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Offline Nicce
Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:41 pm Post 
User avatar wrote:
You don't make the race, everyone else does.

when the race restarts and the green lights goes on.. the race is on.. so ye u guys in CG dont make the races WE racers does and imo that is just like it should be. =)
respect is given and taken and what i experienced since i loggd on for the first time "long ago" i allways have a blast on Cargames s2-GTR.. because i know its kinda the best multiclass server out here for us simracers. :thumb:

forgot to say: Cargames servers made me go from my beloved drifting scene to racing scene and for me that was well needed othervice i wouldnt be sticking around so mutch i really do on lfs at all. Drifting is fun somedays from time to time but i allways been into racing more than that before and CG just made me do the choice i needed more or less. :yes: more easy to shorten a story to one sentence rather than write a novell: drifting for 3years everyday isnt fun in the long term.

and imo the ppl in a race server is more friendly than in a drifting server.

(didnt wanted to spam in that thread that msg was written in so i posted a new one) O:)

Offline Tooth
Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:54 am Post 
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Nicce wrote:
i allways been into racing more than that before and CG just made me do the choice i needed more or less.

Now you can apply with your team to leagues and improve skills even more, put yourself and team to the test and go 110% :) GTAL is a good place to start. We entered last season for first time, and we had a blast. Had many close calls, many offs (:fp:) and many close races. Now looking back, we had much more fun than just CG race servers racing. But saying that, I must admit : Nothing cant beat the good oldfashioned CG servers races. More unexpectedies there than... A pope declearing to be a jew.. FTW.. :O

Nicce wrote:
when the race restarts and the green lights goes on.. the race is on..

I hoped to race LX4 with you yday :D

Offline Nicce
Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:57 pm Post 
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well GTAL is one place i gonna be next time its starting thats for sure :)

Tooth wrote:
I hoped to race LX4 with you yday

it sure will come a day soon we will run lx4 race Toothy :honger: :honger:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:50 pm Post 
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I can only handle a certain amount of 'feel good' level..

Where's Inouva? :[

Racername: Inouva
Online at: S2

Ah! :lol: :lief:

Offline Tooth
Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:20 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
I can only handle a certain amount of 'feel good' level..

Where's Inouva?

SERIOUS ROFL! :woop: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

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