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Offline rageshgr
Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:15 pm Post 
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Watch Pablete! (harrased) in the replay here

Time: 8 min:15 sec. Watch next 1 min. First of all he is 3 laps down in a 4 lap race. I was leading class 1 in the UFB. I was just about to give him space after I stablise my car in the chicane, but no!, he has to hit my car and blow horn. He does n't even say sorry. All these is fine, but then he asks me "wht are you doing?" as if I did some great mistake. Really annoys me

Time: 10 min:40 sec. Watch next 1 min. This is unbelievable and even worse. He has finished his 1 lap race! Still he goes on carrying and tries to dive bomb/pass/hit HarryG27, who was still active in the race!! Then he asks Harry "what are you doing?" as if Harry has committed some great crime. He then passes Harry but brakes in front of him so that harry will crash onto him. He has absolutely no right to disturb Harry's race.

Apart from this, the whole race, he does things like join into the middle of a close group of racers, disturb their races. On top of that he seems to have no control over XFR and is just cruising around disturbing other's races. Worst of all, asking "what are you doing?" to others after he did something really annoying himself

The second incident is not limited to this guy. There are many people in the server who, even after finishing their race, continue on a hotlap(which is fine), but forget that the people in active race have priority over their hotlap, and they try to squeeze, dive bomb, ram etc. This is unacceptable.

Offline harrased
Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:41 pm Post 
First of all...SORRY!

rageshgr wrote:
Time: 8 min:15 sec. Watch next 1 min. First of all he is 3 laps down in a 4 lap race. I was leading class 1 in the UFB. I was just about to give him space after I stablise my car in the chicane, but no!, he has to hit my car and blow horn. He does n't even say sorry. All these is fine, but then he asks me "wht are you doing?" as if I did some great mistake. Really annoys me

I've watched and i did not crash your or bump. i touch you barely. As you can see. im on xfr = faster car than you...i tried to overtake by right side and you moved to that side too...that's why i press horn and ask "what are you doing" (i changed "wtf!" for this one ...)....that is not my mistake. you did not use mirrors mate.

i you continue watching the same lap...i respect all blueflags.

rageshgr wrote:
Time: 10:40 sec. Watch next 1 min. This is unbelievable and even worse. He has finished his 1 lap race! Still he goes on carrying and tries to dive bomb/pass/hit HarryG27, who was still active in the race!! Then he asks Harry "what are you doing?" as if Harry has committed some great crime. He then passes Harry but brakes in front of him so that harry will crash onto him. He has absolutely no right to disturb Harry's race.

about this other guy, what is my bad??? pressin horn??? :s.

firs of all. he was driving on the grass and u do not say nothing about that. then i moved to right but i could not pass...i press horn, becouse he lost the lap, so...why he block the way?...i see in that point of view. it is ok...he is in his ruin lap...true. agai, i dont see my wrong ...and i see he crashedme...not me to him... in fact, i respect him all time i think....(press horn is not crashing or insult just and advice)

again, if you have problems with horn and my automatic message "what are you doing"...welll, i dont see why should i get banned ...

horn and automatic (friendly) messages, are allowed to ...

P.S: the mid joining is allowed by server, not my fault if you dont like that option...ask the admin for change that option...i d

PS2: mate,and i never saw your message becouse i was racing.....maybe u should tellme when i was stoped...but my mistake for no reading.

sorry again.


Offline rageshgr
Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:01 pm Post 
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I don't want you to get banned dude. In fact your attitude of asking "what are you doing?" instead of saying sorry or at the very least keeping quiet is what annoys me, more than your actions. 1st incident, there was contact, although very minimal. I can understand that contact since you were very close and you did not know whether to pass me right or left. But you could have said sorry there. In fact even if u had kept silent, all would be fine. But you asked "what are you doing?"

Harrys incident is unacceptable, let him go to grass or whatever, you had finished your race, you had no rights to disturb him. After passing you ignored blue flag and held him up, that's why there was contact between you two. He tried very hard to brake and avoid hitting you. You are saying harry lost the lap, so why block? I say, you lost the race, why disturb active race? The end of replay shows harry also very irritated by your actions, in his chat. If you had said sorry to me/harry at the server, or atleast if you kept quite instead of asking "what are you doing?" (which according to you is WTF indirectly since you changed keys lol:) Anyways let admins decide. Since you apologised it is fine in my opinion. But don't go around trying to disturb people 2-3 laps ahead of you, especially when your race is finished. I would like to quote your own quote which you used many times during that race to people who were 2 laps ahead of you "Shift+S don't block" once your race is over.

And this is not the first time. You have a habit of going around ramming cars in front of you and then asking "what are you doing?" for which you were already banned. But that did not favourably or adversely influence my decision of reporting you today. Just a warning will do IMO.

Offline harrased
Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:09 pm Post 
its okay....i get it

really sorry :)

Offline rageshgr
Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:43 pm Post 
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From my side, case closed IMO, as we talked it out here :) Could have talked at server itself had he replied to me or harry, which he says didnt notice it as he was "driving" :p

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