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Offline BobBCN
Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:39 pm Post 
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Hi again,

I tried downloading some layouts into my data/layout file hoping they would appear in Single Player Mode, but only one of them does. I got them from Romboy's Layout Thread in the LFS Forum. There are three: one for the autcross which has worked, but the others for South City don't appear, even though they are in the file with the rest.

The autocross one appears in the section called 'layout' but this section doesn't seem to appear with any of the other tracks.

Is it possible?

Also I have noticed that the BL historic also 'disappears' from single player. It's there after having raced in MP mode but one click and it's gone, but it is also in the data/layout file.

I imagine that because these tracks belong to servers then they are protected in some way.

Anyway, I'd just like to know.


Offline gandlers
Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:07 pm Post 
did you press the CTRL key to be able to select the X or Y open layout?

I'm working away at the moment so cant get on to confirm this works for layouts downloaded while connected to the server, but I do know you need to hold CTRL key to select an open layout.

Offline BobBCN
Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:00 pm Post 
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Yes, that works fine with the open layouts on all tracks, and I have just realised that by clicking on the Y option on the Sprint 2 (which corresponds to S03) the tracks suddenly appear on screen!!

Perfect, then. Many thanks. :thumb:

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