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Offline Obmit
Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:33 pm Post 
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As the title says, Sincere apologies to everyone on the server (S2) this afternoon, especially peter_heijnen.
I reacted in a very poor manner after an "incident" with peter_heijnen, a very minor thing in reality but It annoyed me and I didn't set a very good example I'm afraid. Especially considering that by wearing the CG team tags (which I wear proudly BTW) I am an "ambassador" for team CG and I feel I let the side down, so a BIG sorry to everyone who was there, especially Peter.


Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:37 pm Post 
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Well said, you may select name Mikio now.

Offline initial D AE86
Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:06 pm Post 
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Can I look mpr , just to see what happened ???? 8)

Offline Obmit
Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:38 pm Post 
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I've just reviewed the replay and I'm not 100% certain Peter was actually talking to me, but it did coincide with me just having passed him,,, without any contact I may add.

Not sure who actually kicked him

Either way my reaction was not good :x

Offline Speedy J
Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:59 am Post 
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My dear Obmit,

If you saying just that is too harsh then this forum would be exploding with topics like this on a daily basis.

I know that you don't like to say things like that but .... it happens :wink: You showed emotion, you... you... you are HUMAN :o

And yes I kicked Peter Heijnen later because, well.... he was being an idiot, to speak in his words.

Offline Speedy J
Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:02 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
Well said, you may select name Mikio now.

I would suggest Akihiko as well.


Offline Obmit
Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:42 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:

Speedy J wrote:

Erm,,, OK,,, you lost me now :huh:

Offline Speedy J
Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:19 pm Post 
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Akihiko is Japanese for "bright prince" :lol:

Offline franky.s
Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:51 am Post 
rolly calls me bad names ..

wheres complaint desk?

Offline shoock
Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:09 pm Post 
dear obmit, you really have nothing to feall bad about,and you dont need to apologies, you are so dicent that you feel like you should apologies
i think its just beacose you are to good guy and feall bad about little things.
hmm lets talk about petar h. ,if any of you noticed, he drive only heas line and its like no other people exist when he is driving.
infact when i drive, comming in full speed (ufr) he is lap beahinde and have blue flag he is in midle of track in corner ,and he newer move ,or just take one line so i usualy need to brake hard just to avoid boath of us getting crashed.(in sitacion when we boath can drive fast and not loose tim if he just take,chuse one line)and all of you know me, im not pushing that blue flag thing,specialy when im not im battle for position.. i slow down and overtake then driver infornt with blue flag dont need to slow down and go way out of race line )loose a lote of time beacose of me )
but wait..if only 2 caras meet on one point, ond LARGE track and he can chouse one line and drive fast on that line .and i comming with more then 60+ speed and in the end need to brake soo hard beacose that dude is driving in middle of road for no really reason ...and in some way i manage to pass heam really close and then see idiot or something alse in txt i go little !?!?""=!")"##&&"=!?? ... and i have that thing with heam for a long time...

hate that reports and stuff,trying to be polite ,and i know we all learn and have different driving skills. but f.o .learnt do drive with other drivers side by side....learn basic things.. i tryed to imagine some of drivers i see on real track day....omg!!!..

i hope you can read my " great eng." and understand that im saying...;)
obmit, dont apologies for things that is not yours fault, i watched replay and from yours perspective it whas "right thing".
i know you dident wanna react that way. you are to calm gay for that ..but you have mine :thumb:

Offline Rolly
Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:20 pm Post 
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yeah sorry franky-stein will try n stop insulting you less often... how about every 5 minutes instead.
Are you still so fat that you have your own post code...

Cheers rolly

the nice guy...

Offline Obmit
Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:45 pm Post 
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@ Shoock
Your English is good my friend, I understand exactly what your saying :thumb:

I had a momentary lapse of sanity, case closed as far as I'm concerned.

Offline franky.s
Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:02 am Post 
Rolly wrote:
yeah sorry franky-stein will try n stop insulting you less often... how about every 5 minutes instead.
Are you still so fat that you have your own post code...

Cheers rolly

the nice guy.


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