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Offline OTone
Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:55 pm Post 
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Hello, I am Ronus (LFS Nickname - OTone) (Ricardo Costa ~ Portugal) .
I was driving in the end of the race, trying to make a good lap. When I lost the front end and I tried to cut the chicane a "driver" nicknamed MorX did this...
I hope someone talk to him or something like that... And worst; I told him that I would upload the replay here and he said Go ahead, like he didnt care at all. For a driver who is class 5 or 6, this is unacceptable in my view. ... replay.mpr

I'm sorry if I made some english mistakes :)


Last edited by OTone on Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:21 am, edited 5 times in total.

Offline harrased
Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:40 am Post 
100% agree
this guy needs to be banned for a while
:thumb_d: to this guy

Offline MorX
Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:54 am Post 
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Of course i don't care if you upload it or not, it's YOUR decision and im not begging anyone to do me any favors (Like the one who replied above me...)

Continuing... you wasn't on a hot lap at race's ending... you actually had finished the race, got a grid position and was about to restart very soon.

last but not least... you said that you're with "retards" in this server. :duh:

I'm the "retard" (replay chat) and "driver" (post) as you named me who smashed you off track, because i lost the front end too ... misjudging the corner's entry...

@Harassed: Boy, relax and take your chill-pills please. If you want to say something tell me directly, don't hop in any topic and criticize like you're the Virgin Mary...

Offline OTone
Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:55 am Post 
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First of all, when I mentioned retards was for whom that really are because I got really p*ssed off when somebody is racing like you do not exist. I always try to race clean and sometimes there's someone who thinks he/she is the drivers driver. You can check my safety rate to prove that, and I have the S2 License for about 3 days only.
I didnt said to you directly or indirectly. Why you auto-labeled yourself? :fp:

And, are you really arguing that you lost the front end like me? I am sorry fella, but that is evident that you didnt even take off your foot from the throttle pedal and your wheels were directioned to the right just before you hit me. That was a very lamme excuse. :roll:

Offline harrased
Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:59 pm Post 
MorX wrote:
@Harassed: Boy, relax and take your chill-pills please. If you want to say something tell me directly, don't hop in any topic and criticize like you're the Virgin Mary...

hey kid, i always do. and calmdown...u are under report. take your time before type ;) ..use your brain...

Offline rageshgr
Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:56 am Post 
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First of all on the +ve side
1) Both had finished races, so nothing much was at stake
2) The fact that the UFB kissed Morx before the crash and the fact that the UFB was heading straight to the tirewall would mean, UFB lap would have been ruined even if Morx had n't collided. Even if the UFB cut the chicane and took the right detour, he will get a slow lap only.

So this collision is inconsequential

But on the -ve side,

Morx's throttle is floored as he attempts the chicane. From drving FX2, I know that you have to lift for that chicane. Which seem to suggest intentional collision which is not nice.

But then I could be wrong too, it could be possible that Morx has very good control of his car and/or FZ2 can take that chicane in full throttle, and Morx really lost control as he claims and it was an accidental hit.

To summarise, it is a report about two guys who collided while both were out of control while attempting to do a lap after the race finish. Just saying :P

Offline OTone
Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:50 am Post 
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:fp: Who are you? Moderator? Admin? You didnt made part of this race even. The same goes to harrased.

To add your great review, didnt you noticed that he turned his front wheels to the right a split second before he crashed me?
Ofcorse he must desacelerate and reduce one gear before making that corner, its mandatory to make a good lap. He didn't do that, that is obvious.
He simply lied using a very stupid excuse.

Today I reckoned what type of driver this fella is; I made a few races in S2 server and he insulted a girl (nicknamed Michelle) calling her b*tch and "what UFB means? U failed b*tch". Regarding the way he responded here I'm pretty sure he will never admit that he crashed me so to me this case is closed.

Offline rageshgr
Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:50 am Post 
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lol I knew you would say so. It is not uncommon for people to express their views in this forum :) chill, I was just giving an objective "great" review :) and wondering if such an inconsequential crash post race, really warranted a report. May be it is required and may be it requires admin intervention. I don't know. Anyways I stop now, let admins decide :)

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