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Offline KimJongIl
Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:50 am Post 
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Hi guys

When the server gets REAL busy (20+ cars in the race) it can get quite messy to say the least. So I was wondering if you guys experimented with a stewards system yet. As in an admin chooses to be steward in the race because he/she doesnt feel like racing. They then watch the race and if they see one of the funny T1 crashes they can send out a message F1 style "Car KimJongIl and Harvey are under investigation" I read that, start shivering and hope for the best.

Admin then has a quick look at the replay or if he/she thinks they know what was up they can give a drive through, stop & go or disqualify a racer. I just thought it might be a fun activity for admins to do rather than just watching the cars. people wouldnt get banned for making mistakes but would get a little bit of a reminder, F1 style basically.

So yeah go on and discuss!


Offline Tooth
Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:23 am Post 
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KimgJongIl wrote:
T1 crashes they can send out a message F1 style "Car KimJongIl and Harvey are under investigation" I read that, start shivering and hope for the best.

We try to ceep our servers clean by adult and sober thinking and reasoning, not with fear. We do slip through some accidents, its normal. But fearing people like that will make it more like everyday league not multiclass IMO. I got no clue, what Dave will produce in the future, but i hope, it will produce good :)

Offline KimJongIl
Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:28 am Post 
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Im not talking about fear lol. I mean i get a drive through so what? I can still win the race a la Button or Hamilton style ;)

I just thought of it as being a little 'mini' game for the admins and it would add a certain 'depth' to the racing. So you cant get away with 'causing an avoidable collision'. After all we are here for fun, right? (Well im here to win races, but others are here for fun. Joking..)

Offline Tooth
Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:12 pm Post 
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KimgJongIl wrote:
So you cant get away with 'causing an avoidable collision'

= Post to forum = Ban?

We have that kind of system, that people who do get wrecked, report to admins online, who take a look at replays and take proper actions. I seriously do not see the point of that kind of racecontrol system. :(

Offline Speedy J
Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:11 pm Post 
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Well it would be nice if I didn't have to abort my own race. In case Kim means that: :lief: :lol:

Offline -Joske-
Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:15 pm Post 
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Tooth wrote:
We have that kind of system, that people who do get wrecked, report to admins online, who take a look at replays and take proper actions. I seriously do not see the point of that kind of racecontrol system. :(

When you watch the race, and somebody brake to late or something ells that is small, you can give him a penalty, because you can't ban or kick somebody for that. So in that point it is good to give a penalty. But i think only Dave and Speedy can do that now... I try it before with that code, but it didn't work.

Offline Litro
Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:06 pm Post 
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-Joske- wrote:
But i think only Dave and Speedy can do that now... I try it before with that code, but it didn't work.

!pen 30|45|dt|sg|cl name - Penalizes nickname or username O:)
!lhelp is help for limited admins :thumb:

Offline -Joske-
Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:57 pm Post 
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Okay thnx. :thumb: Yep it works.

Offline KimJongIl
Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:32 pm Post 
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yeah exactly something like that! Awesome! :D Now all thats left is a 'car XY and YZ are under investigation.' :P

Offline Tooth
Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:33 pm Post 
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KimgJongIl wrote:
Now all thats left is a 'car XY and YZ are under investigation.'

Well, we can say who are under investigation aswell. We dont normally say it because : We dont want the wreckers to leave before, not to clarify, and not to interupt others racers by unneccesary chatting.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:04 pm Post 
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KimgJongIl wrote:
I just thought it might be a fun activity for admins

Fun activity?

There is no fun when adminning. This kind of activity only worsens problems because there will be even more discussion about -every- incident. I want discussions between the racers, not with any admin member. Or even worse, admins who are going to discuss between each other. Admins are there 'for last resort'.

For over a year everything runs pretty smoothly admin wise and I see no reason to drastically alter the way to handle incidents. It can never be perfect, it's an online race simulator with many many different age and culture classes and actually I'm personally very satisfied how its going most of the time. It's impossible, -impossible- to change a mindset for so many racers. Any idea how many different racers connect weekly? ;) ... Thats not comparable to any F1 race with only a handful of the same racers!

If you want something like this you have to join a league racing environment, and even there, with a limited amount of people... It sometimes gets out of hand.

The upcoming months are exciting enough with the patch release, changes for InSim behavior (which, sadly, almost nobody seem to understand :/ )... But don't get me wrong, I'm happy with input (f)

Offline Nicce
Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:41 pm Post 
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Any idea how many different racers connect weekly?

plz Dave.. do tell how manny it is in one week.. and not only total but i wanna know more if u can ofc: find out how manny different-newbies-oldiesregulars that are acctually connecting to CG servers. =)

Offline Tooth
Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:48 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
It sometimes gets out of hand.

Accidents do happen, were all human! :)

Nicce wrote:
do tell how manny it is in one week..

I think its in total about 10k connections. Per week ofcourse :P

Offline Speedy J
Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:05 am Post 
User avatar wrote:
For over a year everything runs pretty smoothly

In my opinion it is getting better by the day. Lots of races on the servers where everything goes well. People starting to know each other, helping out newbies. But of course sometimes atmosphere is nasty, that's very unpleasant but that's alo life.

Even if there is no admin online (plus people know how to find this forum if needed). Yeah, pretty smoothly. Kinda modest way to say it Dave :)

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