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Offline gandlers
Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:27 pm Post 
Speedy dispatched a tool making a nuisance of himself on the server this evening.

After spending half the race asking some stupid questions Inouva pointed out that pit stopping on a 5 lap race was pointless and that he should carry enough fuel for the entire race. At this point he started to become abusive and saying some pretty offensive stuff at Inouva. I asked to stop being abusive, but he continued.

Speedy thankfully arrived shortly after, not before this waste of oxygen started spouting that he'd launch a DDoS attack on the server and that he had a huge botnet ready and waiting to attack the server. Speedy Banned him, but a heads up to Dave that it may be wise to find his IP address now (if the server logs client IPs) as if the server is attacked it is more than likely this asshat! I think he was talking out off his ass, but I thought I'd mention it now in case he wasn't "full of it"


Offline Tooth
Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:38 am Post 
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+1. Heads up Dave, my computer was eaten by IP hacks once :)

Offline sermilan
Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:55 am Post 
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gandlers wrote:
Speedy dispatched a tool making a nuisance of himself on the server this evening.

Speedy was the problem, then Speedy arrived shortly after, then Speedy launched the attack on server, but Speedy then banned him and saved the day? :huh:

Offline Speedy J
Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:56 am Post 
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sermilan wrote:
Speedy was the problem


I made a topic about this in the teamsection to inform Dave. I also don't know the level of risk this guy brought in but I am sure Dave will answer that question.

Thanks for pointing it out in here as well Gandlers. I also don't think this douche is capable of anything but: better safe than sorry :)

Offline sermilan
Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:57 am Post 
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I still don't understand who's the one to make problem in the first place. Gandlers said "Speedy", but I don't think you are the one who banned yourself?! :huh:

Is it Fangula that made this problem and Speedy brought the solution?

Offline Speedy J
Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:32 am Post 
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Yeah Fangula is the subject of bad behavior here. I am just the administrator trying to talk sense into him and eventually swinged the banhammer for the just-in-case-scenario :wink:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:38 am Post 
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Probably crazy in the head there @Madison (Wisconsin). Hi there!

Let me explain the first rule when you want to make threats like this...

Don't do it with your own IP address and certainly not when you live in the United States. These kind of messages are enough to start something you do not want.

It will not be the first time that I phone somebody on his home address to tell to ease a little bit or... (actually thats quite funny to do, especially when mum picks up the phone :lol: )

Offline sermilan
Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:10 pm Post 
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Great stuff, Dave! :lol: :lol:

Speedy, tnx for clearing that up :thumb:

Offline gandlers
Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:10 pm Post 
Classic, nice action Dave...

Offline mtrein
Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:29 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
It will not be the first time that I phone somebody on his home address to tell to ease a little bit or... (actually thats quite funny to do, especially when mum picks up the phone )


Offline sergiogon
Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:44 am Post wrote:

Ahahahahhaha epicness ^^

Offline mike259
Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:09 am Post 
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Well under US law Computer Fraud and Abuse Act include years of imprisonment and the worst is UK were u can receive a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. US and UK

Offline Jenk
Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:30 am Post 
He's not a "hacker." A "hacker" wouldn't threaten, he'd just hack.

Right now he's probably trawling through various IRC channels and websites, posting "I need a DDoS script pls." whilst being given links to torjans and other things that will nuke his own machine by those that really can manipulate a computer.

Offline mtrein
Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:16 pm Post 
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No, he's sobbing after his mum beat his ass red

Offline Speedy J
Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:24 pm Post 
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Oh my god you guys are harsh :nah:

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