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Offline kiyoshi
Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:43 pm Post 
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Reporting ilbens for crashing over the finish line, wiping me out of race. No sorry. Doesn't seem to give a shit.
This is a multiclass server, not a GT server. Everyone elses race is just as important as yours.
Can clearly drive fine, so why choose to cause a crash?


Offline Litro
Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:12 am Post 
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Yeah, playing around with his Finnish friend and don't care that driver in front is not finished and have to do one more lap to finish...
Warning IMHO.
When I had accident with him in next track WE1R, he said Sorry.

Offline sermilan
Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:45 am Post 
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Well, I'd say both finishers were regardless to you. It was just a matter of who of them two would crash you, since the other guy didn't slow down at all. If they hadn't crash each other, I think at least Matias would've crash you, if not both of them :(

Offline Speedy J
Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:10 am Post 
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I have seen this racer (ilbens) before and was not very happy with his attitude. If he decides to play more on CG then he will receive a warning. We like to see respect.

Offline kiyoshi
Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:55 pm Post 
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This stuff happens all the time. I could post a report for every day I race, but who wants to see that? I usually don't bother. Sometimes it just gets too much though.
Accidents happen, but things like this could be avoided. If the guy just said sorry & realised he just drive like a dick, then fine.
All I want is for people to try a bit harder and show a bit of respect, and maybe for the standard to go up a bit.
I know, that isn't any of CG fault, but I can only try by having my say.

Thanks for your responses & your efforts to make things better.

Offline Speedy J
Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:00 am Post 
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Yesterdaynight I told this guy he should behave and I know he read this report (didn't respond here though).
So, he is warned and hopefully for him he will race clean.

kiyoshi wrote:
I know, that isn't any of CG fault, but I can only try by having my say.

Please do so. That goes for all racers. Racers talking sense into each other would be the best, admins should be a last resort. Racers making reports here are very important because there are not always admins online and/or active. And sometimes they even race themseles :roll: :D Also TeamSpeak is available, most of the time Dave, Mikey, Joske or me are online there.

So, thanks for the report, Liben knows and so do we.

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