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Offline fadeaway
Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:00 am Post 
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Nick : RPM JeanRag.
s2 : capo-008-rag
What he did : Revenge wrecking second lap - end of third sector.

Replay link : it should have been replay number 265382 (first fe4 race, 12th apr), but its not.. luckily i saved replay. Here it is: . Please send him on vacation to take racing on cargame servers more seriously.

Offline Jean Ragnotti
Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:55 pm Post 
Hi there, well im here to speak about this.
Fadeaway talks about revenge... revenge for what? You are making clear that you had no good intenttion when you passed me on that second lap, pushing me on the middle of the curv. If you are talking about revenge you should had made me something that make me anger right? Well the only thing that i can think that made me anger i think it was when you passed me in a rude way hitting me. You clearly had no good intention on that.
Also in T1, first lap, you had contact with a RB4 and lost control, what happened with shiftP/shiftS?? i hit the brakes but we had contact anyway, lag made that contact like if i was going at 200 km/h. And you said "cmon" like if it was my fault.
Then when you were catching us you nearly ram other cars, hitting the horn to make them move, take it easy! And then you passed me in a rude way, hitting me on the enter of the bridge.
So i report you for blaming me about the T1 crash, and then passing me on a rude ways provoking the next act.
I admit that my move wasnt right, i should be penalize. But be careful when you decide to post a thing like this, first dont do what you dont want.

Offline Speedy J
Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:26 pm Post 
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Can I make a suggestion?

Is it possible that you guys sort this out in this topic before the banhammer kicks in? Seems you need something to discuss.

You are both good racers as far as I can tell. I know Jean has temperament and Fadeaway is a very serious racer. So hopefully we can see a good result here. If not, we will see the replay (I didn't yet) and act.

Cool idea?

Offline fadeaway
Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:22 am Post 
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T1: I got hit in right rear side of car, rb4 that braked too late.. Ok bad judgment, shit happens. I slided, tried to put car in line, and than i got hit by 2 other cars. Lag little worked and i flied into wall, my car was destroyed. I said cmon, so what, i got hit three times in t1, ended up in wall with destroyed car, and all that trying to be careful in t1 with cars from lower classes.. It was mild reaction of disappointment, not intended explicitly to you, as you understood it, obviously. :roll:
I started from pits, with intention to catch leaders from my class, and offc i was pushing car, and that includes aggressive overtaking of cars from lower classes. Yes, i made pressure to other drivers to let me pass, but i never hit anyone. You blocked me in 2 turns in a row, driving a way slower car, and yes, i aggressively overtake you including a little push. You didn't lose any time, you didn't lost control, nothing - if you were affected by my pass certainly you shouldn't manage to do what you did in next turn - obviously you were offended by my aggressive overtake and hit me in next turn by straightening your line, and with full throttle hit side of my car, which is textbook revenge wrecking, and yes, you should be banned for that!

And check this out: crash was followed by this chat (i was driving FX2, Jean XFR):

Maybe i should apologize to you, did i brake too early when you tried to pass me Sunshine? :lol: :nono:

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