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Offline eXeYn
Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:02 pm Post 
name: dinosaur
time: 8:30

T1 Dinosaur on full throttle ramming Itch. He saw Itch quite some time. He lifts throttle only after the ram. No sorry. I asked him to brake there: "No".

Offline gandlers
Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:12 pm Post 
How blatant was that???? :o
absolutely no attempt to avoid ramming the slower car out of the way, and then to refuse to brake when requested.
This guy needs reminding of the rules and how to behave towards other racers as his attitude stinks to be honest.
I vote !ban 999 :thumb:

Offline monokult
Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:30 pm Post 
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:o :o :o :o :fp:


Offline TEaaron
Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:19 pm Post 
I don't think a ban should take place. Not right away anyway. I don't particularly like his attitude either but DiNOSaur is one of the worlds fastest LFS racers and it brings good rep to Cargame that he comes here.

Offline Speedy J
Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:27 pm Post 
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Dinosaur had a very long ban last year that was lifted. Also for him goes: skilles are nice, attitude more important.

I did not see him on the server after this incident's report but he will not get away with it for nothing as far a I am concerned.

Offline eXeYn
Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:29 pm Post 
I suggest a heavy decrease in his safety rate.

Offline gandlers
Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:20 pm Post 
Heavy to the point where a couple of months on s1 is required?

There seem to be an increasing number of drivers who employ the "crash-to-pass" policy. Being faster than someone is one thing, but simply crashing them to get them out of the way to get past and the "win at all costs" attitude is simply unacceptable (IMHO)

Offline BMW-gek
Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:09 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
I did not see him on the server after this incident's report but he will not get away with it for nothing as far a I am concerned.

+ 1

 [ 8 posts ] 

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