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Offline aldoz8
Thu May 31, 2012 8:43 pm Post 
Hi, I got ban from server.
Yeah I crash out "Inouva ARG" after he crash me out on purpose in this race and in the before race.

2 races in where he trying to crash me out and I do nothing, the third time I crash him out.

Ah, really serious and professional the admin (probably friend of "inouva ARG" ) do not let me finish the race to permit me to speak my opinion about.

Over, this "inouva ARG" is many days insulting Italian players without motivations, free, and although no one would answer him, he continue and continue. Why he can do that without consequences? Maybe when we are in the S2 server we can insult other players cause they are from German or France or China? It's a cargame rule? Maybe yes cause he insult many times and from many time.

In the replay of the race in where I crash him out so you can see that he is the first crashing me out (so 2 races in where he crash me out on purpose) and you can see I am trying to avoid him (I knew he would try to throw me out) but nothing.

Yeah I am really bad boy and I get the ban but why he don't get the ban too?

A last thing, for "inouva ARG", hey dude, stop to talk shit to other player just cause they are from other countries, you are not better, you are just an idiot. Your biggest goal in life was to let me ban from cargame servers after you crashing me out? wow.. you reach a really big satisfaction dude! Greetings.


PS the replay is biggest than 2mb and I can't post it, if you tell me how I can upload and sure I will upload it.

Offline Rolly
Thu May 31, 2012 9:21 pm Post 
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Hello aldoz8,
I am not the one who banned you but just to let you know that we do not have favourites on our server who think they can get away with things. As for what you have stated i can only guess that this will come under more investigation. You state that you have been insulted by Inouva. If this true then we will also take appropiate action.

In the mean time if you look in the top right hand corner you will see an icon saying S2. Here you will find a record of all replays from the S2 racing server. It would help if you could find the correct replay and paste a link .

In the meantime stay calm and help us help you resolve this matter.


Rolly ..aka admin

Offline Inouva
Thu May 31, 2012 9:51 pm Post 
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I feel sad
aldoz8 wrote:
Hi, I got ban from server.
Yeah I crash out "Inouva ARG" after he crash me out on purpose in this race and in the before race.

2 races in where he trying to crash me out and I do nothing, the third time I crash him out.

Ah, really serious and professional the admin (probably friend of "inouva ARG" ) do not let me finish the race to permit me to speak my opinion about.

Over, this "inouva ARG" is many days insulting Italian players without motivations, free, and although no one would answer him, he continue and continue. Why he can do that without consequences? Maybe when we are in the S2 server we can insult other players cause they are from German or France or China? It's a cargame rule? Maybe yes cause he insult many times and from many time.

In the replay of the race in where I crash him out so you can see that he is the first crashing me out (so 2 races in where he crash me out on purpose) and you can see I am trying to avoid him (I knew he would try to throw me out) but nothing.

Yeah I am really bad boy and I get the ban but why he don't get the ban too?

A last thing, for "inouva ARG", hey dude, stop to talk shit to other player just cause they are from other countries, you are not better, you are just an idiot. Your biggest goal in life was to let me ban from cargame servers after you crashing me out? wow.. you reach a really big satisfaction dude! Greetings.


PS the replay is biggest than 2mb and I can't post it, if you tell me how I can upload and sure I will upload it.

Oh really?

Well, lets start

In the first race i raced againt you ( Aston 5 with ngt ) on lap 1 in the middle of the track you pushed me from behind ( you can see in the replay he's a full gas ), consecuense?, took me oot

Pic ( full gas and he didn't giving a crap )

He keep the gas at pedal to metal

Result, me on the grass

Second in the last 3 corners ( After the back straight ) in lap 4 you DIVEBOMB trying to took me off that is totaly illegal divebomb on s2, again, Result you totaly failed, Took me the 4 laps to recover of what you did back there and overtake you in a clean maneuver and you tryed to divebomb and you failed, after the race you laughed saying good race or something

Second pic Divebomb start


Divebomb end

What he say after the race
sei un coglionazzo = you are a fool

As you can see after the both race i dint swear hin in any moment and waited till speed watched the replays

The replay of that race here :


Now the seccond matter, you where on a FX2 and me still on my UFB, first of all in the Chicane section i leave you room to pass clean what happen? lag hit after that what caused? me going over the dirt and slap others cars ( Speed-j told me wass a lag hit, i'm ok with that )

As you can see, both turning
i was turning hard as i can in the car as you can see, he barely

The result? the lag hit

after the recover it makes me touch others cars

After the seccon lap what you did ( in the 1rst back straight ) you totaly rammed me in a revenge

At my tail

Doing pit maneuver for revenge


what cuased that? speed banned hin for 90 days

The replay of that :

After speed watched the replay together with dave ( I think ) the punisment was 90days of ban

Also i wanna see where i'be insulted hin, i was relly polite and patient till speed took cards on the business

The funny part he think he do the right thing when is clearly not correct, as everyone know i really hate that someon ruin my race and i'm allways clean, polite and fast driver...

p.s: Where is your god now aidoz?

Offline franky.s
Thu May 31, 2012 10:18 pm Post 
Inouva wrote:
i'm allways clean, polite and fast driver...

erm.. no. :fp:

Offline Speedy J
Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:07 am Post 
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aldoz8 wrote:
Ah, really serious and professional the admin (probably friend of "inouva ARG" )

Ah must be me then, this incompetent admin.

But as I have no friends at all, you should stick to the fact that you revenge wrecked Inouva after an accident (maybe worsened by lag) in the first lap. Revenge wrecking is a 90 day ban. Don't put that on me.

Offline initial D AE86
Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:49 am Post 
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I think 90 days is ok, I do not understand such people, raised each must be accountable for their actions :\
inouva is good driver , admin and friend... :thumb:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:51 am Post 
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aldoz8 wrote:
Yeah I am really bad boy and I get the ban but why he don't get the ban too?

You revenge wrecked. End of story. Everybody knows by now thats 90 days.

aldoz8 wrote:
you are just an idiot.


aldoz8 wrote:
PS the replay is biggest than 2mb and I can't post it, if you tell me how I can upload and sure I will upload it.

No need. Server stores all the replays automatically.


Offline Rolly
Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:16 am Post 
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All done then.... :thumb:

Offline aldoz8
Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:16 pm Post 
Wow, ok, so now I try to make a clean post about the ban of yesterday.
Just to avoid misunderstandings eh?
Let's start:

2 (or 3, not remember precise day) days ago I received a warning from "CG SpeedyJ". I received it 'cause I said "dick head" to a really unfair player, his name is "SeniorTKM#7" . He tried to crash me out continuously and you can check the replay.
Obviusly I am the bad boy cause I say "dick head" and SeniorTKM#7 is the good boy cause he received my insult. No way to give to him a warning for his unfair races.
Ok, no problem, I have really little like to post in the forum to give ban to other players. I have other to think in my days.

But let's continue:
So "CG Speedy J" gived me a warning and ok no problems.
Please, now back to yesterday where inouvaARG get inside the story too!

31 MAY 2012

Replay N? 364133
min 7:48 = SeniorTKM#7 hit me
min 8:32 = SeniorTKM#7 hit me again
min 9:22 = SeniorTKM#7 hit me again HARD!
min 9:56 = SeniorTKM#7 hit me again...
min 14:11 = SeniorTKM#7 from his word on chat seems to know well the admin. Ah, please, note I never say nothing in all the race.

Replay N? 364134
At the start = SeniorTKM#7 hit me..
min 3:37 = SeniorTKM#7 hit me again HARD!
min 4:28 = SeniorTKM#7 start to push me from behind.
min 5:45 = SeniorTKM#7 involves another car in his crash behaviour against me.
min 12:26 = SeniorTKM#7 push me from behind in the corner, just to try to crash me out well.
min 13:51 = And me? The bad and criminal boy? I say "sorry" to him because in the last corners I hit him from behind (not a bad crash and I was ready to stop to let him continue in front of me, in fact I enjoy just when I win a clean race,is a personal mine feature, in the multiplayer videogames I want to prove to myself that I am better than my challengers, but you can not believe me if you want and continue to think that I am a crasher or an unfair player.

Replay N? 364135
min 3:24 = SeniorTKM#7 crash me HARD!
min 3:43 = SeniorTKM#7 push me hard from behind.
min 4:00 = SeniorTKM#7 crash me HARD again!
min 4:16 = SeniorTKM#7 push me from behind to make me out of track.
min 4:30 = Finally and hopefully I decided to crash him out. From now I can play LFS in this race.

So, this is the guy that the day before of yesterday let me take a warning from CGspeedyJ. I think they are good friends or CGspeedyJ simply use the admin role to vent his frustrations against random people. Maybe you think I post here just the hit against me eh?
Ohhh so, please, when you have some time, enjoy these races from the start to the end and say to me if I have caused crashes, if I have inslut someone, if I make some type of provocations or if I made unfair races.
I would just enjoy LFS and never I thought to make admins ban SeniorTKM#7. I have other problems and business in my life.
But sure, seeing what has happened I should have used a bit of time to write here in the forum to make SeniorTKM#7 warned or banned.


And now let's to change chapter! Let's to speak about inouvaARG, the guy who hates Italy. Hey inouvaARG, some wrong Holidays in Italy? some bad experience here? or just free hate?
In the last month I read many times he talking shit vs Italian peoples; Without provocations, just insults.
But back to yesterday races!:

Replay N? 364143
min 13:37 = inouvaARG write :" Italians, new level of stupidity".

The motivation of this rage by inouvaARG is that one PLZ player enjoying the races and write to his friends. OH MY GOD!. THIS IS A SIN! THIS DESERVES THE DEATH PENALTY!! this time again, inouvaARG find a motivation to vent his hate vs Italians.. lol..

inouvaARG will continue insulting Italians over the replay end. In fact (to prove I am not a liar)another player will answer him at the start
of the next replay (writing that no all Italians are idiots, so you can imagine the inouvaARG insult over the end of replay number 364143)

Replay N? 364144
You can notice at the start of this replay the answer of another player to inouvaARG and his last insult (the insult done over the end of the previous replay)

min 9:24 = TeamBART say to inouvaARG that he is crying and speaking bad in all races, all days.

Little after inouvaARG answer to TeamBART :"Latvia? this explain all.."
AHhhh not just Italy!!! Latvia is the second bad holiday place for us friend inouvaARG!! Hey dude, please, stay in Argentine for the next vacation!

Replay N? 364146
min 2:28 = I touch inouvaARG, believe or not, not my will but you are free to think I make volountary this crash.

min 10:43 = MTD2XQed#70 crash me and inouvaARG and I thought inouvaARG crash me purposely. In fact from my cockpit I thought was only a inouvaARG fail. In this case I was wrong and bad too.
I write to him "coglionazzo" (not a real insult, just an half insult) because I was thinking last crash was his purposely.

After the end of this replay inouvaARG write some insult to me and I will answer him at the start of the next replay.

Replay n?364147
At the start I answer "ciuccia" to inouvaARG. The translation to english is "suck here". Yeah I am a really bad boy. But I think that some Italian language insults are the minimum for a dude that hate my nation. Just the right thing for me.

min 1:35 = He crash me out and believe me, was really on purpose, Think when you got crash out on purpose. You know when other player hit the brake and give a fast change of wheel to make you to flight out of the track. Maybe I am wrong here but I really sure about inouvaARG crash me on purpose.

min 4:55 = I give him the anwer of the previous crash and I crash him out ON PURPOSE (and I'd do it again!, yea I am really bad)

min 12:41 = CGspeedyJ seems to be friend with inouvaARG, simply reading the chat you understand it. And he answer to desperate request to ban me of inouvaARG with a "what happen dear???" Ohh my god, inouvaARG needed help and something like superman or spiderman come to make JUSTICE!! wooooh CGspeedyJ you are the administrator most unfair that I have known from years I am playing with LFS.

min 14:32 = In the last I say to inouvaARG that before he start to talk shit vs Italians he would to think about he is from Argentine...
Nothing against Argentine, just I think nobody can elevate hisself to god while other peoples are just idiots because Italians or from Latvia.

At the start of the next race I got the ban from CGspeedyJ without chance to explain, answer or other. Just ban.
Ok! No problems.

This is my last post here for this story. I have really little time to think about all that and I would just to enjoy time playing LFS.
In fact I have 2 or 3 replay saved of peoples (others, not inouvaARG or SeniorTKM#7) crashing me out and crashing other players without problems. Really crashers. But believe me, I have no time and like to make wars on the forums of LFS.

but I had to write this answer just to make the thing a bit more clear.

I don't need to crash other players or ban other peoples to get joy or satisfaction. I leave these weird satisfaction to other peoples of this story.

CGspeedyJ a little last thing.
You have no power eh! you are just a poor admin as a lot of other unfair or poor admins.
Just one of many. You have to know well the situations before give warning or ban. If not you are just the wrong person to be an admin for servers with all these peoples.

Thanks to ROLLY, before to know the situation, wrote good words for me in the first answer of this thread! :)


Offline Nicce
Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:01 pm Post 
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aldoz8 wrote:
Replay N? 364143
min 13:37 = inouvaARG write :" Italians, new level of stupidity".

u should insert why she/he wrote that from the beginning aswell. ;) but annyway here it goes..

was a guy that was -screen spamming- his bind with something that caused the screen to get blockd. oki we still have blockmsgs and this guy said: u can block msgs if u dont wanna see it. ok fair.. but in some way i kinda agree with Inouva that is annoying to see the same bind over and over again and every time its blocking half the screen. annoying to the point its used 4times over and over.

my 2 cents.

Offline Inouva
Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:02 pm Post 
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aldoz8 wrote:
Replay N? 364143
min 13:37 = inouvaARG write :" Italians, new level of stupidity".

The motivation of this rage by inouvaARG is that one PLZ player enjoying the races and write to his friends. OH MY GOD!. THIS IS A SIN! THIS DESERVES THE DEATH PENALTY!! this time again, inouvaARG find a motivation to vent his hate vs Italians.. lol..

inouvaARG will continue insulting Italians over the replay end. In fact (to prove I am not a liar)another player will answer him at the start
of the next replay (writing that no all Italians are idiots, so you can imagine the inouvaARG insult over the end of replay number 364143)

And why dont you quote the spam by the italian guy that was pissing me off with the "???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"
Before i start to swear hin and after

To be clear this guy was spaming the "????" all over the chat, with that he got pissed me off

my reply to the guy was "Can you plz stop the stupid spam of your "????",

the result the guy keep spaming it and to worse the matter he clicked my name and keep spaming the same stupid simbol over and over and over ( You can see it in the replay ) i told to BMW geek if he can stop or say to the guy "Stop" and there was no "Action" to about that ( Was ok ) after that i just keep racing ignoring the guy and after 2 or 3 races the guy keep spaming the stupids "????"

oh right, is easy to just trow my swear there and not show the reason for it....

I dont swer till someon ruin my race or angry me with some stupidity of like your friend with the "?????????????????????????????????????????????"

Offline Speedy J
Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:05 pm Post 
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If you feel you are being treated badly by other racers, you need to ask an admin to look into it or write a report on the forum.

Obviously you choose to revenge wreck (both Snr TKM and Inouva) and use insulting language yourself.

Like Dave said, revenge wrecking is a 90 day ban. Period.

About the race i banned you in: You knew I was going to watch the replay. When i did that, I sent you THREE chatmessages. The only reply I got was: "Si!!!"

So, now in this topic you are showing your side of the story. Unfortunately you also choose to start insulting me. I think that is not a way to communicate or trying to find a solution.

Saluti ragazzo.

Offline Sardus
Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:32 pm Post 
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spamming is annoying, it is.
But to wrote that the italians are on a new level of stupidity by that is offensive. A lot.
Because I am italian, and maybe I am a slower racer, maybe I am an ugly racer, but no one of you knows me to tell to the world that I am stupid, bacause a guy with my nation colours (but from latvia!) is it..
This is very sad, because I try to find places to play where the only thing that counts is how faster and correct you are, not where you are playing from.
Aldoz made a big mistake, the ban is correct, but racism is annoying, more than the spamming.

plz -pacans, is a quite nice boy, maybe its a spammer, but I dont think that is an idiot too;)

Offline Litro
Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:48 pm Post 
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aldoz8 wrote:
Little after inouvaARG answer to TeamBART :"Latvia? this explain all.."

This will not be tolerated! I will BAN Inouva when he will be on a server...

Offline Inouva
Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:50 pm Post 
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Sardus wrote:
spamming is annoying, it is.
But to wrote that the italians are on a new level of stupidity by that is offensive. A lot.
Because I am italian, and maybe I am a slower racer, maybe I am an ugly racer, but no one of you knows me to tell to the world that I am stupid, bacause a guy with my nation colours (but from latvia!) is it..
This is very sad, because I try to find places to play where the only thing that counts is how faster and correct you are, not where you are playing from.
Aldoz made a big mistake, the ban is correct, but racism is annoying, more than the spamming.

plz -pacans, is a quite nice boy, maybe its a spammer, but I dont think that is an idiot too;)

My grandparents are from italia, my parents are from italia too, so in part i'm italian too, i dont see the offense,
If you really watched the replay you should agree with me that the whole incident of spam is really childish and stupid, to worse the matter that guy "pacans" got the brillant idea of mess with me knowing in fuel ready to burn in any moment.....

Anyway, sorry for the "Italian's new lvl of stupidity"

Offline pringles
Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:00 pm Post 
If you take offense to what some random person says on the internet..

Offline Sardus
Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:28 pm Post 
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pringles wrote:

It is not the point. Moderation is essential on a chat, like on a forum post.
I don't really mind if someone think that italians are all some kind of idiots.
Simply I don't like to read theese things when I'm playing with "friends".
Because we all like this game, and we are not too many people. IMHO Racism into the community can't be tolerated.
By the way I may accept Inouva excuses. Not because he is in part italian, but 'cause I well know that when you are racing you want always win, and I apreciate it. So I understand that sometimes it's easy to lose self-control.
Just want to see admin opinion about it. Not my problem, really.

Offline Rolly
Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:33 pm Post 
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I don't like to see people insult each other, or make remarks about their country. We are all different and thats what makes the world such an interesting place.

For the sake of a bit of peace, please in future report any offensive language or personal abuse.
We have teamspeak.... its about time some of you started to use it... We don't bite and we are a freindly group. And we always listen and try and resolve matters. Don't worry if your english is poor.

Aldoz8... you need to resolve this matter with speedy. it is not good that you accuse him of not being an understanding admin. If you speak to speedy either by forum or by teamspeak you will realise this. Please resolve this personal matter with speedy.


Offline Tango
Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:36 pm Post 
Im a tolerant person who`s laid back,but 2 or 3 times this week,after trying to be reasonable with fellow racers,ive been given the finger.Verbal abuse or silly gestures is just childish behaviour that deserves the treatment the admins dish out....
Growing old is unavoidable,growing up is optional.

Offline Rolly
Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:49 pm Post 
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Offline aldoz8
Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:30 pm Post 
I am here again! I mantain the previous post just 'cause are all facts but
Sardus and Rolly asking me to ensure my 38yo and to say sorry for the problems.

Ok, probably he being out of boiling blood is thinking the right thing.
Not, he sure thinking the right thing.

Then I am so sorry for the problems with the admin, and with all others peoples involved in that story.

I accept the ban and I hope to back in the future for just fair and funny races.

See next and please, believe me, I don't want troubles and nervous for a video game!

Offline Rolly
Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:51 pm Post 
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hi Aldoz8, thanks for the reply. I am sure speedy will appreciate this when he reads this. :thumb:
Cheers Rolly

Offline aldoz8
Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:02 pm Post 
:) thx to you Rolly

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:05 pm Post 
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Litro wrote:
This will not be tolerated! I will BAN Inouva when he will be on a server...

Because of what?

Offline Litro
Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:57 pm Post 
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Offline Inouva
Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:25 pm Post 
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Litro wrote:

Where?, there was no racist comment

If you say about ""Latvia? this explain all." there is no racist comment

there is a user on the LFS "R.rejias" that looks like he have ADD posting in every thread that is made on the LFS forum and this guy pacans was doing exactly the same, While driving pissing me off with the spam and talking and talking talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking when nobody was listen to hin and by that encourage by his frend where i'm sure they were saying stuff bout me in they language

There was no racist comment at all, before to jump into the gun litro, watch the replay then you gona see my point.

Offline Litro
Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:28 pm Post 
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Where wasnt?

Offline Inouva
Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:45 pm Post 
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Litro wrote:
Where wasnt?

I dont understand, where is the racist comment?

Offline franky.s
Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:04 pm Post 
Inouva wrote:
insulting Italian players without motivations

:fp: and now latvia.. fking putaaa

Offline Inouva
Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:11 pm Post 
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This is were everthing start

Also before the "Latvia that explain all"
I'be asked to bmw geek if he can do something about that guy with the spam

He think i was talking with his friends where is not correct, and do how i know that he was from latvia?

The "latvia that explain it all" what i really say is "Latvia that eplain YOUR behaivoir"

As you can see in any moment i was "messing" with his friend at all
i was speaking with hin

Aslo in the replay you can clearly see how "HIS" friend encourge and keep doing the spam while i complaing to hin saying "stop that crap spam" and also when i asked to bmwgeek they keep doing the same over and over and over again...So

in any moment was doing a racist comment or messing with "HIS" friend...

Now with abarth as aidoz say
my answer

I dont know what is wrong with what he say and my answer

My answer was this pic

Nice one franky, keep practicing castellano, you need to learn new stuff

Offline kiyoshi
Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:52 pm Post 
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ssbr really is trying to wreck aldoz in these replays. It's pretty bad. Still, Aldoz, if you aren't happy with someones driving, and it's as bad as this, then you should report it. Not to 'get them banned' but just to discourage anyone from driving like this. That way we all have a better chance of better races. You wrecking in revenge doesn't make things better - It certainly won't encourage the other guy to drive cleaner.

As for "Latvia? that explain your behaviour" Of course that is racial discrimination, otherwise you wouldn't mention the country. Nationality has nothing to do with him spamming the chat / driving badly / being stupid / whatever.
Whether that is something serious depends on many things, but it should be obvious that if you are talking about something negative, and it isn't clearly a joke, then you are likely to offend everyone of that nationality who reads it. I'm sure that isn't what you were intending to do, so it would be better not to use phrases like that.

I agree about the spam though. It's pointless & annoying. :)

Offline Inouva
Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:04 am Post 
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I dont see it as a racist comment, if that racist many times ppl told stuff of me for being argentinian and never nobody do nothing...

Is a fact that many times ppl tent to say this comment for being from X country and never happen anything special, but if aldoz wanna grab from there to have some kind of satisfaction in repay to being banned and then have some punishment to me i dont know what to say, he started everthing spaming that msg, I tryed to not swear, i tryed to ask for help and tryed to keep calm but in the end all this happens

So i dont know what else to do, if in any moment someon found offended for my comment of "Latvia, that explain your behaivoir" i'm truly sorry for that comment


Offline rob uk
Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:11 am Post 
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so who won the race ?

Offline franky.s
Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:17 am Post 
kiyo,.. its a country not a race :fp:

Offline rob uk
Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:25 am Post 
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but they were racing to start with, wernt they ???? so who won

Offline Speedy J
Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:57 am Post 
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As you can see, in the end, nobody wins when things like this happen.

Personally, I don't see the remarks as racism. You could take them as an insult but it stops there.

Offline Litro
Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:12 am Post 
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You have rights to block messages, but not to write racist comments.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:08 am Post 
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franky.s wrote:
its a country not a race

Speedy J wrote:
I don't see the remarks as racism. You could take them as an insult but it stops there.

Litro wrote:
but not to write racist comments.

thats true yes.

Offline Inouva
Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:44 pm Post 
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Litro wrote:
You have rights to block messages, but not to write racist comments.

You are right on that, i didnt mean to make a racist comment in the first place nor was my intention to do that

I apology again


Offline kiyoshi
Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:29 pm Post 
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franky.s wrote:
kiyo,.. its a country not a race :fp:

I realise that, but in practical terms, what's the difference? Insulting someone because they are black, or Italian, or gay, or they are in TRR team, whatever seem pretty much the same to me. It's making a judgement based on some grouping, rather than an individual. Maybe that's just my opinion.
Anyway, I wasn't saying it was serious in this case. It's pretty clear when someone is really being abusive, whatever particular terms they use & that's not true here.

Hopefully this whole thing turned out well. The people involved have apologised, and it's good to see that the admins are not complete idiots ;) & have taken the complaints seriously.
No real need for any 'punishment' here IMO the way things have turned out.

Offline pringles
Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:31 pm Post 
In practical terms a half-serious "lol latvians" comment is a long, long way away from actual discrimination.

Offline MorX
Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:02 pm Post 
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i want to state something, sorry to interrupt.

Sometimes im talking with franky, calling him "cazzo italiano" etc etc ... of course i dont mean that but we're talking each other in a way we're not offended because of our different approach of communication. We have fun exchanging teasing comments about each other ... (hot mothers involved :lol: )

Sometimes speedy comments about Greece, im calling him homosexual etc etc.... we're just making fun without any intention for serious offense but just to tease and have some funny times.

I wanted to say with that, that any comment i do about countries etc, is not serious and should not be taken as a real word of mine! I like all countries, my job is tourism dependent and any caustic criticism i do is for reference only and not seriously approached. ;)
(p.s. im talking in a free way, only with people i know they wont be offended and understand the way im speaking, whoever is watching my conversation with them, please ignore or join the fun. It's for fun only afterall as i already mentioned)

I dont like racism, all people are the same. The only thing that separates them is good and bad, nothing more.
I was born in Greece, lived my life in different places of Greece, traveled all over the world and never met inhospitable people, all of them were kind (some more some less). A different nationality citizen, will only treat you bad when you do it first, there's no other reason, i'm seeing this every day in my country with immigrants from other countries, being abused in here, just because they came to find a better living and start out of zero.


:lief: :oops:

Offline franky.s
Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:20 pm Post 
go get a job..

oh wait..

Offline MorX
Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:09 am Post 
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franky.s wrote:
go get a job..

oh wait..

oh wait..

i have 2 jobs! :dag:

n00000b frank !!!! :lol:

Offline Speedy J
Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:58 am Post 
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OMG what would happen if we send Franky and Morx on a vacation together :lol:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:49 am Post 
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Ehh with camera's it would be a very successful real life TV program, I'm sure of that.

Offline jquick
Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:30 pm Post 
I have really little like to post in the forum to give ban to other players. I have other to think in my days.


Offline Speedy J
Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:49 pm Post 
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jquick wrote:

sentence. I think.

Offline Speedy J
Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:17 am Post 
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Okay, one mont has passed, I have unbanned Aldoz. Hoping to see some good racing :thumb:

Offline BlueEyedDevil
Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:11 pm Post 
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there only 1 good think comes from italie and thats a pizza :D

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