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Offline Senninha25
Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:24 pm Post 
name: Mirko (kello)
lap: final lap (about 10m23s into the replay)
description: he loses control and avoids the car in front of me, gets in my line, making me T-Bone him. The real reason I'm reporting him is because he didn't say anything about it, instead he decided to leave the server after the race, and some time later when I try to ask him what happened, he disconnects again! I wouldn't be as angry as I was back then if he had said a little sorry. :nono:

Offline Speedy J
Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:13 pm Post 
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Not very mature behavior of Mirko indeed.He will get a warning for this. He needs to learn that communication is better in situations like this, we will help him with that.

Thanks for your report.

Offline Speedy J
Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:27 pm Post 
User avatar
Dropped his safety rate by a kick from the server. Pointed out this report.

No response at all. I wonder when the next report on him will fly in here :)

Offline Senninha25
Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:39 am Post 
Speedy J wrote:
Dropped his safety rate by a kick from the server. Pointed out this report.

No response at all. I wonder when the next report on him will fly in here :)

Chances are he might not know english, but still, disconnecting without response after I confronted him might point out otherwise :/

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