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Offline sermilan
Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:55 pm Post 
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Time of replay 4:40
Ronus goes out of pit, mid-joins the race, gets out without paying any attention to incoming drivers. Cuts the pit entry line and collides with me.
Continues racing as if he was in the same lap. At the beginning of 2nd sector he tries a very impossible way to pass (even if he was in the race with me) and ends my race there at 5:40.

Offline OTone
Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:09 am Post 
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Dear sermilan, as you could see too, I was driving a UFB, a waaaaaaay faster car than your XFG in that track.
Also, I braked trying to avoid the collision.
I am sorry for having bored you but I didnt want to crash you.

By the way I think this is a useless report then.

Offline eXeYn
Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:16 am Post 
You divebombed.
You mid-joined.

It's not useless since it hopefully puts some sense into your driving. :no:

Offline harrased
Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:37 am Post 
this guy is a good driver
u should count up to 20 before reporting
also i think u lose your time mate

Offline OTone
Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:08 am Post 
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eXeYn wrote:

You are right. I didnt remember that, yes I mid-joined. But I think incidents like this happens alot of times race after race. I was expecting him to start to turn a bit later than he did so I jumped trying to clean him because after that corner there are a quite hard right-left left-righ section to keep him in front of me, having one more UFB behind me too. But anyways I made a mistake but again, it wasn't my intention, at all. I am sorry.


Offline sermilan
Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:09 am Post 
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Dear Mr. Ronus,

until tonight I used to drive a car that is really, but really waaaaaay faster than yours, but I didn't harass others. You just don't give a damn about the rules nor other drivers, never even apologized there but when I told you I was going to report you. "Sorry for whatever I done..." and "report whatever you want but don't intimidate me like this..."
You don't even know what you did. You did a few more bumps by the end of the replay, I noticed.

Incident's like this don't just happen unless you're careful, so generalizing things in your defense is actually what is useless. If I thought reporting you here is useless I wouldn't have done it then.

And to answer your lawyer - you should check the timestamp of the replay, then check when the first post was made and then you'll see that it was waaaaaaaay more than 20 seconds I waited to make this report :wink:

As I've said before, it's not about cars which are driven, but it's about racers who drive them. I actually had really good racing with eXeYn, M.Paluch and few other drivers last night... with XFG 8) .


Offline OTone
Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:37 pm Post 
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Dear Sermilan,

like I said, I didnt want to hit your car and I'm sorry for that, what you want more? A portuguese post-card?

And dont say I dont give a damn about the rules or the other drivers either because its NOT true. You cannot judge me like that only because of this incident, if I wanted to ruin your race I wouldn't try to overtake you, I would tried to hit you in the rear of your XFG, but I didn't because I am not a crasher. I didn't spend 28 euros to crash other players. Your statment only shows that all you want is getting me banned from the server.

I said that because, again, incidents like this happens all the time, but you are right about mid-joining the race and didnt say sorry just after the incident, it was my mistake.

Offline eXeYn
Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:41 pm Post 
He never said he wants you get banned. A report does not mean someone wants to get the other one banned. It can simply mean to raise the level of awareness on track via warning or advice by an admin.

It doesn't matter if incidents like this happen all the time. They should in fact never happen. Using that as an excuse is not the right way.

Offline OTone
Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:05 pm Post 
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I understand that, but if the admin warned every racer who make a mistake like this he would have to do that for days in a row, things like this happens in every race but ofcorse it isn't right. That was my point, I didnt used that argument for an excuse.
I did say sorry and I raised that point. Sermilan failed when judged me as a disrespectful driver when its false.

Offline eXeYn
Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:21 pm Post 
It's exactly what admins do if they get to know such an incident.

What you did is not some minor thing. It's a divebomb. You ended somebody's race without an apology. And in everybody's interest this should be prevented.

I really do not understand your argument that it happens in every race. Does it mean nobody should be afraid of a punishment if he keeps doing it? Cargame's approach to disable GT2 on some tracks shows that these incidents are not taken lightly.

Offline sermilan
Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:38 pm Post 
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Ronus wrote:
Sermilan failed when judged me as a disrespectful driver when its false.

Yeah... sure... :)
If you are actually a respectful driver, why didn't you respect:
1. pit exit line?
2. other cars 4 laps in front of you on several occasions?
3. my right to the corner?
4. myself as a person and apologize right after you did it? How would you feel if your race was ended in the middle of it, while you were in the lead in your class, by the guy who just exited the pits? Would you also tell him that you didn't spend your 28 EUR for that too?

If you want to see yourself as a respectful driver and actually be acknowledged by others as such, you should start acting respectfully and not just disregard complains about you, responding "they fail to judge me as a respectful driver...". Yeah, right...

eXeYn is right, I am not looking for you to be banned here, just trying to get some sense into you. But if you're just gonna keep that "I'm all great" attitude, it's all in vain.

Offline OTone
Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:19 pm Post 
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Hello Sermilan and all other racers.

It was awkward and I will make sure I will not do such things again. That was stupid as some things I said in the posts I made above. Im sorry.

Offline sermilan
Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:15 pm Post 
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Then, as far as I am concerned, this thread can be closed.

A few things I would like to add as advices and it is your choice if you're going to take them:
read the threads in the forum like this one. There have been discussions on server behaviour a few times, you might find it useful.
Always apologize for contacts even if there is only a hint of your responsibility. You won't know it for sure until you look at the replay several times and it means lot to the other guy, even if he ended up on the roof.
When you join mid race, do it for practising purposes only, for the next race. Even if you join with a GT car, overtake slower cars only on straights. Let them have their corners as they are racing and you are not. That's what I do and that's why I'm suggesting the same to you. You don't have to be a super careful grandma at the wheel, but don't be a bullish jerk either.

Hope we'll have better racing in the months to come! (f)

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