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Offline Alpha
Wed May 02, 2012 8:19 pm Post 
I was browsing the forum and i didn't find any topic on that, so here's one.

I think that the serv needs a random tracks chooser instead of voting.
Why ?
Here's a typical track roll : AS-WE-AS-WE-KY-AS-WE-FE-AS-WE....
You know what i mean, and i often see complain about that, this topic is dedicated to ideas to improve the tracks selection.
Maybe a selection with only the less played tracks who rip off the most played track after X cycle of race on.

Take a instant to look in-game what i mean.

Thank you for reading.


Offline Dave
Site Admin
Thu May 03, 2012 4:49 am Post 
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Alpha wrote:
Here's a typical track roll : AS-WE-AS-WE-KY-AS-WE-FE-AS-WE....

Simply not true...; rf.php?serv_id=S2

Westhill can only be voted once in 24 hours anyway. (And the reversed version).

There is a difference between feel and what actually is happening.

Offline BoeDeRr
Thu May 03, 2012 9:40 am Post 
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I agree with Dave! :yes:

The real trouble is that LFS developers should be in a hurry and release new circuits inmediately.

We had been without read new progres reports since 28th december, curiosly enough, is the "April Fool's Day" in Spain :lol:

Anyway, it is high time they released new circuits.

I'm sorry about my english :fp:

Offline fadeaway
Thu May 03, 2012 3:57 pm Post 
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BoeDeRr wrote:
The real trouble is that LFS developers should be in a hurry and release new circuits inmediately.

Not true, there are countless combos on existing tracks. I see opinions like this now and then, and imo thats the words of people that got bored by lfs because because of various reasons where most important is - because they, in all broadness of lfs experience, haven't find fun for themselves. And when they do get new tracks, it will be fun for them for two months and then they will demand more because they are still bored.. You get that when you want quantity over quality. Please don't troll, you don't need reasons not to drive lfs. :lock:

Offline mike259
Thu May 03, 2012 4:32 pm Post 
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I agree with fade, I mean there are 1040 track-car possibilities and after 4 years of s2 I barely did @90% and I drive lot so alpha don't worry there are still cobos to do.

Offline Pierre Dole
Thu May 03, 2012 4:54 pm Post 
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mike259 wrote:
there are 1040 track-car possibilities

Yeah, but not all can be chosen on cargame. ;) And the 2nd thing is, many ppl dont like every car and every track.

But fade has right, too. Many ppl are waiting for S3, the one new track and the one new car. How long it will takes till they get bored...?

Offline Skagen
Thu May 03, 2012 6:59 pm Post 
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The open track feature added alot of new possibilities. Some of them are incredibly good even, such as AS11. Mmmm... And K32. :honger:

Sadly I haven't gotten to try out all the layouts, I wish more of these was available on the S2 server (those supported by Airio):

Offline Inouva
Sat May 05, 2012 2:44 pm Post 
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GIVE US KYOTO NATIONAL WITH KYOTO GP LONG!!!!!!!!!AAAAARRRGGG!!!!!1oneoneoenoe1111oshift111

Offline Dave
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Sat May 05, 2012 10:27 pm Post 
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No. Nobody wants to drive 5+min laps.

Offline Skagen
Sat May 05, 2012 10:32 pm Post 
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I guess I am a nobody then. :lol:

I'd love longer laps and longer races, but I understand it isn't suited for casual public racing.

Offline OTone
Sun May 06, 2012 3:41 am Post 
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I want it too. Must be really nice :wink:

Offline Nicce
Sun May 06, 2012 11:09 am Post 
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it just aint fun to do close to 4min lap..
IGTC round was with ky3r-ky2-ky3r ending and thoes laps was around 4min mark with GT1 !!!
now how long would it be with STD ?? uhm 5min,30s ?? ye cool.. not.

but add in the AS29.. its cool and a fast GT2 driver takes that with 2,50 more or less. O:)

Offline Dave
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Sun May 06, 2012 8:44 pm Post 
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A62 you mean?

It has no Airio support;

Offline Nicce
Mon May 07, 2012 3:07 pm Post 
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A62 you mean?

uhm.. no it was as61 even.. but i guess thats the same with that -no airo- :(

Offline pmw
Mon May 07, 2012 3:18 pm Post 
nl2dav, when you are going to show us some statistics of track usage? Most played track combos in X time.

Offline Nicce
Mon May 07, 2012 4:43 pm Post 
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pmw wrote:
Most played track combos in X time.

as3-4-5, we1-r, ky2-3-1, fe3

need more? O:)

Offline Dave
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Mon May 07, 2012 5:13 pm Post 
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pmw wrote:
when you are going to show us some statistics of track usage? Most played track combos in X time.

I don't see why I should spend time on that.

Offline Pierre Dole
Tue May 08, 2012 2:23 pm Post 
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Aren't there any SO open configs?

Offline Dave
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Wed May 09, 2012 4:18 pm Post 
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No, every possible combination already exists.

Offline Speedy J
Wed May 09, 2012 4:25 pm Post 
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I remember we once drove in SO with no borders.

People driving for minutes in one direction, going out of SO-surroundings. And you could see the little orange triangles of them driving out of the littl map, around on the whole screen lol.

Those were funny days :-)

Offline Dave
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Wed May 09, 2012 4:47 pm Post 
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Yeah... This one day, first try outs...

But that only was possible with a risky jump. :roll:

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