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Offline DOC
Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:36 pm Post 
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I feel sorry that i have to Post this but that "Driving Style" that showed up today was realy a impudence :angry:

Its not my intention to Report someone ( dont like this at all ) but i hope that this was just a bad day. This kind of Driving is not acceptable at all :nono:

Divebombing, Pushing slower Cars, Wrecking etc. are not the things that brings Fun in the Game... :no:

I think to respekt the other Drivers, no Matter what car he is driving is the minimum requirement that all could have Fun here.

So again, I hope that was just a bad day today and some of the "Racers" here rethink about they behave on Track. Dont forget... i have some very Dangerous Replays in my .mpr Folder :lock:

Greetz "Angry" DOC :angry:

Offline initial D AE86
Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:14 pm Post 
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bad cars do not read forum :(
many players are unable to play a purely :(
or something deteriorated in cargame :huh:
I hope that this was only one day :thumb:
I did not play today, I do not know exactly what happened :duh:
I hope that tomorrow will be better :thumb:

greets :woop:

Offline sermilan
Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:22 pm Post 
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Wow... if they've managed to make you angry, that means they've had cannons mounted on their cars or something...

Seriously guys, decrease in racing standards on becomes more and more evident. There is NO fun in crashing others, at least not on cargame servers. There's no skill, no glory, no pride, no challenge, no achievement in just banging others as you please... :thumb_d:

Offline Speedy J
Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:27 pm Post 
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DOC wrote:
Dont forget... i have some very Dangerous Replays in my .mpr Folder :lock:

It is not usefull to write down your anger here when it comes to solving the problem (-drivers).

I mean I like that you share that but I would even more like you to share the replays.

Divebombers and wreckers do not read this thread so the problem will be there again.

Don't feel bad when you write a report. :lief:

We really try to keep the servers clean but we need your help for that.

Offline Brillemonster
Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:24 pm Post 
D O C is right. Driving was awfull tonight. Normally I drive on costum tracks. But today I didn't, because of the bad driving.

Offline mike259
Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:29 pm Post 
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I also have an example of somebody who can spoil your fun, here is a picture with one of his "moments"


After mid-race joining, all the race he spins around the track and unfortunate for Miki he stays there to be crashed by the leader, after the crash saying nothing and then leaves.
To give some info he is the guy that crashed Dave on a blue flag, called him an idiot, was banned and the next day joined with another account to crash on city.

Now speedy I know you don't like this kinda post but like me, you and many others have been crashed by others and in cases like tight race, unexperienced, a bad day or just an accident I don't mind so much but jackasses like Kiri are like divebomeers for me, it just spoils the fun.

All the best, mikey

Offline Speedy J
Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:22 pm Post 
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Yeah well I don;t know how far his fimamces go but he can try to get in with a third account now, coz this one is banned as well for quite some time.

Thanks for the "report" Mikey, makes te connected population cleaner.

Offline jquick
Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:09 pm Post 
I agree with DOC.

Has anyone ever suggested some sort of "injury simulations"? I know it is probably a crazy idea and likely impractical.
For arguments sake it could be somehow tied to your driving !rt but function inversely in that if you keep crashing and rate is dropping it would equal an amount of "injury" time that you would need to sit out of races. Thus acting as an incentive for drivers to be less wreckless.
Just a thought.


Offline dadoml
Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:52 pm Post 
that's a nice thought, but if somebody divebombs you you will be injured too and have to "sit out" the injury

Offline mike259
Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:02 pm Post 
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this drawback of the rate system has been discussed before and at the moment it can't be fixed from what I know

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:07 am Post 
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As Airio development is completely stopped (there even is no response here anymore on vital payment questions), I need to find another way to get advanced automatic admin control.

That is only possible with PRISM and doing it myself but it's not easy to replace an InSim which had hours and hours of work into it, the last years. But this year I want to learn a bit more about LFS InSim communication system. Last year I made a start with it and it's quite fun to do. But I'm not that young anymore, my powerz are weakening. :roll:

I explicitly asked Scawen to make crash detection available for InSim developers, which, (magically) he agreed upon and implemented it during patch 0.6B phase. But until this day we, as community, do nothing with this feature. And it's annoying me a bit, it was my own request. :fp: :wink:

But apart from all this, races still could be adminned manually of course. I still hope everything gets back to normal again when Spring arrives in the upcoming weeks and people go outside more. Enjoy life / sun, blabla. :x :D

Yesterday, again I gave two heavy bans... One newcomer with the typical demo crash move (on -Joske-). And one Turkisch server regular which did a revenge wreck move on the AS straight on Paws. :-? .. And that I do not get ... You know that there is an admin around ... Actively chatting even, and still do not care. Strange world these days.

Offline franky.s
Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:02 pm Post 
its because i wasn there :lol:

althought i seen speedy get really angry during the morning and thought the day would get worse :cry:

Offline Speedy J
Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:13 pm Post 
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Really angry?

When? :D

Offline sermilan
Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:00 pm Post 
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Now! :)


Offline Dave
Site Admin
Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:46 pm Post 
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Offline DOC
Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:14 pm Post 
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Speedy... :roflol: I never can Race with you from now without smiling and laughing :lol:

Offline dadoml
Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:13 pm Post 
Today was also super :angry:

Offline Speedy J
Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:05 pm Post 
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Good thing you came to TS to mention an admin was needed :thumb:

:roflol: @ sermilan :D

Offline Skagen
Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:08 pm Post 
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Hopefully Airio will make better use of the new collision packet in InSim some day. Alot of contact should decrease safety rating.

Offline franky.s
Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:12 am Post 
i sometimes find that, if i sneeze towards an car then i lose saftey points :huh:

Offline Skagen
Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:36 am Post 
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If you press Shift+I you'll see the personal Airio preferences panel. There you can turn on various notifications, such as path messages, etc. Going off path (the red message) decreases safety rating I think. And your safety rating decreased everytime you get the message that you've caused a yellow flag. Not sure if the yellow flag message will appear with the default Airio message preferences, or if you need to turn them on in the personal preferences panel (Dave?).

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:08 am Post 
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Skagen wrote:
Going off path (the red message) decreases safety rating I think.


Skagen wrote:
everytime you get the message that you've caused a yellow flag.

Correct too.

Skagen wrote:
if you need to turn them on in the personal preferences panel

Yes, you need to do that but I forgot which option you need to use for that.

The two situations above are the only factors which could decrease safety rating. (And there is no yellow flag on open layouts).

Skagen wrote:
some day.

Some day yes.. I don't think any further development is going to happen for quite some months. I get more a 'never' feeling, lately. But I will try to talk to Worry.. Not to motivate him but to understand what is going on. I think, that he wants to focus on his personal life from now on. Which is good. In the end you all are just a bunch of freaks, extracting loads of energy and giving not much in return.

And its really brutal of me to say it that strict (because I generalize everyone now), but I think in essence, it's true.

The decreasing popularity of [AA] on demo will also play a role in this. If you look there it's not the same anymore.

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