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Offline Joey
Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:13 am Post 
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777-Morgan wrote:
I'm not sure I can arrange the time needed for this

Morgan I can just add you to the roster and then IF you have time for any of the races you can join.

Just post or PM me the details asked for and I put you in. Even if you dont find time for any of the races it doesnt matter.

Offline 777-Morgan
Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:56 am Post 
Ok, Joey. That sounds good to me. Here are the details.

Real name: *********
LFS name: 777-Morgan
Gender: male
Nationality: Finland
Previous ex.: None
Car: Anything goes.

I'll pm my real name to you, I don't want it to be here for the search engines to find - since I'm the only guy on the planet with that name :-)

This video gives a pretty accurate image about the level of my skillz... on a good day:


- Morgan

Offline boothy
Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:15 pm Post 
Actually, your name will appear on the NDR website in the team profile, the GTAL race tracker and LFS forum when you confirm the team for each race - so if you're worried about your real name, it's better to make something up (but something that actually sounds good and not just adding "de something" if your first name is Dave :D )

And regards practice servers, there's the official one NDR.GTAL 2011, plus many others run by teams (look for those set to GTR@KY2R) so it's usually quite good to see what others are doing and get help off them :wink:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:25 pm Post 
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Actually its a part of my real name ;)

Bear is beer in Dutch
and beer is bier.

BMW-gek is using his real name also. :x

I never can get my complete name out of Google anymore, same as for some email addresses. Really annoying. But its more generic now so thats OK.

My complete last name isn't pronounceable for foreigners anyway, locals already have difficulties.

Offline marcromboy
Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:32 pm Post 
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idea for practice:

all gtal tracks in rotation
KY2R, WE1, FE4, AS6R, SO4R, KY3, BL1

20-30 laps each track (depens on length of the track)
and pitstop included (why pitstop ?, let me explain it)

to practice driving in and out of pitlane without speeding,
and i dont know how changeover for next driver is working, but as far as
i know you have to come to pits, press some button and then other driver will
drive ahead (good thing to practice then)

importent to practice, imo, is SO4R because there'll happen many accidents,
like hitting the walls, flipping your car, crashing while overtaking, a.s.o

just my 2 cents
i'm happy to drive for the team, i'll do my best :)

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:25 am Post 
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I thought about it and I'm not sure that I'm going to setup a private or open practice server especially for GTAL. (you guys can read also -no-, here ;) )

Resources enough but normal pickup racing is suffering if all admins / team members are hiding in yet another server. And normal pickup racing I still find more important anyway because it's the foundation!

I'm willing to change the GTR server to a permanent double lap environment with pit stop though. Track voting can do the rest (like the races we did today, saturday).

Offline Joey
Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:32 am Post 
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I dont think that we will be all the time on the private server if there will be one BUT we could make one or 2 evenings to practice long distance.

I think it is a must to practice and make setups that will last for over one hour and the only way to do so is the drive it.

So IMO that leaves 3 options

1. Dont do it and see where well end up

2. Make a private server for 1 or days where we can practice

3. Make a public server with long distance races (one hour long)

Just my two cents :D

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:54 am Post 
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I just spotted this;


No need to have multiple servers with the same thing :D

Offline Joey
Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:17 am Post 
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Yes your right I didnt noticed that before.

Offline Speedy J
Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:52 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
I'm willing to change the GTR server to a permanent double lap environment with pit stop though.

Do consider this one though. I rather stay in Cargame servers, also for admin purposes.

Offline Joey
Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:02 pm Post 
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FYI guys there is a test race planned on the 2nd of October next week.

2 hours with 20 minuts Qualli, track not descided yet.

There is a poll here :

If you wanna go there and race then you should arrange something.

I can't race because I will be having a RL race in sunny Germany next weekend.

Please post availability and Ill make it happen :D

Offline marcromboy
Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:43 pm Post 
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Joey wrote:
RL race in sunny Germany next weekend.

lol... here it rains since weeks, so i guess there'll be no sun at all :P

Offline Joey
Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:03 pm Post 
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I know I live in Germany :D

Offline boothy
Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:16 am Post 
I am unwilling to place the teams chances of success in jeapardy (a disconnect during my driving session would, I believe, throw the whole team out of that round.).

No, if you disconnect then either you or someone else on the team rejoins the race from the pits and keeps on driving. The tracker - - counts all the complete laps and places everyone in the correct order :wink:

Offline Joey
Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:19 am Post 
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boothy wrote:
No, if you disconnect then either you or someone else on the team rejoins the race from the pits and keeps on driving. The tracker - - counts all the complete laps and places everyone in the correct order :wink:

So IF someone looses connection that wouldnt be any disadvantage your saying?

Offline boothy
Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:41 am Post 
Like I said in server :P disadvantage are:
a) you start over again, messing with strategy
b) you start the lap you are on again, so if you timeout in sector 3 you'll lose all that time over the lap
c) you'll get a blue flag when anyone comes up behind you - but you need to check the tracker to see if it's for position or not :x

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:13 am Post 
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It is a time disadvantage for sure.

Obmit really hasn't got a good internet connection, it's unstable... He has a point.

I was wondering what race control will do with a heavy damaged car. It's better to have a dropped connection and then rejoin with a fresh new car then to go to pit and repair.

Offline Obmit
Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:15 am Post 
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Cheers for the info Boothy, you've made me a very happy chappy indeed.

Please totally ignore my previous post.

/mood set
Happy chappy :woop:

Offline jahilton2002
Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:19 am Post 
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:lol: :thumb: i'll be your wingman anytime :aai:

Offline -Joske-
Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:00 pm Post 
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16the october there is a 16 hours race on FER4 R. I don't no if there is place.

Offline Speedy J
Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:47 pm Post 
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16 hours :fp:


Offline jahilton2002
Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:04 pm Post 
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(thread jack) skin ideas other thred ;) )

Offline 777-Morgan
Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:41 pm Post 
I just did 41 laps in KY2R in that NDR GTAL test server driving an FX2 ofc. Some notes about it:

1.) It took 70 minutes.

2.) No accidents, didn't even drive on the grass once - this was quite surprising. I haven't bothered driving this long ever in a game before.

3.) Eating an extremely hot chili candy while driving isn't very wise. Hard to concentrate when your mouth is on fire.

4.) Quite a few ppl tried driving the opposite direction, strangely the server doesn't mind...

5.) I'm slow, someone needs to teach me how to drive faster :)

6.) Item 5 could be a setup issue.

7.) Eating the aforementioned chili candy again and wiping my eye with chili smeared fingers is even worse idea than item 3.

8.) Due to item 7 couldn't see almost anything through the tears for the better part of 3 laps. Next time I'll try chewing gum.

9.) It might be a good idea to learn how to adjust pit settings while driving. If there is an accident and you get back to the pits, the crew will fill the tank to the brim. If that's how we need to set it up... ?

- Morgan

Offline Speedy J
Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:51 am Post 
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Lol Morgan, don't eat chili candy whilde driving mate :D

Isn't it enough to fill up the tank for one hour driving and set teh pit refuel to drive for another hour?
By the way, I noticed that the FXR we will be driving is restricted 24% now, is this true?

Offline jahilton2002
Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:16 am Post 
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24%! maybe we should look at xrr?

Offline Speedy J
Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:31 am Post 
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XRR wil be faster (25% restricted if I saw right) but I can't handle that car very well at this moment, so I will have to stick to FX2...... :oops:

Offline jahilton2002
Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:35 am Post 
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dont we all have to use the same car?

Offline jahilton2002
Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:39 am Post 
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also any news on the skin rules yet joey? anybody got any more skin input, i could do with starting.

Offline -Joske-
Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:37 am Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
XRR wil be faster (25% restricted if I saw right) but I can't handle that car very well at this moment, so I will have to stick to FX2...... :oops:

XXR is maby the fastes car, but there are also 3 tracks where the FXR is faster.

jahilton2002 wrote:
dont we all have to use the same car?

Yes all the same car, and same setup.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:25 am Post 
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FX2 is more stable guys. Don't look at timing, reliability is far more important.

Offline jahilton2002
Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:32 am Post 
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:thumb: +1

Offline boothy
Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:24 pm Post 
1. Skins can be whatever you want, so long as you put on the skinkit. Here's last year's skinkit, I'm sure it will be almost the same for this year.

2. Restrictions aren't decided yet. There's a test race with GT9 on Saturday evening, probably at KY3B (useful for layout practice). Though if you're taking FXR no matter what it doesn't really matter :P

3. To be fast in the FXR, it needs to be unstable, and made oversteery to get the turn in and use the 4wd power.

4. Unless you can do a 90 minute stint, in a 3hr race its probably best to do 3x1hr stints. Although if your pace is good enough to go the extra 10 mins then you'll have a shorter stint for the final driver.

5. Do you know what to do with ARBs in a stint?

Offline Obmit
Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:14 pm Post 
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Can I direct everyone to the NDR GTAL 2011 Rulebook. ... cle&id=238

It can also be downloaded for further studying.

Most of it is basic racing knowledge/etiquette, but there are some things everyone really should know.

Right, I'm off to practise :honger:

Offline -Joske-
Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:34 pm Post 
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boothy wrote:
5. Do you know what to do with ARBs in a stint?

No :wink:

Offline boothy
Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:42 pm Post 
Yes I was gonna say that you should confirm you're racing in the test race :wink: You have a set don't you? Ask PMD if you don't :P

Hopefully the rule book is easy enough for you to figure out, we've covered a lot of stuff while still trying to make it easy to read. For example if you're "just" a driver, you really only need to know about sections 5, 7-10 and also the NDR sporting code. Things to bear in mind are names/numberplate, pit exit blend line, double file start, SC, restarts etc.

Offline Obmit
Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:50 pm Post 
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@ Boothy

New Dimension Racing Sporting Code
Section VIII

5.Drivers are prohibited from using Button Clutch. Button clutch is defined as NOT Auto
Clutch AND NOT Manual Clutch. Drivers found to be using button clutch may receive a

I use button clutch, but only to pull away at start of race, pulling out of pits or recovering from incidents.
Not for changing gear (why I prefer the cars with ignition cut).

I use manual gears (flappy paddles), but I have no clutch pedal.

Whats the situation with this ?

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:56 pm Post 
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I used button clutch because of the same reasons but I don't think it has any advantage above auto-clutch. To be honest.

So I scrapped that whole button clutch thing. I have no pedal as well.

Offline boothy
Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:09 pm Post 
Yeah I use BC for starting start races, or so I don't have to lift off the throttle if changing down (turbo cars). It's really only to cover if someone doesn't use auto or manual clutch, then it must be button. :wink:

And for anti-roll bars: you can use them to control the handling of the car as the fuel burns off.
In short: front down/rear up = more oversteer, front up/rear down = understeer; front affects turn-in more, rear controls corner exit more

With FZR the car gets more oversteery as the fuel burns off, FXR/XRR the fuel tank is in a different place so I think it's the opposite. Put in 5% fuel and do a lap, compare the handling to like 55% fuel. To be honest, I don't have much experience with the FXR, so just adjust them to suit the handling of the car 8)

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