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Offline BlueEyedDevil
Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:11 pm Post 
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3lap last chicane for finish dive bombed me, (yes i was midjoiner, but no reason for a dive)

mvg Michelle

Offline z13
Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:39 pm Post 
Well this race was fun :(
Get a popcorn and please watch the full race from my view. I know I should stop at the point where they started to be cool and get an admin asap, but I was very tempted to continue. I tried to stay fair as possible as I can and sorry if I was dangerous against fair drivers around us.

Offline tRoopeR
Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:09 am Post 
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It's not only the dive bomb, that's some really unacceptable driving. Didn't watch the first laps but the third one was SO messy.

Offline peter_heijnen
Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:17 am Post 
Wow! :o

This guy needs a vacation desperately! Whats wrong with those people?

Offline Rolly
Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:20 am Post 
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ok... Have viewed replay from diff views and all i can say is the LEGGIT Team have to go on vacation because that was awful. Three members of the same team crashing into other cars-no sorry- blocking other cars- no sorry- ramming other cars- no sorry. This isn't your own personal server were you can drive like that.

See you in XX days.... Don't come back to Cargame server and drive like that again.

Offline Speedy J
Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:35 pm Post 
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Agreed Rolly.

Also two of them served bans before for divebombing and/or crashing.

We don't need those guys in the Cargame servers. Gone for a year. All three of them. A fourth member was put on the banlist by me earlier this week :roll:

(and I will not express my feelings about them here... :angry: :wink: )

Offline Rolly
Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:00 pm Post 
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yep... agreed Speedy... :thumb:

Offline kiyoshi
Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:58 pm Post 
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Thanks for this. I can only imagine this was an attempt to break the ban speed record.

Offline Rolly
Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:43 am Post 
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Offline initial D AE86
Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:55 pm Post 
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four drivers of the team :fp:

Offline Obmit
Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:11 pm Post 
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Nice one guys, we really don't need dipsticks like that around.
:fp: 4 team members, WOW :fp:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:23 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
A fourth member was put on the banlist by me earlier this week :roll:

Extended that ban after own request of this person.

Offline Zay
Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:25 am Post 
Hello everybody!

I am LegiT I.Zettler (LFS username: Zay). I am the co-owner of the LegiT Racing Team. In this apology letter I speak on behalf of our whole team.
I have discussed our actions you see in the replay with my two teammates in it, and we have decided to write a sincere apology to not only all of the racers whose races we ruined, but also to Dave and the rest of the admins of

Believe it or not, we are a team of individuals who are responsible, but human nonetheless. I'm not making excuses; that race we were simply being stupid, immature, and definitely not the responsible racers we are. We are incredibly ashamed of ourselves, and we definitely deserve the length of the ban that was given to us, if not longer. However, we ARE infact talented racers who respect the rules of not only sim racing, but karting as well. We would like to ask for forgiveness from all the racers and admins who regularly race on Hopefully you guys will be able to see past the mistake that we made in that one race, and maybe agree on a less lengthy ban.

From the bottom of our hearts, we are extremely sorry, and you will never see anything like this out of a LegiT Racing Team member again.

If there is anything we can do to express our apologies more, please, let us know!

LegiT I.Zettler

Offline Speedy J
Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:43 am Post 
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LegiT team,

Sounds sincere. My only worry is that if this:
Zay wrote:
and you will never see anything like this out of a LegiT Racing Team member again.

would be untrue, I personnaly would be feeling f*cked if you guys would misbehave again. This report is not on it's own when it comes to misbehavior.

Of course I like to think positively and say it is okay to unban you guys and see some talented LegiT-driving from now on. But I want to know how the others think about it before an unban is effectuated.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:03 am Post 
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I watched the replay for the first time and it's not discussable. You should be very ashamed of yourself for a very lengthy period of time. I only sponsor one team server and have to sell no to everyone in the community now because you guys are the the best example why sponsorship does not work (together with this example; 1 => 2).

It's not that I didn't warned before. Just can't handle all the privileges.

I wont pull the team server this time but I don't have to see any Legit name in quite a while on the CG servers (which also should have to feel as a privilege to race on). If Scawen doesn't release anything new this year then 365 stays a nice value to learn something which most probably is of use in real life too; showing some respect. If not.. Then you all are just -very- dumb. Sorry.

Offline peter_heijnen
Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:17 am Post 
Zay wrote:
However, we ARE infact talented racers who respect the rules of not only sim racing, but karting as well.

Yeah, the replay really shows so. :lol:

Btw, i understand you are the 4th teammember that was banned earlier?

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:27 am Post 
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No, he is in that same replay too.

Offline franky.s
Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:51 am Post 
your team? talented? yeah sure :fp:

Offline BlueEyedDevil
Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:03 pm Post 
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I think, they discovered that cg is the busiest and best server of lfs

@Zay i dont accept your Apologies, begause wat aleksic did was SOO NOOB,

@dave of speedy, dat jullie die anderen unbannen ok, maar een diver unbannen? hm freepass to dive i think

Offline kiyoshi
Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:18 pm Post 
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Zay, nice to hear some sense coming from your team, and I did see you driving perfectly respectfully some days before this, but sadly the other members of your team (when they are not banned from public servers) drive like this a lot, if not most of the time. This is by no means the first time something like this has happened. In fact, in my experience, they seem to find it really, really difficult not to drive like this. Anyway, have fun & mess about by all means, but on a team server, not a public server where people are trying to race cleanly. Please. :)

Offline Rolly
Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:49 pm Post 
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I am happy if everyone else is for the team to come back.... thought it was a nice response.

Franky... stop being a Bitch

Offline franky.s
Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:35 pm Post 

Offline Zay
Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:57 pm Post 
Hello again.

I was not aware that there was a fourth team member who was banned earlier, and i was not aware of my other teammates driving like assholes all of the time. This actually saddened me, as I know all of my teamates very well, and that doesn't seem like them to do that at all.

I myself am very sorry, and I won't do anything of the sort again. Please, if nothing else, except MY apology. If my teamates continue to drive like this and give LegiT a bad name, im afraid I might have to leave the team for a more mature, classy one, as that type of driving does not reflect on the racer I am. Ive made my apology, and I no longer speak on behalf of my other teamates, which I am very dissapointed in. If they want to make apologies, they'll have to post it themselves.

LegiT (not for much longer) I.Zettler

Offline Senninha25
Wed May 02, 2012 1:19 am Post 
I did get some time to practice with two legit members (S. Sheppard and S. Aleksic) for some oval training along with some LLM teammates, and both of them never really showed to be driving like absolute idiots as depicted on this report, so I'm also pretty stunned to see this...I had heard some rumours of bad driving, even including one where Aleksic purposely took people out in a league race, but to find out that they really drive like that...I'll make sure to never share the track with a LegiT member for a long time :thumb_d:

Offline pringles
Wed May 02, 2012 7:44 am Post 
Has Rolly (was it you? I'm almost sure it was) forgotten this exact same thing happened before, though a while ago? It was @AS4 that time, 3 of them cutting, ramming each other and causing collateral etc. and soon after that one of them got removed from some international league for a warm-up lap incident, which was TBO@KY2R. No, I don't have the replays from that far back.

Offline BoeDeRr
Wed May 02, 2012 8:15 am Post 
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I have seen the replay and I feel very angry. It behaviour is absolutely unspeakable, disgraceful, degrading, humiliating...

I wouldn't like race with them. I think that it isn't possible to apologize about it.

Offline sermilan
Wed May 02, 2012 2:35 pm Post 
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pringles wrote:
...soon after that one of them got removed from some international league for a warm-up lap incident, which was TBO@KY2R.

...Canadian driver S.Aleksic (Sasha-55) has been banned from the league forever...

Offline Pierre Dole
Wed May 02, 2012 3:14 pm Post 
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Sorry for the follow, but...

if a co-owner pipes up, i can tell you i expierenced, it dont mean anything good. We had something like this on the DOP tour 2009/2010. A full crap (sponsered!) team crashed and tried to distroy the 24h race on main event. After this race one of the owners said "oooh sorry" blah blah blah. Come on, dont fool us. If you havent your team unter control, its better you'll say nothing!

Offline Nicce
Wed May 02, 2012 4:12 pm Post 
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pringles wrote:
No, I don't have the replays from that far back. << should be in this site somewhere. IF its been coded for spdodb its here that is. :>

and for the "sorry msg" : Nope. see ya in 360days or so.

Offline pringles
Wed May 02, 2012 4:18 pm Post 
sermilan wrote:

Ah, you found it. I tried searching a bit yesterday, with dismal results :duh:

Offline sermilan
Wed May 02, 2012 5:17 pm Post 
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We won that league while I was nation's team manager, that's why I remember it well :)

Offline Zay
Wed May 02, 2012 7:52 pm Post 
I just wanted to say that I have departed from my position of the LegiT Racing Team, and LegiT S.Sheppard will take care of everything from now on. It does sadden me to think that they drive like that on a regular basis. I, on the other hand, do not, look at the replies in this thread and maybe spec me sometime when I am racing online. I am deeply sorry for acting like that on that race, us three were in a skype call and just made a stupid decision. Please, I'm not asking for an unban, I deserve it, but I do not deserve the bad name that this will most likely label me as, which I am not. So please, forgive ME? If the other two truly cared, they'd have posted here, too.


Offline Dave
Site Admin
Thu May 03, 2012 4:46 am Post 
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Has to wear out overtime. It's easier to get a bad reputation then a good one.

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