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Offline Nicce
Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:18 pm Post 
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lap 1, turn 2.

isnt sure but i think it was -no brakes- action because she/he took out 4cars. :roll:

Offline jjjeeefff
Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:13 pm Post 
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too late braking... causes "bowling style" takeout. Can happen, but an excuse and going spectate was better i think :wink: .

Offline BMW-gek
Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:13 pm Post 
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Its a lag hit, nothing to do about it.....

Offline mike259
Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:09 pm Post 
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This is a big ironie indeed, if she was crashed one the screen will full of the usual "...." but crashing 4 ppl, lag or no lag, there ware no apologies only a very arrogant ("speak english or stfu") answer to one of the players that ware crashed. So for being arrogant when an apology was need it (this is for speedy) and crashing 4 and no apology 2 day ban and -10% rate is enough for now. If you argue that u braked, 1-why did u not brake continuously when using "mensafest" as a brake and 2- it happened in front of u, why no answer...

1. Using mensafest as the brake and then lag, hello u are in Argentina

2.bum !
Image nice

Nicce wrote:

It's actually -TRR- Inouva and LFSW Name: Inouva

Offline Nicce
Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:20 pm Post 
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ye.. i didnt get the right name but she/he was the only one on the server with that name so.

Offline wildstyle
Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:10 am Post 
You should consider banning Inouva for good. I can't even count how many times he/she has crossed the line - also when he/she's the one making the mistakes and causing the incidents. Every time he/she is on the server, you see him/her calling the other drivers idiots, morons and what not.

It still remains a mystery to me, how she still is able to race on your servers (atleast S2). It shouldn't even be necessary to report her - I know that most of the admins have seen her acting like a spoiled brat.

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:28 am Post 
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Too late with braking. Mouse isn't everything. :roll:

wildstyle wrote:
remains a mystery to me,

I love mysteries from time to time

Offline Speedy J
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:42 am Post 
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wildstyle wrote:
how she still is able to race on your servers

Inouva is a woman. Therefore she needs to be kept on a leash. I bet that in this race there were no admins around and then she tries to expand her bounderies. When there are admins, most af the time she races just fine and minds her language. Yes, there is a big improvement over the last year.

Mikey's penalty is a good one to show her she can't step out too far.

Offline monokult
Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:07 am Post 
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watch "RAWR LV" (dabosh) show starts at 05:54:00 :roflol:


it's true inouva swear on the server and does not excuse themselves if caused a collision.

I think nothing will happen because she is a woman. :lol:

Offline sermilan
Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:48 am Post 
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monokult wrote:
watch "RAWR LV" (dabosh) show starts at 05:54:00 :roflol:

"You're now connected to S2 Extreme Drift server"

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:24 am Post 
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Inouva:''The new DLC for fallout new vegas is out'' And then disconnected...
That is some kinda game. So maybe speedy can put longer BAN, coz she will be in this game now...And won't see that any BAN was here. :D

Offline Skagen
Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:18 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
I bet that in this race there were no admins around and then she tries to expand her bounderies. When there are admins, most af the time she races just fine and minds her language. Yes, there is a big improvement over the last year.

I have never understood what difference it would make for people if there are admins around or not during the race. Everything you say and do is recorded to the MPR. You just need someone to alert the admins so that they can have a look at the MPR afterwards, and justice would be served as it normally would. :[

Offline Obmit
Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:23 pm Post 
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Well I wonder how long she will last as a member of -TRR-, with her "attitude".
Some people just never learn, let's see what kind of excuses she can find this time, if she ever has the nerve to show up here to try and explain things.
To be honest I don't think she cares what people think about her, which in itself is sad, but to be totally unable to accept blame for incidents is arrogance of the highest order. :roll:
And as for her foul language,,, she has a mouth like an open sewer.
Just my 2 cents, I will shut up now.

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:26 pm Post 
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Litro wrote:
So maybe speedy can put longer BAN,

Speedy will now be on a well deserved two week vacation without Internetz :woop: :thumb:

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:02 pm Post 
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What a surprise me being banned

First of all i was with 12 fps at the moment of the first hit in the chicane and i'be breaking to avoid contact, the slowness of my pc didn't catch the game and i'be rammed that guy

Same goes for the seccond hit at the end of the mini straight

And the speak english or STFU was for the german guy who ramme me and he say something in german and i 'be asked before "Say it in english" and he didn't answer then i say Speak english or stfu ( Or something like that was )

Now the funny thing, i allways got rammed or slapped or blasted to oblivion by someon and they never get a punishment..., and now for this incident i got banned witch is kinda "UNFAIR" but well

Just to add, i never cause accident, i have a good rep on track in lfs and RL, i'm allways aware of my surroundings and im a good rival on the track anyway

And with or without admins i allways swear ( Ye i know is black spot on me ) But i'm kinda tired of being the target practice of everyone while i try to race in the best way posible...

Also being on TRR doesn't say that i wont swear anymore, i'm who i'm

I accept the temp ban



Offline jjjeeefff
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:06 pm Post 
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Inouva wrote:
i never cause accident

hmmmmmm..... :devil:

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:13 pm Post 
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No i dont cause accidents, my way to let my raga calm down is swearing, i dont like cause accidents i dont cause accidens, that why i allways have a high safe rate ( Above of 95% all the time )

Offline eXeYn
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:18 pm Post 
It's Nicce but whatever :)

It's not always about the reputation as a driver on track. Off track behaviour is also important. I know it since I have had a warning as well.

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:39 pm Post 
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Well my behavior on track es really good, still i'm the one banned meanwhile others fuck up my race and they dont have any sort of punishmet

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:42 pm Post 
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Sorry - is a text that may can help.
But where are those others? Report section is here.

Offline Obmit
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:43 pm Post 
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I can kind of understand your frustration, but it looks to me as if you just type the first thing that comes into your head, and that tends to be a stream of expletives and profanities. You don't portray a good image of yourself when that's your reaction.
I mean, if I had typed everything, every thought my brain had conjured up (And I can tell you, some of my insults cut to the bone), I wouldn't be allowed on any of the CG servers ever again. But I don't type it out, I don't let it get to me,,, it isn't worth it, all your really doing is stressing yourself out, over what,,, LFS, a racing simulator (I wont call it a game, that would be a little insulting).
And take it from me stress, is not a good thing, it does all sorts of bad shit to your body.
What I'm trying to say is, please, just think, take a deep breath and then,,, forget about it,,, shit happens. Or if you feel strongly enough about it file a report.
Rather than just immediately banging away furiously on your keyboard, venting your anger.


Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:48 pm Post 
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I understand your point obmit, but is kinda sad that you log into the server and going happy to enjoy some races and then BANG a gt2 or other ramdom driver ruin your race, is really frustrating that the "Small" frame time that i have to spare on lfs i'm allways ( Or the 80% ) got drilled by some ramdon driver...

I wont swear anymore on the server, but plz dont let the ppl who F my race gone without any sort of punishmet

And say sorry while you ruin the race of the other is not valid anymore on cg, in fact some gt2 driver just ram others and they say sorry meanwhile the "Admins" thinks "Well he say sorry is ok" and the one with the ruined race is burning in rage... and the one who rammed that poor driver laugh and gona repeat the same again and again...


The "Others" are still racing on the server, they ruin others races and never get a punisment

I'm talking about the gt2 and XFR/ufr drivers, Noobs in fxo are understandable in some way cuz maybe they are new to a full grid race

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:56 pm Post 
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We are not trying to BANhammer all that cause contacts on track. Accidents happens, but all depends how it continues. First is consultation and only when don't understand, then Speedy or Dave take action. Of course I am not talking about wreckers-revenge wreckers.

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:03 pm Post 
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I'm not saying "Banhammer" the ban is for last resource of punishment

I know admins are doing a good job taking care of the wreekers but for some reason is not enough the "punishment" they are using

The driver who cause the acciden should explain why he do that or force to spec the next race withot the ability to join for that race
Or being more "hard" to get a powerfull car ( GT2 or XFR/UFR ) I'be seen some gt2 drivers that drive like a mad and never got any sort of warning or attention call same goes for some xfr drivers, they are totaly carless on the track

But well, this theme have ben on cargame since day 1 so, dunno what to do

As i say i really promise dont swear anymore, gona point directly to the who ruined my race to a admin and if there is no admin i gona shut up and wait patiently

I hope this goes for a better cg in anyway

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:11 pm Post 
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Mostly drivers are learning from mistakes. If they are not, report!
And I hope that You will act up to a promise.

Offline Obmit
Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:15 pm Post 
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I hope you don't think I was telling you to shut up, because I wasn't.
Letting another racer know you aren't happy about an incident is fine with me, just turn the anger levels down a bit,,, ok, a lot :x :wink:

Offline Nicce
Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:29 pm Post 
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Inouva wrote:
First of all i was with 12 fps at the moment of the first hit in the chicane

I had 10fps and could still do the turn that race and the race before without anny incidents. If u now have/had low fps, why not just brake sooner and it will be fine=maby ur not gonna hit the car infront because of slow reactions from ctrl beeing pushed and lfs get it.

Like the cg admins allready had said here in this thread: use the forum on the OTHERS that ruin ur race and they will be dealt with.

Regards NICCE aka N.Dahl.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:51 pm Post 
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What is this all about low FPS anyway?

The graphics of this simulator already are at least FIVE years behind on current hardware. How is it possible to achieve 12 or 10 fps?

A phone of current standards can do almost better :fp:

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:16 pm Post 
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What is this all about low FPS anyway?

The graphics of this simulator already are at least FIVE years behind on current hardware. How is it possible to achieve 12 or 10 fps?

A phone of current standards can do almost better

Sorry for have a old pc

when you have 16 cars ahead at the start and for some reason they start to crash each other plus add some object start to calculate physics a "old" pc start to struggle

I have a p4 3.2ghz ALLWAYS when i have many cars in fron of me i have 21-30 fps in a normal track, i a oc track with the same cars or more and many object on the track that start to move for some ramdom driver hit then i have a massive fps loss, and i'm not the only one with this problem, gona took some screen and show you

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:27 pm Post 
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Now i saw the replay and the ban was totaly unfair

I was braking in the moment that i hit that lx4 in front of me the rest was looks like a lag hit, even with low fps i manage to brake but didnt slow enough and laghit the lx4 in front of me

First pic

Look the fps counter

Pic 2
With low fps still i left space to others and avoid the lx6 that is on the grass even after he back to the track i keep my line and avoid others near me

Pic 3
Reaching the end of the small straight after the fast chicane
still low fps and braking to avoid contact, and bum the next was a laghit....

Now i understand perfeclty everthing , thx mike to post those pics and makes me looks like i'm a crap, looks like you still hate me for no reason even i have to skip your stupidity while you swear me more that 1 time and you pushed me oot more that 10 times for no reason and still i didn't say nor do anything to you really thx mike, now i know what kind of person you are....

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:42 pm Post 
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Why are You attacking on Mikey now? You just did braking too late there. At least ''Sorry'' after that hit would be advisable, but You just did racing with this low fps, like nothing didn't happened.

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:51 pm Post 
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Because mike hates me, and he allways look for any excuse to makes me look evil
That why he posted those pics, making me looks i ramed everyone for fun while i was strugglin with the low fps and trying to avoit touch others

Also dave have spoken several times to mike about his actitude toward me and looks like he still do what ever he want

Just to add to the crap that talk mike in his post, the SPEAK ENGLISH OR STFU was after the race finish and the german guy say something to me in german, so Part of what mike is saying is a lie

He was the only one on CG that swear me and insult me a couple of times, also he tent to push me oot for no reason and laugh about that

Any team member of cg is nice to me even if i swear or something, this is not what mike does..., i dont understand why he's on cg as a team member when he dont deserv it

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:54 pm Post 
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About pictures I don't agree. There was replay in 1st post, that we watched.
And about Mikey actions : wow, any replays about that?

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:56 pm Post 
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IF you look the replay from my pc you will understand why happen that

And about mike you can ask dave..

I dont wanna talk about this anymore, he makes me look like a evil driver while in fact i'm more safe driver that ony other

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:59 pm Post 
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But You should start to say Sorry for accidents.
I know what is low FPS, but then I drive more careful than normally - keeping more distance and brake sooner, something like that...Can't just drive as normally does and then see if accidents happen or no. Other thing is when fps drops suddenly, but here You saw that You have low FPS already on start.

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:06 pm Post 
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That is what i did but still the laghit was there, i gona use the "Sorry", but what about the drivers who never say sorry and keep unpunished ?

Anyway, the ban was a bit to much, and the way that mike posted he looks he still hates me. sooner or later he will be regreat his actions

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:12 pm Post 
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Just don't do a revenge! This was only 2 day BAN to You pay attention.
If driver do more than one accident, then You can report here and we will see what we can do.

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:17 pm Post 
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Litro i never did a revenge in my time on cargame is just not my type

Also i watched again the replay and i'be hard break 2 times to avoid touch the lx4 and still the laghit send hi to fly, that why i say the ban is a bit to much....

I believe that everthing is payed at the end and i'm sure mike gona get what he deserv

Thx litro for your time

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:31 pm Post 
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To add a bit more

This is what the german guy told me after the race witch in any moment didn't touch hin all over the race and he finish 4th place


du bist so brauchbar, wie fu?pilz = you're so useful, such as athlete's foot

Original quote of mike

there ware no apologies only a very arrogant ("speak english or stfu") answer to one of the players that ware crashed

So how i can say "Speak english or STFU to someon who i never touched on the track???? :fp:

this is other point that first the german guy in some way he "Insult" me, and my reply was "In this case" Speak english the first time - no answer - my seccond time on the chat was Speak english or STFU, witch the german reply was a lie saying i'm a lovely person....

So what should dave do about mike, he lie, and makes me look evil while in fact i'm not. this is the kind of person that is mike...

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:38 pm Post 
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Inouva wrote:
I have a p4 3.2ghz ALLWAYS

With a second hand AGP (?) GPU card for about $20 or less you are covered.

I don't understand why everybody is so focused on the CPU.

You don't even mention your GPU card :roll:

Inouva wrote:
Look the fps counter

Thats appalling.

You can't race with those figures AT ALL.

No wonder you get hit all the time.

Too race properly you need at least a stable 40 FPS (ideally 60 FPS or more). Anything below 30 is asking for disaster.

Turn those car shadows off! You can't afford that with these results.

Offline sermilan
Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:45 pm Post 
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Inouva wrote:
du bist so brauchbar, wie fu?pilz = you're so useful, such as athlete's foot

My google translate says different: useful as foot fungus :)

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:47 pm Post 
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Indeed. Something like that.

Just do a image search on fußpilz if you are really interested :x

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:48 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
Inouva wrote:
I have a p4 3.2ghz ALLWAYS

With a second hand AGP (?) GPU card for about $20 or less you are covered.

I don't understand why everybody is so focused on the CPU.

You don't even mention your GPU card :roll:

Inouva wrote:
Look the fps counter

Thats appalling.

You can't race with those figures AT ALL.

No wonder you get hit all the time.

Too race properly you need at least a stable 40 FPS (ideally 60 FPS or more). Anything below 30 is asking for disaster.

Turn those car shadows off! You can't afford that with these results.

Only in open config happens and on certain tracks

My gpu is a HD 2600 xt so can handle lfs just fine, as dev stated many times, LFS demand more cpu that gpu atm like 70%/30%

When on a normal track i have at the start no less that 25-30 fps and after t1 i have stable 50+fps all the time

Now dave i what to know what you are gona do about mike liying like that?, dont you think the ban was a bit to much?, also what about the german guy start to "swear" to me first and i answer on that way...?

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:55 pm Post 
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I generally do not rate actions of other admins, certainly not in public.

But if I watch the stills then an excuse is the least you could have done. You take out four others.

Just because you have car shadows switched to on. :no:

Inouva wrote:
When on a normal track i have at the start no less that 25-30 fps

If you know you get 10-12 fps... Just don't race at all. Go to another server or do something like Solitaire. I know it sounds rude but it's dramatic for yourself and for others. Adding some Argentinian distance lag to it and it's the ultimate mix of "WHY HAS IT TO BE ALWAYS ME".

Offline eXeYn
Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:59 pm Post 
Mike only thought that Reumel got hit there. What's the big deal? These guys are on TS or Ventrilo nonetheless. And I can understand the reaction of the VoW guys. A crash where 4 drivers get hit and you are the initiator neither a sorry nor an explanation. You didn't know Reumel said nothing good about you but your second reply is "stfu".

Those pics of Mikey are no different to those Monokult posts in other threads.

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:10 pm Post 
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Lets be a bit more constructive and lets talk about other things why you have a low FPS rating.

I see you run Firefox while you are gaming. Do you know that Firefox4 and up is using hardware acceleration as a default and have some serious negative impact on LFS?

You can switch that off @Options -> Advanced -> General tab

It makes Firefox browsing faster anyway because it's just a lame badly implemented option for most PC's (including my i7+HD5470).

Further I wonder how many AA you use in your LFS graphical settings. An ATI HD2600 must be able to produce much better results. A P4 3.2 Ghz isn't that bad.

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:14 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
I generally do not rate actions of other admins, certainly not in public.

But if I watch the stills then an excuse is the least you could have done. You take out four others.

Just because you have car shadows switched to on. :no:

Inouva wrote:
When on a normal track i have at the start no less that 25-30 fps

If you know you get 10-12 fps... Just don't race at all. Go to another server or do something like Solitaire. I know it sounds rude but it's dramatic for yourself and for others. Adding some Argentinian distance lag to it and it's the ultimate mix of "WHY HAS IT TO BE ALWAYS ME".

I can drive with "low" fps but wass a bunch of stuff at the same time.... and i tryed to avoid contact, still got banned
Mike lie about what i did and what i say and still got banned
I'm rammed several times each day and 80% of the time they dont say sorry and still got banned
The german guy "insult" me first and still got banned

I dont understand how works here....

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:22 pm Post 
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Inouva wrote:
I dont understand how works here....

The database can hold my repetitiveness but like said before by Mikey and eXeYn, you forgot to say sorry for four other racers which you took out of the race.

Swearing and calling bad things is another thing. The German person did that, yes... How many times did I hold my hand for my eyes when you started to riot?

Again, look at ways to improve your FPS. I made some good suggestions (I think).

Another bad side effect of very low FPS is increased jumpy (!) lag. And you already have a high (but normally consisted) level of lag.

Inouva wrote:
I can drive with "low" fps but

Oh and by the way... You can't !!!!111!!

It's impossible to drive with low FPS... Even for Inouva's

Increased lag, less response and even controller (mouse in this case) failure are the consequences. Hence the late braking. Or no braking in this case.

Offline Inouva
Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:33 pm Post 
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And why i start to riot?

And dont gona sacrifice the "Quality" for a extra fps while in fact with or without shadows still i have the same fps :duh:

Sorry for have a crap pc, i'm sure you enjoy play lfs in a hal 9000 like everyone elese... :/

I dont wanna talk about this anymore. :(

Thx and see you while i got unbaned :lief:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:38 pm Post 
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Inouva wrote:
And dont gona sacrifice the "Quality" for a extra fps while in fact with or without shadows still i have the same

Thanks for not listening to this suggestion and the other suggestions.

You have a configuration issue. Not a hardware issue. But if you are not listening then you have to take the consequences and future consequences.

Don't get me wrong, I try to help you but you are just as stubborn as always. :lief:

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