

Offline Rolly
Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:16 pm Post 
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Hello Jenk.
Thanks for pointing that out as if i had of seen you on the server i may of banned you by mistake. Yes i notice 2 differnt spellings which answers the question of why you crashed so many cars when you are a good driver - thats because it wasn't you ( soz in advance). As for the other guy we will leave it up to dav n' Speedy to decide his fate.

Hope to see you on S2 server soon Jenk without the C :thumb: O:) :dag:

Offline Jenk
Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:26 pm Post 

Offline azasmith
Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:48 pm Post 
@ Speedy, He had a license for the FX2 classes etc, so would assume it is said Jenck, I've seen him racing a few times. Badly

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:13 am Post 
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Jenck-in-game wrote:
wait a moment :-)

Yup you too. Maximum of 120 days for a server regular.

Noobs get a 999 for this :yes:


Offline jenck
Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:35 pm Post 
Yeahh Finally i found the reason ...:)
In first round i just apologise for those who was innocent in this incident. !!!


Second , ... you had right whos said that i had a bad day (really bad, and that it doesnt mean that i dont deserved the ban :)
Lets get from the beginning as Azasmith missed maybe...

I always liked a lot and was getting in to have race to feed my racing appetite :) , so after start i was smashed by somebodys (didnt know ,cant see him ) almost in the first corner , then again again , and fortunately i cause every time yellow flag for beeing inocent , the bad part it was that nobody says any appologise or sorry not even a word !!!!
I started to lose rt points alot until it comes the race attached before in replay.
Yess if you look the first corner then you see that i was smashed out by Alf Alf !!! the bad part is that he didnt apologised and he was maybe the 6-7 th who crashed me during about half an hour :(
Yess that was the last drop in glass for me , and i regret just for inoccent people :( but i respect the rules and i take the consequence for that !!!
I not asking for apologise from cargame , more i apologise for ramming maybe innocent drivers who was innocent and that time my head was really nervouse.
So i was racing in some other servers but i noticed that Redline Racingh was used a nice habit that every race is supervised by one of their members and is banned in right time the right person , and always is clean race there , i didnt say that i expecting the same from cargame but i didnt expect to ban somebody who was always raced clean and never swear, for somebodys (azasmith or whatewer) wish. In this case i can collect thousand of replays where i was smashed out , in the braking lines , and if i attach here maybe a few people remaining at cargame . Yess it is obviouse that many drivers hitting others very unfair mostli in braking line and get no ban not even a varning .

Answering a bit at azasmith wrote "I've seen him racing a few times. Badly" ...unbelievable ..please attach that replays so we can compare with other drivers behaviour !!!!
How many times i was braking when people didnt respect at all blue flag rules , i never sweard not even fight for that , i tried to overtake as much safe as i could (of course sometimes we miss) i always patient with first corner , better i lose 3-4 place than smashing in other mistake ! and finally get banned for one driver wish !!!
I know some of really good drivers are in cargame i dont want to name them but there are some who wrote also in this topic :) and i apreciate them alot , of their driving skills , and much more their kindness i can thank alot for them !!!!
I would suggest to ask more people who have more respect in cargame than azasmith , to ban me or not !

Finally if this ban remain for me i take with head up !!! without any cry .... and in that case please ban me forever , because thats better , i deserved it !!!

Thanx for people which we had fun and good fight ....
Sorry for disturbing the forum here :)

...maybe i get back to richard burns rally ....

Respect Jenck

Offline sermilan
Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:45 pm Post 
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omg, classic mistake :fp:
Talk to people who hit you first, make a report if they still remain cocky. Don't swallow anger until it finally bursts like a bomb. This way you are the one who is punished, although you were the victim.

In a way, this goes for real life too. Don't swallow anger, react immediately. Otherwise, one day we'll read in the papers:
"A guy, in sim world known as "jenck", went out yesterday and kicked 147 people in the balls until was finally arrested by the police. His neighbours said he was a quite, decent guy and couldn't understand why he did it. The police said in their short address to the public that jenck was fed up with people stepping him on his feet in public transport all the time without apologizing. All 147 victims were accidental passers-by who didn't even know jenck."

Hope this story made you laugh :)

It was only Alf Alf who hit you and even he didn't hit you deliberately, yet you took revenge on almost all racers who were on the server at the moment and it was a really ugly scene... as a victim reacting badly, you made about 10 more innocent ones too.
However, having in mind that I raced with you quite a few times and you had been very fair in those duels, I'm asking admins to reconsider their decision and reduce your penalty. "Having a bad day" is just not an excuse for turning a race into a destruction derby, so I think you deserve a penalty. But knowing you as a fair driver and the fact (as far as I know) that this is your first report, I think a 30 days would be enough.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:50 am Post 
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jenck wrote:
and fortunately i cause every time yellow flag for beeing inocent , [...]
I started to lose rt points alot until it comes the race attached before in replay.

Strange story. Yellow flags do not exist on open config layouts like K21

jenck wrote:
Yess if you look the first corner then you see that i was smashed out by Alf Alf !!!

Another problem of K21. People just don't expect that corner there. If you are experienced you know that and choose the inner side or the most outer side and just let of the gas a bit, steering around mayhem. If you want to be first in T1 then most probably you will be last out of it. So difficult for people to learn these basic LFS unwritten online logic.

jenck wrote:
and in that case please ban me forever , because thats better , i deserved it !!!

Another psychological thing. Going into self pity. Well, if it helps you. :roll: ..

Offline jenck
Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:06 pm Post 
sermilan wrote:

omg, classic mistake
Talk to people who hit you first, make a report if they still remain cocky. Don't swallow anger until it finally bursts like a bomb. This way you are the one who is punished, although you were the victim.

In a way, this goes for real life too. Don't swallow anger, react immediately. Otherwise, one day we'll read in the papers:
"A guy, in sim world known as "jenck", went out yesterday and kicked 147 people in the balls until was finally arrested by the police. His neighbours said he was a quite, decent guy and couldn't understand why he did it. The police said in their short address to the public that jenck was fed up with people stepping him on his feet in public transport all the time without apologizing. All 147 victims were accidental passers-by who didn't even know jenck."

Hope this story made you laugh

It was only Alf Alf who hit you and even he didn't hit you deliberately, yet you took revenge on almost all racers who were on the server at the moment and it was a really ugly scene... as a victim reacting badly, you made about 10 more innocent ones too.
However, having in mind that I raced with you quite a few times and you had been very fair in those duels, I'm asking admins to reconsider their decision and reduce your penalty. "Having a bad day" is just not an excuse for turning a race into a destruction derby, so I think you deserve a penalty. But knowing you as a fair driver and the fact (as far as I know) that this is your first report, I think a 30 days would be enough.

You have absolutely right in every words !
I dont want to say that i didnt know what i'm doing , just is late to regret for innocent people ... maybe this is a good example for people to avoid such a conflict :)

Yess it makes me laugh :D:D your story ,and i really apreciate your kindness and yess we had very nice fair duels , so i never was so angry in last 20 years of driving ,so this time i really broken my nerves .
Maybe we will meet in another server than ;)


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